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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Haden


    Hmm used to sleep quite well but since I got to choose my own sleep times eg 6th form things kind of went downhill. One summer I reguarly went to bed 3-4am and slept in till 12-2. Awful stuff now have bags under my eyes which is a shame cant really get to bed before 12 wake up about 10 for uni study. We have a big hoursly bell at my uni which I can hear when I try to get to sleep, it doesn't wake me up but torments me by letting me know how late its getting if I can't get to sleep. Want more sleep!
  2. Classic episode! Even had CGI I think and classical music! One of my friends thinks its Darcy who planted the bomb and I reckon this would make a lot f sense.
  3. Haden


    Oh man time for a power grab. Jordan you fake your own death I will report this to the police then edit this post out of existence and be made an admin for my heroic work. I will then somehow revive Jordan bring him back then have a heart to heart chat with Mr Odwin and Dan Dare in prision turning them into reformed citizens. Ah yes life will be sweet. : peace:
  4. I was wondering why you hadn't been postin much As for games well Zelda, the lawyer game for DS and various Xbox 360 titles, like gears of war and elder scrolls look super.
  5. Sorry m fergy im a newb xbox 360 owner so I am not to sure myself, have a look around the systems options area to see if you can change anything. A question from myself, I got a kameo and NFS demo from the truly abysmal offical xbox magazine. I noted that the kameo cutscene was jerky in 50hz mode but ok in 6ohz mode. And then found out that Futrerama was jerky in 6ohz mode but not in 50hz. To add to this madness I found NFS to just be plain nasty in both modes. But I was playing late at night so who knows. Anyway any suggestions?
  6. March which is my bday looks set to be a classic time. Ghost Recon and Elder Scrolls will probably both get purchased then
  7. All science is, is an observation of the facts using human senses to assitain a result. So if Wes sees a ghost he is using a scientific mode of observation when he claims he has seen a ghost. Science is literally completely neutral towards anything that includes God, ghosts or Gary Glitter. So don't try and own science or use it in the manner of a creed as its counter productive to what science actually means. Those who try to pit science vs religion are either naive or have an agenda to put on the cards, the two are very much compatible.
  8. Haden


    Ah ok sorry my areosmith hatred blinds me to any other references
  9. Haden


    Oh god is that a classic areosmith reference. If so kudos Haver, I once said to someone who liked that song and I said to them what would happen if you said those lyrics to a girl. I stay awake to hear you breathe etc, yep they would get a restraning order.
  10. hahhahahah genius, man that would rule so bad.
  11. Wow welcome to Communist Police State number 54, picking ideas from the enlightenment that suited them since 1917.
  12. Imitation of Life - R.E.M Heheheh deeper underground great suggestion :wink:
  13. Just to let anyone looking at the PSP theread know my PSP (with no dead pixels!) and various games and memory sticks are on sale in the trade board at the mo if anyone was intrested.
  14. OWNAGE! as in pwn = own. BOOM HEADSHOT I just pwned that guy! Or in real use, I pwned your great great grandfather but then he tried to steal some turkish delight off me and got deported to Australia. Now they pwn him.
  15. Oh hes an expert all right, an expert of this! I think darth vader best somes up my emotions on this matter. 15 characters? Er well lets see princess peach porn P.P.P the lowest of the low its sicker than the K.K.K. By that I mean Koopas Karavan Kapers of course.
  16. Me and Haver are whoring our souls to the devil, thats nearly the literal truth!
  17. If this isn't all some Haver fun time ruse I would love to talk to you about ideas etc
  18. Ok ok please say you are baking a cake for this. I will literally dress up as Bowser and kidnap you although I reckon that guy would just beat me up and chuck me into a pool of sharks rather than jump on my head comically.
  19. You jest but I have started writing one, yep I know the lowest of all the artistic endevours : peace:
  20. Shame :/ what kind of stuff were you using it for journalism/ stories/ neighbours future scripts?
  21. HAHHAHAHAHAH at least your one was quite decent if scary thats just horrendous its a man with a plastic bit of black on his face! Literally superb. Plesae please get married like this its wonderous.
  22. BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT! Ah man classic stuff, little britian is just a poor mans league of gentlemen tbh :wink:
  23. I could only create my own Haver and not join as I am a bit stupid but looks quite cool.
  24. Does no one else think mentalist? Just me then. I jest your very nice and it could be worse you could like dressing up as bowser! Four makes me laugh the most as imitation and actual Peach seem to merge.
  25. Thats Chavrrific!
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