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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. If anyone wants to pick up a wooden bookshelf recipe or visit sahara, let me know, and I'll open the gate. I forgot what the mystery items were.
  2. I love them singing to KK Bazaar I believe.
  3. I may have a large spike this week.
  4. Where did you hear that? That's definitely bullshit.
  5. I know this is (very) short notice, and this'll be the last time I'm bringing it up again, but.. @Dcubed @RedShell @Vileplume2000 That UK streamer, Hanakane, is streaming in a few minutes again. I'm submitting my SMB2 level, could be cool to see everyone's challenge level in action.
  6. I'm closing off in a few minutes. Watching a stream soon, and after that it's movie night. We can trade tomorrow.
  7. Yup! Would love to trade. I'll trade any 3rd spotlight items for other 3rd spotlight items I don't have. Doesn't need to be 1 on 1.
  8. Those are 2 3rd spotlight items (i.e. the expensive ones). Elaborate kimono stand (hawk) Screen (bamboo)
  9. Actually yeah! I missed the few other opportunities here. Making 2 trips if ok.
  10. Ooh! gold toilet, gold bars, and the money floor please!
  11. More furniture tweets. All the cheap stuff is up for grabs. The expensive stuff I prefer to trade for other expensive stuff. The things I can't re-order or easily craft, and a few items I may want to hang on too, are exceptions. I love trading for variants!
  12. Does anyone want stacked magazines recipe?
  13. I should have one. I'll send one when I boot up the game again.. Not sure if that's tonight though.
  14. Yeah it's annoying. I want them to update everything. But they only update the most recently played games (so I'm guessing like @Nicktendo says, the games on the home screen), which is why my NES and SNES apps haven't updated. And you won't receive an update while you're playing the game, as evident by the last AC update mishap. I'd also like a log of what's updated, as I often miss the notifications.
  15. That looks like it's going to be the case. At least over here, in The Netherlands, I don't know what the current situation in the US is. Cinemas are re-opening 01-06 over here, albeit with some measures in place, like having a maximum of 30 people at one screening. But.. I had a look at the new program for one of the commercial cinemas.. With film releases being in a sort of limbo right now, the program is a mix of films that were running before the lockdown, and just some curated older ones. Apparently some people (like me), can't wait to get back into the cinemas again, and right now Interstellar is sold out on the first day. So yeah, I can guarantee that at least over here, Tenet will be a big hit. I should probably get my tickets as soon as possible.
  16. If you're still online, I've had a look, but I don't think I have much in storage (or in the cataslogue for that matter) that would interest you. Right now I only seem to have 2 blue persian rugs and 1 red "kilim" rug, in the large format. I have a avocado rug which is clean, but it's medium. Some others, but I don't think you'll like 'm. Edit: No actually, I may have more, but it's hard to tell, as I can't sort by size in the storage or catalogue. Edit:This is from my catalogue.Should have most, but not all, in storage. Large rugs blue persian rug (square) red persian rug (square) red kilim-style carpet (square) blue wavy rug red wavy rug modern wavy rug brown argyle rug yellow argyle rug green shaggy rug (square) monochromoatic dotted rug retro dotted rug peach checked rug (square) yellow checked rug (square) yellow stripes rug The rest are rectangles, and a whole lot smaller, but are still catagorized as "large". Of the medium size, the square and round ones are roughloy same size as the large rectangle ones. The ones I like are the red blocks rug, and black medium rug, but I don't have those in storage. The avocado I mentioned. Plus a few round ones, like a cool purple "magic" rug, and a basic round blue rug, and a red one.
  17. And what colour? I have a spare large blue persian rug for example. But I should have a few others as well. Every time I see Sahara, I buy everything, including one of each rug to get more tickets. I'll go have a look when I boot up the game again.
  18. I'll come by a bit later. I should have a few. What size / colour are you looking for?
  19. @BowserBasher & @RedShell thanks for the stuff!
  20. I'd love a pink one as well! Does anyone have a pink open sign by the way?
  21. Yes, thanks! Does anyone need a wooden end table recipe? otherwise I'm doing some flying myself.
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