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Posts posted by Zero

  1. If it's true then it is something to be worried about. The way things are going we are just gonna end up with cameras in every single place you can think of for 'our protection'


    Not really. They probably monitor most things on the internet anyway. Not to mention the censorship and control taking part in other industries from publishing and the arts to big media.


    You don't think G.W Bush got into office by his lonesome. The media not only actively discourage voting by prioritizing crap like Britney Spears but you only have to look at FOX's role during the election to see that they basically called it.


    If you want to see something really frightening, just look at Canwest in Canada. They have no regard for the public and have the government wrapped around their little finger.


    I don't think this internet thing is too likely to go through (it is way too unsubtle) but just look at the state/business/big media's control in the world , that is something to worry about and fear.


    The Sun is terrible for trying to control people's way of thinking. They are biased against everything. I still buy it everyday though. It's funny seeing what they come away with next.

  2. I think Norway is awesome. Did you see how they lived in prison? The fact that Norway has the lowest murder rate and the way their prisoners live must mean something. That video kinda proves what Fierce_LiNk and Supergrunch are saying.


    I don't think anyone should have authority to kill someone. The death penalty doesn't work in my eyes. Just look at the US.

  3. I think Link and Ike are the most overused characters mainly because Link is Link and Ike is a power house. Very few people at the Glasgow tournament could use them properly (the rest just spam). I would have prefered if they had done one on ones. I'm much better with Ike that way.

  4. Yea shame. Would be great if there was another. Most Ikes just spammed about and keep doing the forward and A smash all the time hoping for the best. Then there was a girl and a guy there, dunno if they were brother and sister, but the girls mum kept cheering loudly for the girl and it was a pain. She got knocked out :heh:


    There was a couple of Kirbys and Pits, and a Pit actually beat 3 Ikes in the first round which was surprising.


    There was also a lot of fat sweaty people there who were screaming like children. I've never felt more out of place when surrounded by them :(

  5. I wasn't even going to be in the tournament at all even though I had the email and everything. I only got in because someone never appeared. I lost in the first round anyway. I died the least but I couldnt stay on the ground for more than 2 seconds so I didn't get a lot of kills. Came second in my match theough :heh:

  6. I'm going for a bit of Marioage.


    Well I don't use mario much but his downB has changed to the fludd if you didnt already know. He plays mostly the same otherwise. Everyone is a lot more floaty which helps with recovery.


    Anyone else here play as mario that could give TysOnToast some tips?

  7. Kudos to whoever made the video review for Brawl. It soothed me like warm milk.


    I still don't have the game yet, I went out for tennis and didn't go to town in time, which means I won't have any practice before the competition tommorow. Any advice for things I can do to get ready without the game?


    Don't expect it to play like melee. If you tell us who you are playing as we can give you tips.

  8. For Pit do as Flayl said it should do minimal damage then. But yes Pit can be pretty annoying to fight, as he has very high priority on a lot of attacks.


    As for Ike, dodging is pretty important to make him miss and attack him when he does. Although this is doable offline, it's pretty hard online as you often can't dodge in time due to button lag. :p


    I would have to agree with you there. Both are really hard to play against in the right hands. The key to beating them (and most other characters) is dodging.

  9. So guys, what are your plans character wise? I'm going for either one of the following:


    a) Sheik; Dirty evasive tactics while in FFA, needle storms, edge guarding, a bit of CQC and rally up some combos. Then when my foes are smashable transform into Zelda and play the eviction game. ^^ Chances are the n00bs probably won't see pink little old Zelda as a threat, definetly won't know about her magic side kicks. I'll be Sheik 80% of the time though.


    b) Pokemon Trainer; perfect for FFAs in my opinion. Probably kick things off with Squirtle, use that up A attack charged in close range. But IvySaur will be the knockout king and maybe Charizard while spamming Rock Smash.


    c) Link; Standard good all-rounder, but Link is my Plan C.


    Guess I'm only worried about using annoying stages like that DS one and I wonder if items are in.


    If I were you I would go with Pokemon Trainer. While the Shiek and Zelda combo is good, I think it will waste to much time switching bwtween them both.


    That's my two cents. I'm gonna go with Ike. Hard hitter for the 4 minute matches and my best character for one on ones. If for some reason I decide not to go Ike i'll probably go Metaknight. He is just so fast.

  10. I personally thought that MM's bosses were good for those reasons, they were challenging and that fish was a bastard lol.


    Exactly, people judge a game relative to their initial expectations of it. WW lived higher then the expectations a lot of people gave it. TP, even though a really good game, was slightly lower then most peoples expectations, so people don't think of it as good in retrospect. The points people are saying about WW (such as characters, level of adventure/exploration ect) are true, and maybe TP did lack them to a degree. But TP didn't have the triforce collection bit near the end of the game, or the sailing where you just leave the control pad while you go get a cup of coffee. And I think both games did have their flaws, they were just seperate ones. So depending on what elements of Zelda you like will probably determine which game in the end you see as better.


    That fish was a pain in the ass. I beat it on my second time but I don't even know how.


    I believe what your saying about people's expectations. Expect too much from it and its bound to fail.


    My only gripe with TP was the story. I liked how they added the Twilight Realm but I characters like Ganon felt forced into the story. I think it would have been much better had Ganon not actually been in the game and they had expanded on a Zant as a new bad guy like Vaati. The triforce as well had no real purpose in the game so they could have easily left it out. It felt forced as well.


    I also like the Triforce hunt at the end of the game (i'm probably the only one :p)

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