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Posts posted by Zero

  1. It looks like the Wii is printing money now (not that it hadn't been already)


    I'm surprised that Wii Play is still selling so much and that Mario Kart sold more than the PS3 GTA4 in april. I thought the hardware sales would have increased by a lot but, obviously not.


    And that chart in the first post is brillant.

  2. I think Zone of the Enders would be pretty cool actually. I would say DMC, but I don't think it can be done properly.


    Then Star Ocean or DQVIII. But more for Z.O.T.E.


    I would love to see Zone of the Enders ported. I have them but I would still buy them if the wii controls were good.


    I'd also like to see a Phantasy Star for the wii, Online or Universe..ANYTHING.


    I would prefer them to port PSO on to the wii tbh but, PSU is more likely (however unlikely)


    I heard that the Star Ocean series was similar in vein to Tales of Symphonia, so I'd give my family for those games.


    I've only played the third Star Ocean. Till the End of Time I think it was called. Fantastic game with a good story. You would like it if you liked Tales of Symphonia.

  3. Listen to The Villian, D_prOdigy. Really good anime selection there, but if you aren't looking for anything to extreme i would hold off on watching evangelion. It's one of the best but definitley :eek:.


    I would also recommend Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach. Bothe are Brillant.

  4. Sounds like a really good idea. I'm all for it. Sign me up.


    If it got enough attention and was actually placed on game covers then it would be an easy way to sort through most of the crap games on any console for people who don't search the internet for game revies and such. The idea has merit. It just needs support.

  5. Anyways new naruto. Simply have to say, I didn't expect that result. Quite speechless.



    Actually, after thinking about it a tiny bit, i expect madara to use sasuke in his crazed state for his own benefit. Where Naruto, with new abilities in tow, will save him from his madness after a truly epic fight. With Sasuke's screams of you don't understand, Naruto will say, something like "how can I NOT understand? Look at yourself. You whom I considered to be a brother, is acting crazy in my eyes, just like Itachi was in yours." Can't wait for what happens next.


    You could sort of see something like that coming.


    I think it was the last chapter when Madara said "what older brother would harm their little brother" or something like that. Got me thinking it was the same for Itachi and it was proved in this chapter.


    I agree with you about Madara using Sasuke now if he truly does go nuts and having a big fight with naruto. This could be epic.


  6. I really believe that if someone is posessed with a unclean spirit it can be told to come out of that person only in Jesus´s name and they won´t obey any other name than Jesus. Then they can´t be just abstract evil things.


    I have never seen it with my own eyes but I have read from books that believers have told those spirits to come out from posessed people in Jesus´s name and it have worked. I have also heard from a friend who´s a believer who has expelled a unclean spirit from a person.


    If someone close to you commited scuicide I don't think you would be as quick to blame an 'unclean spirit'

  7. Music has always been dark, depending on how the person views it. Even classical music, deaths and tragedies, why do you think it's used for certain threatre acts? Music has changed I agree to that, just as the world has.


    I agree with you. Music is only dark if you interpret it as such.


    And the whole cutting wrist initiation thing. What kind of parent would let them continue to be part of the 'emo cluture' if it involved cutting their wrists.


    I would say it's down to depression and to bad parenting. Not being emo.


    Yeah I understand that you can understand me better when I don´t talk about supernatural things but it is not possible for me to speak about things without the truth of God and many times when my views are based on the Bible they have something to do with things that you have to believe in.


    I think the article isn´t ridiculous cause I think music can be like a channel for unclean spirits to gain access to a person and games aren´t a exception. So it isn´t just the music or games that make one to commit a suicide but unclean spirits that affect through music or games.


    Respectfully disagree. I'm not saying that there are no outside influences but, I would say it's more about the person's mental state if they decide to commit scuicide.

  8. I couldn't really be sure but it does seem a bit dodgey considering how low the price is but price doesnt equal quality.


    Personally I use rechargable batteries but if I were to buy a rechargable battery pack, I would go with one that has a docking station.

  9. I would prefer they stayed with a model similiar to the SSBB Pit.


    But if they are making Pit older then I quite like this one.




    Although maybe with black wings for that whole fallen angel thing.

  10. Yeah it's annoying.


    But you have to remember Mario kart isn't a core game anymore, it's a casual/party game, unlike the SNES and DS games where the skill-luck balance was very good.


    I would agree with the skill-luck ratio.


    Also, Smash is great but it's a party game now aswell more than the series has ever been; hardcore gamers don't really go for party games.


    The only thing i see different from it's melee predecessor is that its a bit more balanced. Some characters in melee were far to unfair.


    And you can't suggest metroid to people. it's aimed at a VERY niche market so everyone who is interested in it will have already bought it.


    I have. And they have liked it. Only happened twice though.

  11. you should try reading the eva manga. Not as much of a mind fuck (although I havent seen all of eva, just the old movies and the last episode which hurt my head) and some bits have been changed for the better. There is also an eva manga set in a similar universe but it seems to be more a high school drama. Not bothered to check that out...yet.


    I've read the eva mange as well and some of it can be more confusing than the series. There are quite a few funny bits in it as well.


    The EVA movies are supposed to be easier to understand and make more sense than the original series, according to Anno.


    I've just finished watch the new movie and i'm not sure if it was the subs or not that were wrong or if its just me but wasn't the first angel shinji fights the thrid angel. The subs said it was the fourth and I dont speak japanese at all so I can really tell for myself. It happens with the last angel in the movie as well. I was sure that was the fifth but the subs said sixth. That fight was epic though. It really does put the series to shame.

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