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Everything posted by Haden

  1. High Five!
  2. Where do I buy the tickets from!
  3. I asked the gamestation guy today if I was gonna get one for launch. Im 41 in Staines. And he said I should do they were expecting more than 50. So yay I guess! Then again he said they could get like 10...
  4. Paul today was again on top form. Wheras Steph was just being a bitch. I want to talk to some uncomplicated men that dont speak back. Loser.
  5. When the guy gets hit by the fire bomb halfway through the animation of him running is literally a joke. Then the guy who gets sniped after that its like the textures need to resync or something horrible. When I saw the first enviroment right at the start I was like this is gonna be great but well it looks like its going to suck. Call of Duty for me then.
  6. rofl. Yet again you have come up with the goods. I wish I could make sigs I would fill it full of your hilarity.
  7. Israel when it was brought into existence got attacked by how many arab states? I agree a palestinian state needs to be made. But thats no excuse for hating Israel. The Muslims nicked the land of the Byzantine Empire so they are hardly legitmate owners of it. But Blair and Bush arent ordering these people to be killed are they. The difference is now in Iraq the deaths are illegitamtae killings rather than legitmate apart from ironically in saddams case! Im not saying that makes it better in the sense that loads of people are being killed. But stabitliy doesnt always = the morally right position.
  8. Looks not bad. The thing is Halo 2 on the xbox was so nice graphics wise to me even if it had glitches and its like why cant the wii do that but better. Development time and money I guess.
  9. Human rights guys often have an agenda. Lets like say for example they will openly weep about dead palestine people and demenstrate against guentamno bay but couldnt care less about israel or the practivces of al quaeda. No-ones perfect and most people usually have a slight agenda.
  10. The difference is they didnt go out to kill people who rose up against them or built mass graves. They caused a war and war = death and in iraq it means a lot of muslim on muslim voilence. But this doesnt mean they should be hung. Also considered heroes? For Bush apart from the Fox network just no. In Britian every media source is against Bush for cheap laughs. And Blair isnt much more popular.
  11. I screwed up. I think its because I was thinking of Henry or something.
  12. What the hell. That sounded like french you were speaking. I liked that accent language whatever it was (sorry for my ignorance). Nice house as well!
  13. I agree with you. But I think they had to do it for the reason that it shows a transition from the rule of a tyrant to the rule of law. They would be seen as being just as bad as Saddam if they didnt give him a trial and his supporters would go mental.
  14. lol thats great! And happy bday Mr Monopolyman!
  15. I just found it funny how you saw Fords post as a joke post. And not the one to kill Bush and Blair.
  16. Two posts before you. One saying Saddam Hussien ishould be killed the other Blair and Bush. And the one you pick on for the joke account is the Sadamm one. Well what a suprise its not ok to make psycho remarks about Saddam who just for the record I dont think should be killed but when it comes to Blair and Bush yep tehy should be killed. Because when all of you people exercise your freedom of speech on this forum to insult them they are going to gas you then bury your bodies, oh wait!
  17. rofl rofl rofl! I just kicked Stan! That is wonderful
  18. Are gamestation going to confrim who got one soon? I gave them my number and email address.
  19. I agree that whole section looks so wonderful.
  20. Slight spolier maybe in this picture. http://uk.media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/img_4044952.html It made me hard. In my heart! And my trousers....
  21. Are you having a laugh! Is he having a laugh! Sorry These forums arent as magic as they used to be for me. In the days of Apple and that Zeik guy? casuing havoc. And Svt 4 him etc. Then the games I used to make which were fun although I never finished them. And the uber leets meet up threads. Oh also Athriller in the Metal gear theread I loved reading his posts. On the other hand I have made friends with a few people from this board through msn recently which is classic stuff. I think when the Wii comes out things may get better. Dante is the highlight in that board. Becasue tbh at the moment the Wii boards 100% VERIFIABLY REAL DEAL DEFInATLY ON MY MUMS GRAVE I SWEAR TO GOD want to make me be sick. Although they are quite funny. So yeh some good and some bad. I wish bowser 57 would stop being so unsociable though oh crap flaming crusade means we wont be seeing him for an age.
  22. Shouldnt you spoiler box those Dante? Very nice pics though.
  23. I ltierally lold so much at that. I also loved it when one of them was like. But evolution doesnt rule out god. duhhhhhhhhh you believe in the spaghetti monster tooo!!! But I didnt say anything about spaghetii. Get in the corner! lol
  24. Video 6 makes me very happy.
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