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small tac

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Everything posted by small tac

  1. Well I'm buying it. Marble Madness was my favorite Amiga game. And its a puzzle game so who cares about the graphics.
  2. As flameoy stated the price differential to the Wii is now miniscule, Nintendo must lower the price if they hope to compete. However, Sony have even more reason to be concerned, and have already lowered the price of the 20GB version + added the HDMI port. Although I really want a Wii, it is starting to look even more way over priced.
  3. Well Perrin Kaplan has AGAIN stated the Wii is region free. WTF is going on? Is Yarnton nobbing himself or what? link
  4. I've given this photo stuff some more thought, mainly after a few screen caps of it. Its obviously not meant for professional editing, you need a PC for that. But for "PC scared generation" ie my parents, it could be easy for them to use. Whether this could help "expand the market" I have no idea, to me its not a selling point (although I will have fun with it). To other less computer "savvy" users it may be. Still no need to take out DVD, if they included it as an option then that negates "extra cost" if you dont want it, apart from maybe $5 extra for the connector. Perhaps on Wii-SP (Or Panasonic-Wii) it will be included. Wii-photo + Wii DVD + slightly lower price would definately have been a winner, now still not convinced. Hopefully is is.
  5. Once PS3 is released in Europe and Australia Nintendo will suddenly be able to drop the price by 30% and still make a profit... I want region free so at least I can get real cheap games off ebay from USA.
  6. I put mine on a slide show with music (maybe some video) which makes it interesting to watch and then create a DVD using Pinnacle Studio; although I see your point a DVD player would be a much better option.
  7. Thers nothing fanboyush about that only you.
  8. Its a ripoff when the controllers cost almost double that of the USA controllers, and when they say they are aiming for the mass market. Its a rip off when in Australia I can get a XBOX360 premium (NOT CORE) plus 3 additional controllers for only $40 AUD more than the Wii with 3 additional controlers. PLUS DVD PLAYBACK + HDEF +DVD remote. MS$ is laughing all the way to the bank. They are sure to match the Wii price at christmas.
  9. BUT it aint just that is it? you have to factor in the rip-off price controllers into the equation. Unless you are only interrested in playing with wour own Wii that is.
  10. You can do that on any basic PC, and lets face it if you have broadband you will have a PC. Surf the net: nice extra if it was free. Others are useless
  11. And when the MS$mote gets released....Im sure they are working on it.
  12. They will when few others buy the Wii in Eurpe and Australia. Plus MS$ are sure to drop the price on the Premium X360 now.
  13. WOW! Im going to get a Wii just so I can check the weather. And I can put my 10 yo PC away so I can now do so-basic photo editing on the Wii.
  14. And your evidence is WHERE? Please provide a breakdown of you analysis. For your info I'm 49, I have lots of $$ but thats because I dont WAST money on blatant rip offs which is what Nintendo is doing.
  15. And what logic dictates VC games should be region locked? WTF more reason to wait for PS3. Wii console price: OK, not hat bad. Controllers price: WTF, way over the top in price. No DVD: WTF are nintendo doing. X360/Ps3 = DVD Playback Photo Viewer: WOW, thanks Nintendo. Useless. Weather channel: Thanks again, now I dont need to watch the news Online games: None at launch, soory. High def: No, we want to make our console affordable to everyone, by at least being $40 AUD cheaper than X360 premium. Region locked: YES/NO/MAYBE. OK it is. Way to go nintendo! You sure have released a console for the masses.
  16. For once someone speaks the truth. At this price Wii will not sell to non-gamers; people can argue all they want but Nintendo have to overcome the negativity of the poor GCN support so non-gamers wont pay this. Particuarly the remotes are 50% overpricerd. And in Australia at least, its REAL close to the premiun X360 its not funny (not going by RRP, but actual in store price. Its a real shame that Nintendo has grasped another oportunity to #$%^ UP. And WTF replacing the DVD with useless photoviewing? And wow I can get the weather?
  17. His 100% correct. At these prices the Wii will not sell in Australia, and most likey not in UK.
  18. Not by MUCH! Cost of XBOX360 premier system in Australia has dropped to $530 AUD, wirless controllers abot $70 (on special even cheaper), games dropping to $50 AUD. Max cost of X360 with 3 extral controllers is $530 +3*$70 = $740 AUD Cost of Wii with 3 extra controllers/Nunchucks is $696 AUD So Wii is only $46 cheaper than X360, nothing when you consider cheap X360 games available, plus you get Hi definition, DVD player and Hard disk drive. Nintendo has lost the Australian market.
  19. THATS NOT GOOD! That equates to $66 (Wiimote) + $32 (Nunchuck) = $98 AUD. So total price for Wii + 3 extra controllers is $400 + $296 = $696 AUD. Way too much. This will NOT attract non-gamers, noway. Seriously considering cancelling my pre-order and waiting. The PS3 is looking good value now.
  20. *translation by Okok from gonintendo, modified to correct grammer Precisely, Because We Have a Clear Goal, We Can Creat Wii Iwata :?This interview makes me feel invigourised. Setting a goal is very important, even though when the goal is one that has not been attempted before. Takeda: That’s right. Without firm concepts, Wii wouldn’t become like this. Takamoto: From my point of view as a structure designer, without the consepts of “the width of 2 or 3 DVD cases†and the early exposure of the Wii design at E3(2005), Wii couldn’t be small like this. Ashida: When the members of our design team were discussing the blue pilot lamp, Takeda came and said aggressively “there should be a blue pilot lamp.†(laughs) Takeda: It was received very well at E3… Ashida: We managed to put the blue lamp into the slit inside the machine.(laughs) Iwata: Precisely because we have a goal, Wii become like this. If there is a goal that we want to reach, it is better to head toward the goal rather than improve specs simply. Takamoto: We couldn’t achive “as fanless as possible†without a goal, too. the heat value depends on IC chips, heat liberation depends on the design of the console… But there were a clear goal - fanless at night. Iwata: I insisted on that, because I want Wii to be “the machine that never sleepsâ€. I think that when a mother hears the noise of a fan running, she would pull out the electric plug.(laughs) Shioda: I am in charge of the semiconductor chips, and “fanless†was the hardest hurdle. On planning IC chips, some parts cannot be figured out if this is good plan or bad plan before manufacturing that chips, and there is a large time-gap between planning the archutecture and manufacturing them. We couldn’t simply do “trial and errorâ€. Of course, we could simulate the chips by using IC development tools, but the simulation result is not always the same as its actual result. After we manufacture them, we can finally figure out “this chip costs xx wattâ€. This kind of hardships is what I have never experienced before. Iwata: When we produce a handheld machine, we always consider “low power consumption†. This is the first time we considered “low power consumption†of console machines, isn’t it? Shioda: Yes. We managed it with the support of our handheld team and the IC chip company. There are also a lot of ideas which help achive a “low power consumption†sysytem as a whole. This was a very hard challenge, but Nintendo has the know-how to find ploblems and solve them speedy. I think that’s why we could managed this challenge. Iwata: There also a distinct challenge; costs. Takeda, I think you have experienced hardships about this challenge, didn’t you? Takeda: Yes. But Wii was’t going to be a “gourgeous†machine from the beginning, so the problem of cost wasn’t so big. But we spent more money for console parts which old Nintendo did’t spend money for, such as Wii’s stand and slot-in disc drive. As Ashida said before (in interview part2), Wii is not a toy, but a machine for all people in the house, so I think Wii’s appearance is very important. The matter of cost and apearance is always conflicting, though.(laughs) Ashida: For example, We used to use bumpy plastic, which is cheaper and can endure scratches. But this time we use coated, high quality plastic. Nintendo will continue seeking for good texture of the future products. Iwata: The texture of the gaming console has become more important, to put it simply. Ashida: That’s right. Of course, it doesn’t mean “high-classâ€.?We are not aiming for cheapness,?we are aiming for the quality that everybody can use. Functionaliry and durability as a toy are important, “not-cheap†appearance is also important. Takamoto: …Well, while the design team were seeking for quality, we, the structure team, were seeking for cost-down. This is always the case.(laughs) Ashida: (laughs) Takeda: And, when Takamoto and Ashida have a conflict, they bring it to me. All: (laugh) Iwata: After years of discussion, we can produce a pruduct. Interview is ending. Last words for people wating for Wii. Shioda: Wii is already reported as a totally new gaming console, but playing is believing. I want you to touch and feel Wii console, and experience its freshness. Takamoto: I want Wii to set at the center of the living room, and to be played by all people in the household. Ashida: From my point of view as Wii’s designer…Set it vertically! With the Wii’s stand, please! All: (laugh) Takeda: Wii is the first machine that Nintendo can update its OS(Operating System). So, possiblity of Wii can be enlarged in the future. You can look forward to this feature, and I am very excited about it too. Iwata: Thank you. Through this interview, I feel that all processes that we did are necessary things, not wastes. It may sounds strange, but I myself am very excited now.
  21. I prefer fairies; oops you want to preger me ? stay away I lied
  22. An article in the Melbourne Sun newspaper, Australia, Sunday Sepetmber 10th. Wii dont normally get much accurate reporting on Wii in this newspaper so this is a first. Wii's wow factor Microsoft was first off the mark with a next generation console, the Xbox 360, and this week Sony has announced Australian gamers wont't see the Playstation 3 until March next year, despite November 17 launches of the hotly anticipated console in japan and the US. That leave Nintendo with its oddly-named Wii. But while the name may be uncool, the unit is anything but. We had an exclusive pay with a prototype of Nintebdo's next-generation offering and came away seriously impressed. Price: < $330 AUD (I think they just converted <$250USD so maybe wrong) Date: Before Christmas <long article follows - nothing negative, all factual> It really is fabulous and fun and means gaming is no longer sedentary. In fact, expect to work up a sweat in some games. There will be no more claims that computer games make you fat and lazy. Nintendo says it will cost no more than $330 AUD, making it by far the cheapest of the next genertion consoles. Update: picture of article update 2: Australian media experiencing Nintendo's Wii 10 Sep 2006 - Nintendo impresses mainstream Australian media after hands-on offerings. Preparations are completely underway for the Australian launch of the hotly-anticipated Wii, and news outlets have been given the opportunity to go hands-on with the console at Nintendo Australia's headquarters in Scoresby, Melbourne. The Age and the Herald Sun have reported on their experiences, with both expressing great impressions from the revolutionary new offering. "The latest hands-on play confirmed that gaming with the motion sensing Wii-mote is both delightfully intuitive and unnervingly foreign," wrote The Age's Jason Hill. The Sunday Herald Sun yesterday ran a half-page spread on Wii and also spoke of their delight. "We had an exclusive play with a prototype of Nintendo's next-generation offering and came away seriously impressed." Nintendo Australia confirmed to the outlets involved that it is indeed on track for a pre-Christmas 2006 launch and said that the launch date and price details will be announced within the next fortnight.
  23. I dont know if you are trying to be smart or what but that is the translation for part 1, not part 2.
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