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Everything posted by Dr.Boo

  1. The final boss of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The fight against the biolizard costed my 53 lives before I finally beat him. The final boss of Super Mario World Advance was a pain too... I've only been able to beat him once. And finally, the Golden Diva in Warioland 4 is annoying to beat, unless you can damage her with a black dragon before the fight starts.
  2. Or you vould go to any big gaming forum and check if they have a PS, Gamecube and Xbox subforum I know one if you want, but I won't post the link in public or people might think I'm trying to advertise (which I'm not) PM me if you want it
  3. I need to get back to Mario Smash Football. I play this with friends and currently we're doing the co-op mode to beat all cups, but it's been months we've played. If I had seen this thread last friday, I would have said that I need to get back to Paper Mario 2 as well, since I didn't beat the pit of 100 trials by then. But now, I finally succeeded in it.
  4. Sonic Adventure DX: too short, and playing with Amy, Tails, Big or Gamma was a pain because time was very limited and it was boring
  5. It's still not clear if this game will have some RPG elements. But I'm very anxious to play it anyways. I just hope there will be a decent plot... because that's something that missed in the old school Mario games.
  6. ZOMG I want this game. It looks great, and they say it has some RPG elements in it. I really look forward to this one. And I still hope there will be a Paper Mario 3
  7. I'm scared of spiders and really big insects. They scare the holy shit out of me. I don't like heights neither, but my fear for spiders is really much more extreme. There are not many things I'm afraid of, but spiders really make me panic if I see one. Another thing that make me feel uncomfortable are small spaces. I hate being stuck in small spaces (but that's probably due to the fact that I'm tall) I'm not afraid of death... I'm already death and I cure dead people
  8. My favorite chapter would be the one where you get to fight Doopliss in that church. I liked Hooktail's castle a lot too (because it was just the beginning of the game, and I was still discovering everything) as well as the Glitz Pit fight. I expected Rawk Hawk to be the final boss of that chapter but I was surprised to see it was Grubba. Anyways, I've tried the pit of 100 trials, but I had to leave after hitting the 90th floor. Somewhere in the 80th floor I was unfortunate to have 3 poison mushrooms... BINGO! Lost half of my Star Power, Flower Points and Health Points. Yay. I need to retry soon, but I think I should find a better badge combo if I want to beat the pit and Bonetail
  9. I finished the game. I destroyed the Shadow Queen without having to retry (I did waste a lot of ultra shrooms and Boo sheets tho). I was happy to see the bitch go down, because it was a damn long fight. This game rules! I can't find any weak spots in it, and I'm really hoping for PM 3
  10. hey all, I'd like to have an image that I could use as avatar/sig on various forums, but the only thing I'm good at with Photoshop, is making textures... so if anyone wants to creat an image for me... shoot me a PM thanks in advance
  11. Ghosts sure rock! And King Boo has been my favorite character since SMSunshine I'm crossing my fingers in the hope Paper Mario 1 will be downloadable on the Wii as soon as it comes out...
  12. I'm starting to get used to it... but it's gonna take some time before I really totally get used to it. Then again, I have half a year left, or maybe more, since I still don't know when the Revo... ehhh Wii is gonna be released in Europe.
  13. Not as important as you??? Who is gonna cure you if you're sick huh? :p Anyways thanks for the advice. I didn't even notice the stuff in your location. I use that on all forums I'm on, but I'll remove it if you want.
  14. Even if I don't like the name, there is no reason I wouldn't buy it. This console will kick ass, and wether it's named wii or Revolution, it won't change the hardware and the games. I'll go to the store, and ask for "the latest Nintendo console please"
  15. hmmm, tho I don't care about the name since I'm a nintendo fan since many years, I do fear that this name could sign Nintendo's death warrant. May sound pessimistic, but such a name will affect the sales.
  16. Who the fuck cares about a name anyways? If people ask me what console I have, I'll just reply "I have a nintendo" just like I replied "I have a sega" when I had my genesis.
  17. For those of you who have finished the game: I'm in the final chapter, and I've just defeated Gloomtail (that black dragon) What kept me alive, is Vivian's hide ability and that power star that lets you refill your HP and FP. I guess I still have some tough foes and bosses ahead of me, so what level do you suggest I'm on before proceeding? I have 60HP, 50FP and 33BP. The main badges I have equipped are the zap-tap (I love this one!), power plus, power plus P, chill out, defend plus, flower finder, heart finder, quake hammer, ice hammer and piercing blow. Oh yeah, and I also have the strange sack (filled with mega shrooms, FP regenerating stuff and Boo sheets) Am I ready to go on, or is it better I get out of the palace and level up a bit? Thanks
  18. That's very possible. Lets hope... I would love to to play Wario Land 1 again
  19. A nice addition would be some GBA games like Wario Land 4 and such, but I doubt those games will be emulated...
  20. Can't wait to get my hands on that game. I just hope the graphics are not too crappy, because the screens I found on the internet looked kinda blurry. Then again, I was totally addicted to Paper Mario 2, I enjoyed that game a lot, and I guess it's gonna be the same with PM1 I'm gonna create a map for an online game based on one of the levels in Paper Mario 2
  21. Thanks for the replies. And I'm sorry for not putting this into the appropriate thread (any moderator, please feel free to merge the threads or something if you think it's necessary) I wonder if they're going to retouch the games so they look better
  22. Is there a list of games that were on previous Nintendo consoles (ruling out the GameCubhe games, since it won't need a Virtual Console to play those) and that will be available for download on the Rev's Virtual console? I'm thinking about Paper Mario 1, Super Mario 64, the really old school Super Mario games, etc. Now that I'm almost at the end of Paper Mario 2, I'd really like to play the first one when I'll buy the Revolution. sorry it this has been asked before: I searched the forums, and didn't find anything.
  23. I really enjoyed SMSunshine a lot, and even tho many people said it was a very good game, it still got underrated. But it's just my personal opinion. I liked the game, and I was surprised that it didn't get as much succes as Paper Mario 2 for example, which was indeed an amazing game. Maybe I was so amazed by this one because I never played SM64 until the DS came out... Luigi's Mansion was a bit overrated if you ask me. It wasn't that challenging, it was short, and the only two battles that I really had to try several times before beating them, was the battle against Boolossus (the big Boo on the balcony) and the final boss, King Boo. I liked the game, but it was a little too short and easy, except of course for those two bosses.
  24. omg look at those textures! I really hope we will have graphics like that!
  25. In no special order: - Super Mario Sunshine - Sonic Adventure 2 - Sonic Adventure DX - Sonic Heroes - Shadow The Hedgehog - Sonic The Hedgehog Mega Collection - Luigi's Mansion - Paper Mario 2: TTYD - Mario Smash Football - Mario Party 7 - Mario Power Tennis - Mario Kart Double Dash - Wario World
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