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Everything posted by Haden

  1. I might get this it looks ace. I loved COD2 shame its made my different people :/
  2. Playing Eternal Darkness so so good. This will tide me over till Wii
  3. Your PSP and DS changed shade!
  4. Anyone any idea when the second batch is coming gamestation or otherwise? Please dont say this Friday. Im so screwed if thats true...
  5. I may have lied to you about mine being double I mean triple figures.
  6. Who knows I hope so Im waiting on gamestation to email/ring me.
  7. Spurs are Jew some respect!
  8. Your dad is a legend!
  9. Is this because your waiting on gamestation 2nd batch? Man why dont they know by now?
  10. Im waiting on a gamestation email I better be next in line. Huh? Links info etc etc? 2nd batch coming soon?
  11. Gamestation failed me luckly so did my tv so I would be crying ironically if I had a wii now so its all good. Gaurenteed one before christmas. That better happen...
  12. I noticed this its like its payback time you bitches!
  13. I think you have to send it to get fixed. Man unlucky I feel so sorry for you
  14. Oh man thats so sucky :/ they havent sorted the crashing update out yet? Is the update compulsory to play games?
  15. In the words of some kid. WIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! I hope this thread is full by tommorow midday
  16. zero days to go yay!
  17. That really is immense I cant believe it...
  18. Ah man unlucky at least you get a tenner I guess
  19. lol im hoping he gets to the point of no return turns the page and sees her massive face staring at him. That would be a literal classic. I cant believe Max escaped death and why didnt Paul use a silencer?
  20. lol if that guy would have said that to me I would have been very scared!
  21. Im actually 43 and the guy wrote it on my reciept so I guess its just my store. Man alive though 43 and I get screwed
  22. I was told I was 41 and my reciept says 41 is that what you meant?
  23. Rang gamestation. Apparently the date of the 2nd batch will be reviled tommorow. I know its not going to happen but I want him to be like guess what it will be on MODNAY! Yeh I know fat chance... What I dont get is my number is the same as a lot of you guys and I ordered late october yet no Wii for me
  24. For Itv that was very very good coverage. Newsnight was a pile of shit. If anyone saw the videogaden episode taking the piss out of New Games Journalism a few weeks back it was like that but worse.
  25. . I disagree with you 100% Well maybe 90 as I see nuclear weapons as a waste of money. But to give them to a country like lets say Iran whos leader has said he wants to wipe Israel off the map is hardly responsible is it.
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