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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Could BNP win two seats? I haven't been following this closley but this is worrying is it not? Nick Griffin Asked about his own chances of winning another seat in the North West region, he says it is "too close to call".
  2. Was going to be picky and say technically the BNP is not a fascist party I'm pretty sure they are far right but not fascist as fascist are quite specific. However after doing a bit of research on the guy he seems to be part of the National Front! So I guess he could well be Fascist.
  3. So how many people voted for BNP over 100,000? Thats massive! Something Tories will have to think about when they get in power next year.
  4. I would have voted Labour but was on holiday looks like they didn't need my vote oh wait! lol
  5. You see my midfield would you recommend I sell one of those 6 star 20-21 year olds and save up for a uber player? So far I have adopted a pure training policy but your team is now frankly leagues ahead of mine I feel I am becoming uncompetitive. I dislike this trading aspect though its not something I enjoy doing I deffo prefer the old training up aspect of the game. Maybe I need to have a big rethink this season.
  6. Check out his special features to, worth 7 mil! I am doing a Wenger and not buying players but just using youth team but it seems I am losing out now I am deffo off the pace of the big 3 teams I reckon. Still I like my team it looks tidy apart from the goalies which are a mess. As for my rivals me and 64s used to have a great rivarly he was deffo my boogie team in many ways he reminds me of my own team, eg balanced, hope he will have a better season this time though not better than me! Moria and J7 are games I always want to win as those two guys are disgusting moral degenerates. Dyson and the Villan strike me as two psychos of the ultra high scoring vain who I usually have good fun with Press Release banter wise. To get back to teh question though I would have to say now Rez is my rival just because I really want to beat him! After those godamn draws last season I am determined to take him down haha. Oh quick question as the season is shorter this time do exp points accumulate quicker in indivdual games? Also just did the defintion of an epic fail. I trained a player I am selling. FFS
  7. Go on msn we need to debrief! lol Congrats to Shorty and Charlie btw good to see you two both back where you belong. Wait thats only correct for Shorty isn't it!
  8. So then are people looking forward to the change report? I am scared as per usual! Do we get one more form change for the average before it happens or not? I fear some of my players with form 12 average may not have a good report still got most of them to 100 exp.
  9. Oh you can trust me alright!!!! Give me the pass your team will do reaaaalll good! Rez stayed up eh! Well can't say I wanted that to happen but well done you grinded out those results and deserve to stay up. Congrats to Oddy a worthy winner. Oh man and drama in the lower league! Essex Elite snuck in the 3rd spot! Happy with my final win and got manager of the day award a nice conclusion to the season.
  10. Happy Birthday you loser
  11. As long as you don't reveal my xpert tactics you can say what you want!
  12. I share minimal information with friends I know from uni who are my closest friends. "In the end friends will let you down family are what matters" On a more serious note I think it might be because I am a only child I don't open up although I have told personal shit to various people on NE on msn that shall remain nameless!
  13. I know this topic led off with the ending of the series as a starting point but how about the start? One of the best intros to any show imo
  14. Needed that win for form reasons hope I can round off the season on a high on last game. Nice to see Dyson and the Villan are blaming me for ruining their title chances! Even though I have been condemed to mid table obscurity by sickos like 8-1-1 Rez I am glad I have impacted on the title race!
  15. Why aren't you on msn godamnit Rez offered to txt you wtf?
  16. I think you will be fine. You have done well at grinding points out of matches and I reckon a draw at home against Emo will keep you up still lots of twists and turns could still occur.
  17. You won't regret it trust me
  18. Oh god please say I haven't allowed Rez to stay up. I will literally never forgive myself. Of all the times to get shitty form this game!
  19. I miss it cause I am at work every day you sicko out on your dates! (Just kidding have fun) Even I am nervous today and I have nothing to play for.
  20. Talking about music I miss the wake up music that you heard for the first few days why did they scrap that!
  21. Pick this game up guys for that price its a steal. Does anyone who have it really look forward to gaurdian fights just for the music and lovely cutscene after?
  22. Ohhhh!
  23. :cry: What does this mean for the relegation battle. That some chump whose 3rd bottom may stay up if moogle is out of there? Damnit Moogle don't leave!
  24. Shit that guy is just gold but one of my faves is when someone is telling him about Tony B's buisness partner or something who is Korean and Paulies response is. "Never forget, Pearl Harbour!" haha got to love the guy. Also he is in one of the best acting scenes in the whole series in my opinion starting from 4.42 I have always thought this scene was a standout scene in the whole of Sopranos acting wise.
  25. ffs I hate it when I spend my hard earned cash on training and get like a 1 increase or some crap. God I am so mad I typed in N Europe Form instead of Forum to get here. Get training ready for the form changes you pieces of trailer trash!
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