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Everything posted by darthbane2k

  1. Some Wii pods at the european event had wiimotes wired to them. I would imagine demo pods at retailers would have the same approach, and that games that require the nunchuck or classic controller would not be playable.
  2. Okay , Wii is launched in the UK on December 8th, which isnt really that far away. America had E3 and the Fusion tour and Japan had a public event in Tokyo. So isnt it time that Brits actually get to experience Wii first hand? I was lucky enough to get into the european press event in Excel recently, but as Nintendo state, Wii really needs to be played to be believed. Its only after a hands on experience with Wii that you understand its potential, what its about and Nintendos philosophy. You end up having so much fun that you forget about specs, graphics, CPU and GPU. Damn near everyone had a stupid grin on their face at the european event. In order to attract non-gamers and the mainstream, wii needs to be experienced soon. Most of the general public have no idea what wii is.
  3. Great. Better start pre-ordering those Component cables (if the damn retailers ever let us) because Id bet my house on the fact that they will be sold out for months due to amount of people who currently have HDTVs. I bet you Nintendo wont manufacture anywhere near enough Component cables.
  4. Useful thread. I always planned to run my Wii in Component- Progressive Scan. I have actively tried (but failed) to find out whether Nintendo will bundle Component cables with Wii much like Microsoft did with 360. I have asked retailers if an official Component cable will be sold seperately, and if so - could I pre order. No one has any information. And if you remember the RGB scart lead fiasco with xbox360 - these were out of stock for months!! I dont want to settle for composite on my 42" TV. I simply MUST have a Component cable at launch.
  5. Its quite simple actually. They'll only have a wiimote wired to a wii console. No nunchuck will be present because of security issues. Nintendo will only preview one handed control games such as wiisports. Games such as zelda, red steel will be previewed in video only.
  6. Thats some nice FAKE memory you've bought yourself there! Honestly - EBAY??! Dont you know any better... A fast card? For ROMS no bigger than 64mb max? No matter what speed your card is, it wont make a blind bit of difference in the performance of virtual console games. The Wii's RAM will handle that all. GREAT DEAL. Sod the 2GB one, im def going for this. In hindsight 2GB is probably overkill anyway.
  7. I very much doubt you will be able to get an 8gb SD card at that price in 2 months time , market prices wont change that much between now and when wii launches. £21 for 2GB SD is a great deal - especially as the normal current price for memory of this capacity is around £35-£40. My Pocket PC and Digital camera say hi.
  8. 2GB should be plenty for your gamesaving, Web Browsing and Virtual console needs. A bit premature? yes.But a great deal none the less. Choose SUPER SAVER for FREE SHIPPING. http://www.ebuyer.com/UK/product/104113/product_info
  9. I have already put my £30 down at HMVs flagship London Store (Oxford St), but I called them today to ask what the preorder demand has been like so far. They declined to give me a figure, but said Preorders should be steady and that they "may" have a midnight launch. What made me laugh though was that they claimed that the Wii launch wont be as frenzied and as in demand as PS3's LOL - this is gonna be like PSP vs DS all over again. NO ONE will see Wii coming!
  10. Well I dont know if its 'shit' but yes, certainly the Gamecube controller is better - however it is NOT wireless, I dont want cables trailing across my rather large living room. Yeah, I could use a wave bird, but then I'd have my Wii flap open and some ugly ass reciever sticking out of it...
  11. Those of you pre ordering wii points and classic controllers should wait. I specifically remember a Nintendo Rep at the European event in ExCel say that there will be a points card which comes with a FREE classic controller in limited supply..
  12. May I ask why the anticipation? What is so appealing about preordering your wii from Gameplay? The prices look pretty standard to me...
  13. well I lost my patience with Toys R Us, especially after calling them today and being told that they had 'no information whatsoever on this Wii product" I preorder my Wii at the large HMV store on Oxford St London.They will host a midnight launch event, hopefully it will be a good vibe, lots of press, lots of freebees etc. £30 deposit and my Wii is Guaranteed!
  14. To be honest, its STILL going to look like that isnt it? There's still going to be Yoshi, Kirby, Mario et al...
  15. Okay guys - my hands are held up. Gonna have to agree to disagree. I just thought Nintendo deserved a little bit more out of the SSB 'arrangement' than they have recieved so far.
  16. Far as I know MGS is not exclusively tied to Playstation. If this was the case, why was MGS released for Xbox and Gamecube. If however Kojima did sell the franchise to Sony, then I rest my arguement.
  17. how in the hell is that illegal by my logic. Do you even understand what the hell I am saying?
  18. Why would there be debate? Sega develop for Nintendo. Sonic games appear on Nintendo formats. Sega do not constantly snub Nintendo for Playstation formats.
  19. Wait and see.. Wait and see.. what HAVE we seen? Wasnt Kojima supposed to be one of the first developers approached about Wii. Didnt he say (when the controller was first revealed) that he was on board? Also, Metal Gear Solid wont end at MGS4 - you believe that you eblieve anything. Its too much of a cashcow.
  20. Im talking more specifically about Kojima Studios and not Konami as a whole.
  21. Okay. But imagine the "money money money" if Nintendo had said to Kojima, "Okay, you can have Snake in Smash Bros, but only if he appears in a new Wii game" So who out of Kojima and Nintendo (regarding this deal) has the upper hand? That is the question...
  22. Metal Gear Soild 1 & 2 could very easily be remade on DS or a new game developed from their engine/s. Secondly Metal Gear Ac!d could very easily be developed for DS, and would suit stylus control. DS is the best selling handheld in the world, yet PSP gets all the Kojima love? This is my point, he and his studios continually snub all nintendo formats, so why is he being 'allowed' his fantasy of Snake appearing in smash bros. Its like that Janet Jackson song "what have you done for me lately" Well, Sonic (from what I know) WILL be on smash bros on Wii. further more, Sega actually develop for Nintendo and actually put sonic games on Nintendo consoles. Of course there is nothing wrong with extra characters, but surely Nintendo should get something in return? If anything, Smash Bros should be a massive beat em up featuring video game icons that actively appear on Nintendo formats.
  23. Im glad you have identified the BUSINESS side of things. Proving my point really - from a BUSINESS point of view, Nintendo allows Kojima to add Snake in Smash Bros and to develop a 'special stage' for his character. So what exactly do Nintendo gain from this?
  24. Smash Bros has such a devoted following, was this 'stunt' really needed?
  25. Played this at the european event -laser hockey -table tennis -shooting gallery (duck hunt) - Pool Game from what I remember. WHERE did you see it on pre-order for £29??!!!
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