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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. There was an article about it saying that prices now are much cheaper, compared to the time of N64. Also, because you can put more space on a cartridge, over 100gb and more (I mean, that kind of memory) it would give developers more freedom and make it easier to make games) and if I have understood it corectly even if the console isn't powerfull enough for some game ideas, they can increase the power via the cartridge (building some chips in, or increasing RAM). They would probably have to help financing some of the games to decrease the cost of the cartridge, but if not using the BR would significantly decrease the price of the console and so increase the sales it would probably be worthwile. On the other side for smaller games they would use cartridges with less memory which would be cheaper, plus apparently it would give them edge when it comes to put indie games in retail. I think these are the most important things mentioned in the article. Also, if they want the games to be played on both consoles it just can't be a BR as it is to big for a portable device.
  2. There were reports that they will use cartridge, or something simmilar, as it is much cheaper now compared to 15 years ago, so they would not need a blu ray reader/player.
  3. I hope that they will make an offer, like buy TP and get other game free, or 50% off. Don't know what they have to lose. Again, after I read about Xenoblade I am thinking of getting and older TV (my old one is broken, or at least I think it is as when I put scart cable in the pictures is grey) just to play it as it should look better on it.
  4. Sources Suggest Nintendo NX Is A Fusion Of Home And Mobile Hardware Powered By "Industry-Leading" Tech http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/10/sources_suggest_nintendo_nx_is_a_fusion_of_home_and_mobile_hardware_powered_by_industry-leading_tech
  5. Next Splatoon Patch Drops October 20th, Rapid Blaster Pro Arrives Tomorrow http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/10/next_splatoon_patch_drops_october_20th_rapid_blaster_pro_arrives_tomorrow
  6. They are probably going to charge it full price, isn't it? Like WW.
  7. I have no clue about this, but I am with you on this one :D. So even the same version would look good on da pad? That actually would probably make me buy it.
  8. I know, but that's my only hope . I played it on the Wii, but I just had to stop because of the graphics (I love Zelda and didn't want that to ruin it for me). Ah, I will just save money for WW, I hope.
  9. If it's HD, so it's 2 Zeldas I will have to buy, aaaaaaaaaaargh. I have it on Wii, but I would prefer it HD, as it doesn't look that good on newer TVs.
  10. Does Nintendo give sales on certain times of year (Halloween, etc.....)? I mean the e-shop?
  11. But Splatoon is not COD as the weapons you can choose, but the rest is a bit different. I do have few pieces of clothes which are full, but only one, or two are really usefull, the rest just doesn't suit me. OK, I know people are different, but I also played COD and I get it why you want to change the weapons a lot there, but with splatoon it is different for me. Yes, it would help some people, but it should really not be an issue. Of course, it's just my opinion.
  12. Honestly, I don't see how is that such a big problem? You choose a weapon and play and till now you should be having your favourite weapon. If you play squads you don't need to leave the loby to change it. Me and @are1981 are having usually good times and the only thing we complain is when are team mates (or when I ) play bad.
  13. I am thinking of getting this as I just can't affor Zelda or SM3DW, which I really want.... It's just I havent finished yet Darkseiders 2, then there is Batman I didn't even play properly, plus other small games.
  14. Thx for the answers. I can get it here for about 36 pounds and will probably buy it here then. It's not worth ordering it from abroad as I will have to pay tax as it is about 50KM (our currency).
  15. Can anyone, please, tell me what is a good price for Zelda WindWaker and Super Mario 3D World? Thx.
  16. I hope that the article is on right track as it sounds really good. I didn't know that cartridge could improve the specs of the console (I don't mean space, but processor speed, RAM,...., or did I missunderstood it?). But I do still hope that the console will be powerfull enoungh on it's own as it would help with third parties (I know that the abilitie to make games for handheld and home console on one cartridge should be enough, but some power is still needed)
  17. We came close, only 3m (I like to think it's meter ) and we lost that one. Sorry, have to go now. Had a great time
  18. I know, did you see the one, 3m.....
  19. Why are we playing only against 4? I am so pissed of right now,.... Takes "100" shots to splat someone.
  20. We are a good team,....., to play against .
  21. OK, @Are.... And we finally won
  22. What about now, I am free for about half an hour, or hour?
  23. I will do my best to be on at least for an hour tonight. Maybe 22-23h CET. Of course there is a chance of my mother in law comming and destrying the plans.
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