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Posts posted by Zero

  1. Alright, I hope this is in the right thread.


    For quite some time now, I've been having problems connecting my Wii to the internet. For some reason it would have no problem reminding me of new updates, but whenever I try to connect to the internet (either through one of the channels or in a game, or even to download an update), I will usually get an error code. On a very very rare occasion will my Wii decide to actually connect.


    I have tried a billion times already to delete and re-enter my internet settings, but I just keep having this problem. And the router is only a couple of metres away from my Wii, with no walls in between. It's a USR5463.


    Any help?


    My friend also has the same problem. The only thing that I can think of is that your router might not be compatible with your wii.


    Anyone else got a solution?

  2. This was on the radio non stop earlier today but it never actaully said why they were protesting. Thanks for the info Platty.


    As for all the protesting, I don't see it stoppping the games being held in China though. I've been wrong before though.

  3. 1. Tales of Symphonia

    2. Super Smash Brothers Melee

    3. Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker

    4. Phantasy Star Online : Ep 1&2

    5. Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance

    6. Baten Kaitos :EWatLO

    7. Skies of Arcadia Legends

    8. Metroid Prime 2

    9. Metal Gear Solid : The Twin Snakes

    10. Starfox Assualt

  4. Nope, never been a bad Zelda game, I've never said there has been.


    What I was saying is that there are far too many flaws for a Zelda game that's been heralded as the greatest game of all time. Especially since it's been in development for 3-4 years. I just can't see how in all that time, they managed to make the whole second half of the game feel rushed.

    I find that quite true. I felt the last 3 dungeons were very rushed.

  5. Are you talking about the clear plastic disc looking thing?


    If so, it slots underneath the silver plastic stand to provide more a more steady base... because if there was an earth quake the first thing we would think is:


    'OMG my will fall over sideways, what shal i do, if i try to run across the room from this safe doorframe i could be killed!'


    But luckily with the added sideways stability if there is an earthquake we can think:


    'It's a good job that Iwata, Shigsy, Reggie and the gang gave us that extra bit for the stand, now i can stay in my safe doorframe without fear of my Nintendo Wii gaming console, with motion sensitive controllers, news, weather, photo and internet features, falling over'



    So in short, thats what the clear plastic thing is for, unless you were talking about something else in which case that above explanation has wasted time for both of us.




    It could also be the part for the sensor bar.

  6. How the hell do you get some hot springwater to that goron at the south of Hyrule castle?

    I've tried 3 times to go from Kakariko, but failed. I teleported so that might be something wrong...

    I wonder if theres anywhere close with spring water, or if i just have to ride there without changing into wolf form.

    The goron inside the south part of the market that sells hot spring water. But there is a sort of side quest to do before the goron starts selling it.

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