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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. I'm desperate for any fighter to join. =P Well, not many people were nuts for playing Smash WiiU online since it came out heh. I'm the one who's been hosting the majority of these matches, and to be honest, it can be pretty draining trying to get people to play when there just isn't much response/interest. There's a bunch of factors that contribute to why this is, but... whatever. All I can do is invite members of a community to play and try to ensure everyone has a fun time. Whether they accept that invitation or not is out of my hands. Sorry If that response is a bit of a downer. Room is open. Let's play a silly game where you can whack Pikachu in the face with a golden hammer as Link. Everyone is invited as always. EDIT: Sorry @RedShell, wanted to check I had @Phube added. I did not. Derp.
  2. Can't say that any more after tonight. =P If anyone posts showing their interest before 10PM I will open a new room, but otherwise, tonight was fun, and I will be opening a room again tomorrow at 8PM, so post if you're interested in that, too!
  3. It was good to have you @Kaepora_Gaebora, glad you enjoyed yourself and hope your connection gets sorted!
  4. Audio @Kaepora_Gaebora and @RedShell I will be opening my room in a few moments! Anyone else is free to join... I may be able to convince my bro to play with us if enough time passes (don't worry, he's not as good as I am). EDIT: If I leave the room that means I'm creating a new room to accommodate my brother, so keep that in mind!
  5. Neato (don't forget to accept my friend request). Not sure if @Glen\-i wanted to join as he only talked about Tourney Mode, so for now let's say there's still one more space available for my room. I'm gonna be a pal and say that handicap will be turned on to start with and set to auto, but last place will be free to turn it off if they so choose. You've got just over an hour to say you're innnn! I mean, you could still join after I've opened the room at 8PM. But you could call dibs right now.
  6. Well, I'm, um, pretty good at the game (not tourney player good though). I can't speak for DuD in Wii U Smash, but in Brawl he was a decent player. However, I am always looking to welcome all players, so if you're worried that you may struggle we can turn on the handicap, so the more we win, the higher our percentage is to start with. And if we get four players, then we can do team battles, and you could side with one of us! You should check out my videos in the first post to get a good idea of how things can play out. Regardless, I've sent you a friend request!
  7. Good man! I'll use Lucas in our first match, just for you. =P I can't remember whether you liked items or not. BTW, your signature is so 2008, pal. Say "Fuzzy Pickles!" I was bored. I'm sorry. There's still two more spots available, so if you wanna play, post and participate! And feel free to contribute thoughts on Tourney Mode, too!
  8. E3 is over. ...Time to wait for next year's one. I'll be back someday! The latest DLC hit during a busy period for gaming, so I imagine some haven't had much of an opportunity to use it. So this weekend I plan on having a room open at my usual time of 8PM for Saturday and Sunday, and maybe have a 10PM one too if anyone is still hanging around then. Stay home and be a family man/woman this weekend, then proceed to ignore your family to play some games of Smash! As usual, post here if you're available! --- Also, it's a ways off, but I figure I may as well bring the upcoming Tourney Mode into the conversation, as it may bring in more players. To give everyone a quick refresher, Tourney Mode, planned for an August update (hey, just like Splatoon), will allow players to create and join tournaments. User tourneys appear to follow a league-ish format where the player with the most points over a set period of time wins. Hopefully that won't come down to the winner being whoever plays the most. Let us play a dangerous game and assume for now that that isn't the case. The image above shows that you will be able to set all sorts of rules - even more than you can typically set when playing with friends online! As well as the typical Stock, Time and Coin matches, you can also use Special Smash rules! Right now though there's only evidence to suggest that you can only use one type of rule from those options, so don't expect that you'll be able to create a Stamina Mega Bunny Metal Curry Light Fast Angled Smash just yet. You can also alter stage and item selection... overall it appears pretty flexible! As mentioned, August is a long way off, but I thought I'd post about it so I could see if anyone readin' this is interested in making tourneys a thing. I've said before with Mario Kart that I'm not big on leagues and tourneys, and I don't plan on having tourneys replace regular smashing, but if it brings in more players then I'd like to get the idea right so we have as many people having fun as possible. We throw some ideas around now, solidify things as the update gets closer, and make a big push to get people involved upon release. To get the ball rolling for ideas, since one person can create two tourneys at a time, if there's only one "league organiser" so to speak, then perhaps it would be good to have one "For Fun" tourney and one "For Glory" tourney running simultaneously. That way you can satisfy both those who like their items and crazy stages and those who enjoy more competitive matches. Having more than one league organisor would allow for more tourneys (and hence more variety) running at once, but runs the risk of diluting the player count (remember, you can only join four tourneys at a time, and players may not want to exclusively join n-e tourneys). This post was way too long for something that not enough people will be interested in. =P
  9. Fine. For my first level, Mario must enter a warp pipe that leads to the goal flag. But the warp pipe is attached to a Monty Mole's butt (or some other speedy enemy), so Mario must chase the enemy through the stage and enter its butt before the enemy runs into the lava towards the end of the course. It will be called Mario x Dr. Mario: Plumbing Meets Colonoscopy. I doubt you could do this, though.
  10. Audio Actually I could probably post Statler and Waldorf stuff all day long, so I should stop myself there. =P
  11. Somebody who, unlike me, is actually good at GIFs could probably put the game's logo on the door or something.
  12. Well my 3DS circle pad gets stuck up and down now thanks to Smash so I probably can't. I'm one of those people that like the 3DS stages more than the Wii U ones though (Spirit Trainnnnnn), so I should probably get it fixed sometime. I don't know how long Microsoft's press conferences tend to be, but assuming they're 2 hours max I believe theres there's anything going on between 8 and 9pm tonight (unless you plan on watching YouTube Live), so that's a potential gap to play the Wii U. otherwise I guess the earliest to play will be around the weekend! He said all too optimistically.
  13. Not that I don't appreciate the compliments, but the last thing I did with a game's creative elements was a Smash Bros stage, where I took Ine's bird from her Whistle drawing and shoved a cannon up its butt. I don't think I'm as creative as people think I am. =P
  14. Wasn't sure whether to put this in the Smash Bros. thread or here, but it's more E3 related, so... Back when Mewtwo got his trailer in April, I made this observation: This was before Roy was leaked, so I'm gonna chuck in a quick "called it" whilst I'm posting. With this in consideration, I watched yesterday's Smash direct again last night... and something clicked. Look at the beginning of the Ryu Trailer again: At the beginning of the trailer, Ryu is seen approaching Fox, Link and Samus. Now, this may be putting too much thought into these things but consider this: Star Fox Wii U will be at E3. Hyrule Warriors 3DS was leaked (and I guess there's the new Zelda too but they said that wouldn't be at E3. Who knows!) So we have three characters shown appearing together at the beginning of a trailer shown as part of Nintendo's E3 schedule, and two of them, Fox and Link, just so happen to have games at E3. So what about Samus? Whether that's a coincidence or a hint, I'll let you lot decide. =P Oh, there may have been some allusion to EarthBound Beginnings, too, but that's based on how you interpret a piece of art on the Miiverse stage. If you were to interpret it the way I did, it contains an end game spoiler for EarthBound Beginnings, so I won't post it.
  15. My room is now open! Again! @RedShell and whoever else is knockin' about, come on in! EDIT: The Treehouse Live pre-show will begin soon, so we'll end it there for tonight. I don't know by heart when E3 presentations are, but I'll try to have a room open tomorrow that has no conflicts (with Nintendo stuff at least)! Good games! SHIN! SURE YOU CAN! I have no idea how to use Ryu. =P
  16. Well I have a room open, and I'll give folks 10 mins to join. If there are no takers, I'll open again at 9PM. EDIT: No takers, so 9PM it is!
  17. I still plan on opening a room at 8PM, but if people who want to join me are still struggling to download the DLC they want, I can delay it 'til 9PM. Don't be a dummy like Rummy (I am just the best you guys), and join me for some games of Smash before tonight's Nintendo World Championship!
  18. Hello, Jonnas. Look at The Official Fire Emblem Thread. Now back to me. Now back at The Official Fire Emblem Thread. Now back to me. Sadly, I'm 25 now, so please stop bumping a thread I made when I was 15 and making me feel old. =P Look again. My post is now diamonds. EDIT: to make this post a bit more relevant, I plan on opening a room to play with others for the Wii U version in about 20 minutes at 9PM, so if that's something you're interested in, maybe head on over to the Smash Bros. for Wii U Online Meet Up Thread and make yourselves known. Go on, I get lonely. Probably because I say stupid stuff like Old Spice memes.
  19. I spoke too soon. "For those whom I must protect, I will not lose!"
  20. Tried the Miiverse Stage. It's better than I thought. =P I couldn't download my boy. You also can't send photos taken on this stage to friends and stuff. You'll have to remove your SD Card and upload them via your PC if you want to share them. Ahhh that's my favourite track from that gaaame. High five for the great Fire Emblem music taste, pal! Down low? Too slow.
  21. I've managed to get on the shop. I didn't notice it in the Direct (kept buffering for me...), but it looks like they've added an app for 3DS called Smash Controller, which allows you to use your 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version without requiring a copy of the 3DS version. Costs 89p! I'mma buy my boi, now.
  22. Perfection. Roy's our Boy! Roy's our Boy!
  23. RedShell has left, but I'm still hangin' about. I'll be checking the thread periodically over the next hour or so, so if you be wantin' some Smashin' tonight, just let me know here! Dat Wario vs. Little Mac (vs. Ridley) match). I'mma recordin' that right now.
  24. I've never drank alcohol and whatnot, so I can't really say I understand how you drunkards feel. =P Anywho, going to open a room in Smash in about 20 mins (8PM UK) as promised yesterday. Customs will be on to begin with (I've personally made custom characters with altered moves but no equipment as a potential handicap), but can be turned off later if people want them off. Not seen anyone say they're up for it tonight, so if nobody joins about 10 minutes after I open the room I'm just going to close it and try again at regular intervals. I'll keep my eyes on the thread every 15 mins or so for a while though so just post if you wanna catch my attention when I haven't got a room open. Will be a sweet bonus if we get more than Lucas and the Miiverse stage tomorrow, huh? No, my money, come back to me...
  25. I've opened a room. If you prefer any rules in particular let me know (items, etc). EDIT: Aaand we're done. I had the fun times. Though, er, I forgot you said you haven't played Smash in months, so maybe I should have held back a bit. My bad. =P
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