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Everything posted by Speedysurfer

  1. What did you all think of this years Oscar nominations? Were all of you surprised like me that Jack Nicholson wasn't nominated? And who do you think that will win?
  2. Scoop Very funny, but it feels a bit creepy to have a female Woody Allen (Scarlett's part is a lot like woody) PLUS Woody Allen himself... 7/10 The Prestige Really impressive. The feeling you get from the movie is the same than when you are amazed by a magician... 8/10
  3. Lol...seriously dude, leave that translator alone...you just asked if posting in another language is going against the local rulers (as in, those things you use to draw straight lines). Well, even if the Wii Plays do work, I can't find those anyway...
  4. Although Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the clear favorites right now on the democrat side, don't count Al Gore out yet! He's been having quite some good publicity lately, especially with that movie...So if he decided to run, he would definitely have a great chance of winning. After all, he did have more votes than Bush that other time (although he never officially won, go figure...). So if Hillary Clinton has the vote of many women desiring to have a female president and the pity vote from those who see her as the betrayed woman in all the Bill Clinton's affair and Barack Obama gets the black vote, Gore would get the "OMG! The apocalypse is coming and only Al Gore knows how to get us out!" vote (the way people talk about him sometimes, it almost seems he's the only one in the world that knows about environmental policies) and the pity vote from those who see him as "that guy who was screwed some years ago". So it's pretty much neck and neck between these three.
  5. I think the big question here is why the hell a guy who has a TV that big ever thought of trying to play the Wii on a GBA...
  6. The wonders of translation websites never cease to amaze me...
  7. Well, I started the thread in english so that people from other countries could give their statements on whether the same problem is happening in their countries too or not. Although noone from outside Portugal has answered yet, I think it's best to keep it in english. I also saw the component cables at El Corte Inglés some days ago, but I stopped by there today and there weren't any left. Importing is not an option for me as I don't have any credit cards, and the few places I spotted that had, for instance, the Wii remote, required credit cards. At GAME they told me my best shot was to send angry e-mails to Concentra, which shows how drastic this situation has become. By the way, it seems even Wii Play isn't a possibility, as according to some stores, for some odd reason, all, or most of the "Wii Play"'s that got here were returned to the stores shortly after they were sold due to malfunctions of both the remote AND the game. Once again, if anyone finds Wii Remotes and all the rest, please say something! It's really boring to play Wii Sports with just one remote!
  8. I've been looking all over the stores in Lisbon and every store tells me the same thing: Wii Remotes, Nunchucks, Classic Controllers and Points Cards are all sold out. Apparently, Concentra, the company that distributes Nintendo products here hasn't had any of those for quite a while. In one of the stores I went to (El Corte Inglés, to be more precise), I was told that even their Spanish stores have the same problem, and actually even ask the Portuguese ones for these products, which they don't have either. So, these accessories are sold out in Portugal and it seems that in Spain too. Are any people from other countries having the same problem? Also, if there are Portuguese people around here that know of any stores where there any left, I'd be very thankful.
  9. I've just beat single player, and multi mode appeared...it isn't anything extraordinary though
  10. My Wii Number is 5939 4504 5962 3332. PM if you add me. I really wanna see some Miis in the Mii Parade...my Miis feel so lonely right now :wink:
  11. Well, Young Link is one of my favorite characters...even though he's weaker than Link, he's quite faster, which I think is more useful. However, my favorite character is Ness. He's quite powerful even though he's very light (just think of that baseball bat attack, it does a lot of damage and has quite some reach, and that aerial kick too) his 2nd jump is great, if you master the PK Missile (you know, when you hit yourself with PK Thunder) you can save yourself quite easily (plus, it's a powerful/annoying attack), and you can make your Samus/Mewtwo using friends furious with that absorbing attack so they can't hit you with those projectiles. I don't know why noone else said Ness.
  12. Speaking of Ikaruga... Am I the only one who regretted buying Ikaruga? It looks cool and all but it's TOO FREAKIN' HARD! For crying out loud, if I buy a game, I'd expect to at least have some fun with it, not want to smash the controller after 2 minutes playing it! Am I really such a terrible player or is it "normal" to suck at Ikaruga?
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