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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Anyone have any experience of the EA matchmaking tool or whatever it is? Easy to use hard to use etc? I agree about NHL especially considering the new fifa viewpoint is just like oldschool nhl games! I would have thought nhl would be easier to bring to the wii than fifa tbh.
  2. Finally completed Zelda after like 7 months? What a classic game and super ending the last two dungeons and the end boss are sublime will edit this post to include spoilers of what I think in depth. What a great game though! Epic is the word.
  3. Hmm thats true 6 weeks is nothing on with the hypage! Btw on a side note pedro have you seen the new RE4 wii movies on gametrailers? They show a noticable improvement I think above the GC version as your the expert in these things just wondering what you thought.
  4. Bit early? Still hyped though I am always on that sweet sweet hype train.
  5. Genuine lol there
  6. Hmm almost certianly, I think all religions should be taught to allow freedom of thought, if that fits in secular then that should be fine.
  7. 100% atheistic? 100% liberal neutral would be much more advisable.
  8. What do you mean by removing authority?
  9. How do you ban a religion without persecuting people? Hehe thanks I had to talk about the church in it! Some of the laws were mental. Sorry I didnt mean to kinda be over the top with that list it just kinda frustrates me when people say religion causes all wars because if you really look at them it hardly ever does. Anyway back to tom cruise!
  10. Ok better run to my exam reaaal soon will answer your more complex moral points first but here goes. Personal antagonism Countless Revolutionary powers vs unrevolutionary powers French revolution Illgetimacy Persian vs Byzantine wars under Heraclius Order vs Disorder French intervention in Spain 1823 Different ideologies Cold war WW2 Nationalism WW1 Italian wars against Austria Failing domestic policy distraction Charles X expitidtion into Algeria 1830 Breaking status quo German British rivalry leading up to WW1 That was off the top of my head when I get back from exam I will go more in depth if you want but real relgious wars. And I mean wars just for the sake of religion rather than any other reasons and no finacial gain are incredibly rare. You name me a war that you think was soley to do with religion and I may be able to point to other factsors. I say may as Medieval isnt my strong point but if you went to Byzantine era which is ore religious anyway everytime I would have an answer I reckon. Now theres an open challenge hehe Ok gotta dash!
  11. Completley agree about seperation of Church and State, people should bte informed of religions neutrally in RE though. This is completley different to banning religions though, one is found in liberal democracies the other in Communist dictatorships.
  12. Wow ok comrade Stalin. Sierously you can't start whining about religions persecutions past present etc and then just make statements like that. I bet you dislike people knocking on your door and telling you about religion then could you please stop being a atheist aggressor! Damn I was trying to think of something akin to Bible Basher, my alliteration skills failed. Sierously though statements like the above are just wrong in lots of ways. Back on the point no don't ban scientology. Argue with it, debate with it. Man alive this is a free country you can't just ban stuff people fought long and hard for these freedoms. If this religion is so illogical which I agree it is lets have a debate and expose it rather than just banning it man alive. Rant over
  13. Shouldn't be to hard to find surely? In all seriousness I hope everythings ok!
  14. I mean thats the one that my pc speakers use. Im blatently going to have to get new speakers arent I lol
  15. Hmm the thing is Im not sure where I would plug in the 2 phono to jack plug thing you linked? As there would be the two red and white cables and then the green cable as well where would it all go? And how would I connect the three together? If you see what I mean sorry if im being unclear.
  16. Hey guys After finding out a DVI to VGA adaptor would enable me to play 360 on my monitor I was quite excited. However am I going to have to buy a new set of speakers? My current set only have a green cable to plug into a pc and nowhere for the red and white? cables to go. Sorry if this is a newb question its just I really dont want to have to buy a new set of speakers as I like my old ones. All the best Haden
  17. The thing I loved about Simcity was the music. Yeh I know ive got problems but it was just so nice in the background. Also what a good looking game! As for tips well just build a balanced city I guess. I have the expansion as well! Rush Hour I think its called.
  18. Here is a song about the pain of love and also is something wonderful. The rap is superb! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEV-o6-invU Your in a pretty bad situation atm Flinky. Times do change though I know its a cleche. About a year ago I was in the shit girl wise and now im with someone I love (even if I fucked up last night by saying I liked the one with black hair on sex and the city damn girls are so sensitive um ok besides the point). What I mean is though things do change and it probably wont work out with your old gf. But you will meet someone new and when your having good times with her your be thanking the fact that you were single when you met her. At least thats how I look at it. Anyway all the best Flinky and remember you can look forward to beating me at Mario Strikers soon enough!
  19. What would I need for the Wii to work with it? Im guessing it will be something else or will it not work with that at all?
  20. Cool Any help on components I would need to get with it?
  21. Sorry to hijack your thread Moria :p just wondering if I were to get a 360 could I use this monitor to display HD? And what extra connections would I need? Also would the wii be ok on it as well? http://accessories.euro.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&sku=78642
  22. Thought I would come back at the turn of the tide for a small post. Just to say this is my most played Wii game apart from wii sports and I own Zelda and Red Steel! The reason is, isn't because it even has a better single palyer mode per se. But theres so much to do. You literally can do so much crap, rob banks, attack other gangs, do the main game, beat up some civilians, start a mob war. Its so much fun and you get a real sense of progression as you upgrade your ranks and you can tailor how you play the game to your style with upgrades. Also the wii controls are great and the executions in the game are horrific they make me laugh . Anyone whos looking for a long lasting game in this semi game drought could do a lot worse than this. Great music and extras as well!
  23. Hey thanks very much guys it was a bit odd going on msn and all my NE msn contacts being like happy bday! I was like how do they all know lol. Anyway I went out last night got pretty drunk had great time will be watching soprones with takeout and gf tonight so its all good fun thanks again and enjoy saint patricks day guys!
  24. Hey thanks guys. Basically I want to draw a line in the sand for a while as when I come on the forum I spend like an hour going through each sub forum and then might come back later in the day or at night and I find it hard to limit myself so thats why im off. I just need to prioritise etc. Oh and Jordan sorry for no mention as I said I would forget people. You have always been a funny guy and im really glad things have worked out with you and Letty you have matured a lot and obviously love her very much. Oh and to Letty thanks for the MC Hammer! Oh and I forgot to say keep going to those gigs Platty and I will run into you one day. Oh and to all the people who say im doing it to recieve some love. You better belive it its my last post! Oh wait I mean Im doing it for the chohesion of the forum... Ok anyway thats my morning edit over and done with so get on with posting some threads about people being killed by stingrays and jordans jar! Bye.
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