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small tac

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Everything posted by small tac

  1. link Following decoded by Reader Okok of GoNintendo “The Design That Nobody Hates” Mr.Takamoto is in charge of the structure of Wii console and Wiimote. Wii’s smallness — “the size of three DVD cases” — is one of the great feature of Wii console. Actually, Mr.Iwata was stacking three DVD cases, and said “I want Wii to be small like this”. Mr.Takamoto got bewildered rather than amazed. At first, he couldn’t understand why he have to make Wii such a small machine, but he was getting it gradually. Wii should be “unobtrusive presence” in living room. There are a lot of audio-video equipments around the TV, and Wii have to set near the TV because of the pointing device of Wiimote. Spaces between TV and AV equipments are very limited, so he understood that Wii have to be small. “The size of 2 DVD cases” was impossible, but they achieved “the size of 3 DVD cases”. Mr.Takamoto told that The hardest thing was disc drive, which have to be almost the same width of one DVD case. If disc drive became thinner, it became more breakable. There are a lot of earlier age users, so Nintendo have a very strict standard. After a lot of trials and errors, they finally got it by internal reinforcing pad. He also told that they strained at using slot-in drive. If they decided to use GameCube-like disc drive (opening the top to change discs), the width of the drive could be thinner, the cost could be cheaper, and the decay durability be better. But, as he said before, the space near TV is very limited, so they thought that Wii-users feel more comfortable by using slot-in for changeing discs. Mr.Ashida is in charge of the design of the Wii console, the Wiimote, the package and the logo. They don’t want to make it like a mad woman’s breakfast around the TV. Not only the matter of size but also shape. Nintendo64 had a lot of curves in its shape, so it was difficult to find the place to set it. On the other hand, the design of GameCube was “the design of toy”. From SNES, the designs of Nintendo’s console was like a toy, and this was intentional attempt. But the average of the ages of users has changed, he feels that the balance between the “toy-like” design and the “AV-equipment-like” design is very important. The keywords are, “the design that nobody hates”. Not a toy, not a AV equipment, they want Wii to be a kind of interior accessories. Mr.Ashida decided to form Wii-design team. The designs of Nintendo console used to pruduced by one designer, but this time, he consulted widely with young designers inside Nintendo. The turing point was the idea of the stand. Young desiner produced the Wii’s stand, and it allows representing new shape by combine Wii with it. A few weeks before E3(2005), Mr.Ashida and his team finishd this design. At the first presentation to Mr. Iwata, they got the go-ahead. Then, the design was made in public at E3, and Mr.Ashida was very, very surprized because he didn’t know that the design was to be displayed at E3 2005.
  2. LOCK Thread, NGamer have stated there mag was wrong and have appologised. Looks like NGamer have progressed to Spong level. [Q]Spore Wii-DS? Wii Remote rumble-free? No, no, NO. There are mistakes in every issue of NGamer, of course. Remember when it looked like we'd announced a Nintendo DS training game for people called Brian? How we laughed. This month's clangers: 1. Wii-DS connectivity for EA's mighty Spore? Considering that the game isn't even announced for Wii, this is at best 'wishful thinking' and at worst 'a very, very stupid thing to say'. 2. No Wii Remote rumble? Kittsy spotted that I'd made a mess of page 15 just after we finished the mag. It was too late to correct and resend the page to the printers (apparently yelling "Hold the presses!" doesn't actually result in boiler-suited workmen running about like mad and machinery grinding to a halt). So we forget about it, assuming the worst that might happen is that a few readers might write in to point and laugh at our mistake. Of course, now it's all over the internet. And we look very silly indeed. So, to clarify: the Wiimote does have a rumble. And a speaker. Shigsy isn't going to kick out either feature (as far as we know). DON'T PANIC. Oh, and the bit about Wii Virtual Console DRM in our free book can be filed under 'informed speculation' rather than 'hard fact', too. [/Q] Link
  3. Well I also hope its false. Its possible the speaker could perform some rumble function if its large enougth as speakers do vibrate, and the mag did state that the Wiimote is now bigger.
  4. Well here is the text that I can clearly read. "The rumour mill has claimed that the Wii remote will have a rumble motor inside it- but Shigsy HIMSELF claims that this option was thrown out in favour of that loverly little speaker." rumour part: "The rumour mill has claimed that the Wii remote will have a rumble motor inside it" Fact part: "but Shigsy HIMSELF claims that this option was thrown out in favour of that loverly little speaker."
  5. You obviously need to learn how to read...
  6. Fixed up link, its not a direct link as we are not supposed to include mag scans. However, its the same as Diemetrix pic
  7. According to NGamer latest edition the Wiimote wont have rumble. Ive seen the scan and its true. So Rumble joins the list of NOs for the Wii, the other being DVD playback. Edit:False Link
  8. :laughing: http://ps3.net/newsboard/view.php?id=440
  9. YES IT WILL SUFFER!!! STFU biggoted pommy c^%&t.
  10. I made up and SVCD video of this footage, it looks excellent on TV with volume up LOUD. Going to leave a copy at my EB, the manager there is very impressed with the Wii and will loan it to people.
  11. @##$% YEAH! And I love the audio, leave it as is. Every time I hear it I burst out laughing, its so cool; perhaps this is the aussie humour but it fits perfectly. Ive played the file at least 10 times and I usually skip most cut scenes in games, that video style is unreal. This game is sure to sell Wii's and is my favourite out of all the games reveled so far. "Need preorder NOW!!!!" Ditto.
  12. It appears Sony are having heat dissipation problems similar to XBOX360 and may have to reduce the speed from 3.2 GHz to 2.8 GHz, which would also allow more components to boost production (lower speed means less cells get rejected). Link
  13. I hope they know the Australian definition of "very affordable". :grin: Link
  14. Ive ordered mine at "Toys R Us" in Australia. They are having a big promo, signs averywhere. It includes a free Wii release game. They stated release will be early November.
  15. The Sony president might, that way he can give a home demo on how the wiimote does not work Expect Sony Corp to offer free high power halogen lighting for all stores world wide in there console demo area.
  16. Smart arrse. Where did I say no one in Australia had them, just I didnt know of anyone.
  17. Halogen Lights are the type of light bulbs used in car headlights, as they are very bright (AND expensive). Some torches use them (expensive ones). Although they are available for homes, I doubt the are common. I dont know of anyone in Australia who has them in there home. Usually they fit cost effective and low power use fluero light replacement bulbs if into this kind of thing. Maybe America is different in which case it may be a problem, although your tv remote would have problems as well.
  18. Proof please. Even if they are slow, the fact the game caches from Hard disk means the game will load fast. Who cares if it does this, its automatic and Hard disk is standard. Ive put my $100 deposit down for my pre-order, only another $899 to go. Blue Ray will ensure that the system sells, as for $999 its a cheap player, plus you get a free PC (Linux) as well.
  19. The average reader has no idea Wii was released first, so no idea its copied (anyhow it aint exactly copied as it is not the same). The price of $1000 AUD for the full PS3 would be what puts off the casual gamer.
  20. The Melbourne Sun newspaper has announced the basic PS3 will be a $830 AUD and the top model PS3 will be $1000 AUD.
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