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Posts posted by Zero

  1. Another reason not to use Dedede is he's pretty lame...


    If I go, I'd probably end up using Ike for the first round and either Zero Suit Samus, Metaknight, Marth, Wario or Pikachu for the 1-on-1s (to be honest, I have no idea who my best character is in Brawl).


    I'm just gonna use ike for every round. probably my best character.


    I wonder if you will be allowed to change character. It would be so much better. Not that I would change character. :heh:

  2. I don't see many of the stores getting 64 players. At least the store i'm going to won't. Not many people round my parts that have heard of smash bros. nevermind importing brawl.


    Looks like we all stand a good chance of getting the TVs. I also play as Ike so hopefully i'll get a good couple of kills.

  3. What's wrong with Twilight Princess is that everyone got overhyped and thought Nintendo was delivering the next big videogame revolution since Super Mario 64.


    As much as I like TP, that is the exact reason why I feel it could have been better. If you overhype something your gonna be let down in some respect regardless of how good it is.

  4. Nothing was wrong with it at all, I loved it. Everyone hyped themselves up and expected a true revolution like Ocarina of Time though. I wish they wouldn't listen to you people and keep trying to make a 'realistic' Zelda, the visuals in Wind Waker were absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. If we get a prequel to Wind Waker (the Hero did not appear) or a sequel to Phantom Hourglass as the true Wii Zelda, I'll be ecstatic - I feel that if they wanted to do something revolutionary with the controls a la PH, then the cel-shaded visuals are the way forward.


    I did enjoy the game but this whole thread is about what you feel is missing so it would be quite redundent to say what I liked. Personally i'm not asking for a 'realistic' zelda. All I wish they would do is spend more time on it and bring it out earlier.


    That last sentence condradicts but, I still wish they would do it.

  5. I think it was lacking a story. Compared to when all the other games were brought out the story in them was about as good as you would get from that time period (except maybe WW)


    I built up my hopes on the first trailer like Retro_Link said as well. A bit disapointed when you didn't get to ride into an army yourself.


    I would like it if they touched more on the history of hyrule more and like King_V said, I would prefer when Link got the Triforce of Courage that it actually done something.

  6. Thing is, once you get even marginally good at predictably your opponents moves it's so easy to play defensively and win. I haven't played the game in months but i still reckon i'd beat most people pretty easily. Aslong as you have a quick mind and can play defensively brawl is a piece of cake.


    Then you haven't played me :awesome:

    I joke

    I know what you mean. The amount of people who just dont attack and wait for you to make a move is unreal.

  7. Also Zero, Sakurai confirmed in Aprils (or maybe it was may) issue of Nintendo Power that they put wavedashing in as a tecnhique to help with spacing. They got rid of it because they felt the casual players saw it as a bridge to those who put more time and played the game to the next level. Because of this they also got rid of other things too.


    Can't say I knew that. It just seemed a bit glitchy imo that I didn't think it was intentional.


    I know what you are saying about some characters. I hate when people spam Pit's arrows, but I never usually have a problem hitting them out. Pit is really easy to hit with a smash move or with the heavier characters, it's a simple matter of using a direction and A (usually.)


    I still believe that the game mechanics are better than melee's but, I doubt anything would my mind on that.

  8. I haven't stopped playing this game since I got it back in March. I think game has improved on everything melee had and more.


    I understand what Goron_3 is saying but I disagree. I think the wave dashing and the sort was a result of broken fighting mechanics, hence the reason I believe it's not in brawl.


    The game seems a lot more fair now imo.

  9. I don't know how you are going to get any help from us if you can counter everything we say with something negative, which can't be helped given you problem. The only thing i'm going to say now is go with your best judgement as you won't be happy with anyone else's advice (not that you can be happy about this). Just don't do anything stupid and think it through.


    Even if the police are shit still tell them about it. Then they can't blame you for what happens after that should the continue to be shit.

  10. I can guarantee you that you are one of the three. That you like games from several categories, you belong to the "highest" you get games from.


    Anyhow, I'm not really talking about people, my focus is on GAMES.


    I don't see how everyone is one of the three. If I like a game then of course im gonna play it a lot. It's like anything else you like. Does that make me hardcore or mainstream. I doubt it. And I don't think I play games casually either if I can spend a day playing a game I like.


    I know you focus was on games but I just felt I should say my bit.

  11. Personally what I would do is scare the living shit out of a few of them. One at a time. I don't mean threatening them. Make it as if your not all there and make sure he understands that your not afraid to break his neck.


    Now, don't actually listen to me because where I live all the neds are pussies so it doesnt take a whole lot to scare them off. I have no idea what your's are like.


    You are better off listening to Iun.

  12. So you're saying that you're not going to Leipzig, just because Nintendo have pulled out? I'd still go if I were you, there's still going to be tons of games to see and play.


    Well tbh, it was the main reason I wanted to go. I don't doubt there will be other good games. I'm thinking about going still.

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