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small tac

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Everything posted by small tac

  1. The Melbourne Sun Newspaper in Australia had a report on the E3 conference where the mentioned that the PS3 had 3D control the same as Wii. Looks like Sonys plan is working.
  2. I started with WOW! (maybe because I REEALLY wanted it to be WOW!) but now think OH NO! There just seems to be too many negatives coming out about the controller: - loosing connectivitity - curser shooting off in all directions on its own - failure to repond to intermittently - far too sensitive, a pain to keep your hand steady. - need to pause in the center so it can recalibrate. - contrary to opinion here according to IGN Sony's simple tilt controll works really well and the game using it was REAL easy to control. etc etc To me these seem technical issues related to the implementation of the freehold controller. Ive also actually used the GYTRONIC?? mouse at my nepthews, it suffers badly from this sensitivity issue and is basically useless. Not I know the freehand controller is different but it is still based on the same technology. The final straw to loosing the WOW! comes from IGN's preview of RED STEEL. Now Ubisoft have been working on this game since the announcement of the controller, along with help from Nintendo. But the game still does not control, infact according to IGN you dont even aim where you want to shoot, and the game is worse than when they last demoed it. Even dual analog control is better and easier. WTF why would they even do this if there was'nt a technical reason for dooing so? It was also unplayable. There review fits in with other reviewers. The biggest thing for the Rev to succeed in the USA is for it to be the FPS of choice, seems like it has failed. And what does the most promising Wii game Smash Bros. propose? It WONT be using the freehand controller. The second most promising game in my opinion is Sonic, and this would have worked just as well with a simple tilt controll method like on the PS3. Dito Monkeyball. The online is also stuffed (more friends codes FFS)
  3. I'm from Melbourne and I hear this term a lot. I wasnt having a go at the Rev, but I can see this happening. For you doubters here is a link hennessyinfolink.com.au/speak_australian Another Link: appliancespares.com.au/lingo
  4. I certainly hope its not Nintendo RS. In Australia RS is slang for RAT SHIITE. "Hey guys, look at Tommy, he's playing that RAT SHIITE Nintendo console" "WTF, the new Nintendo RS console is RAT SHIITE"
  5. The rev would be fine by me based on what I know. Its just that I dont think third parties will support it. So PS3 will be may main console unless Nintendo releases som killer "non-mario" tiles (fps/adult titles) at launch, with the rev second for first party and my old gamecube games.
  6. Yeah you are on the right track.. it depends on a number of factors, you cant just go on the clock speed. For example an assembly instruction to divide by 4 (the brains of the CPU) may take 1 clock cycle for the Rev CPU but 2 clock cycles on the XBOX/360. so to be the same speed the cube would only need to clock at half the rate. The Rev may have specialised instructions that did not exist on the cube, again increasing speed without increasing clock rate. We just dont know, clock speed alone does not give a complete picture.
  7. Over 30,000 units sold since launch! Plus with no shortage at the moment (the atricle is wrong here) looks like the rev will have little chance of catching up. Already Australia is Nintendo's worse territory, PS3 may well pass XBOX360, but it will take while as by December XBOX360 will have a commanding lead. link: gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=15729
  8. Big Tac covers his tracks again, plus presents more "recycled news". ,,,,....runs and hides as some of the kiddies here try and defend him again :shock:
  9. LOL Well I will most likely get one even at this price assuming it has no reliability problems ala XBOX360 heater. (plus a Rev of course) - It runs linux, hence no need to get a second PC. - Plays blueray movies, so no need to buy a blue ray DVD player. - from what I've seen from GDC graphics much better than XBOX360. - zone free so can get cheap import games
  10. According to EB Australia, Sony have informed them that the PS3 will be more than 1000 AUD, about which is about 600 Euro. Will be interresting how many sell at this price.
  11. LOL the only reason for the new profile is I forgot my old password and couldt reset it. Besides small tac seems like a good name :laughing: :laughing:
  12. LOL good one BGS especially your LOCKED thread. A old saying by one of our footballers is 99% of the population is stupid. Going on the numbers here who believe big tac prooves that.
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