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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Thank you for letting me know: GROUP UPDATE!! "Group 1: @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny 6. @nekunando NNID:nekunando 7. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 8. The Mole NNID: jcmarshall 9. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 10. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 11. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 12. @Phube NNID:Phubey
  2. First League Night Thursday 14th January 8pm @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny 6. @nekunando NNID:nekunando 7. @RedShell NNID: RedShell Group 2: The Mole is host. Add NNID: jcmarshall 1. The Mole NNID: jcmarshall 2. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 3. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 4. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 5. @Phube NNID:Phubey 6. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 First time in a while to have two group. @BowserBasher, start at 8pm, if we have one absent, we will merge into one group. Keep checking for updates. See you all later!!
  3. First League Night Thursday 14th January 8pm @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny 8. Nando NNID:nekunando 9. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 10. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin (11. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE) (12. @RedShell NNID: RedShell) Room Opens at 7:45pm ready to start at 8. @RedShell could you confirm your attendance (Not sure if you're playing). See you all later
  4. Thank you, should be corrected now
  5. Welcome to the N-Europe Mario Kart League 2016 League Nights There will be three League GPs every Thursday night, starting on the 14th January at 8.00pm GMT. Determining the Groups For the first month I will split everyone into random groups and select two people to be the host of each group. After the first month, the groups will be determined by your league positions. One player from each group will need to volunteer to take photos after each race to later post for me to update the league table. Players Choice, Special & Theme Nights Regarding theme nights, please see the fixture list below detailing all the specific dates for players choice, special & theme nights. Players choice will mean you can pick any character, any vehicle type and any course. After the first month, theme nights will be introduced with players choice only played occasionally from then on. Theme nights will mean you have to pick a certain character, vehicle type and select the predetermined courses in the correct order. Points System The total points you have gained from Grand Prix (GPs) are divided by the number of GPs you have taken part in, giving you your average. This is what determines your position in the league table, so if you do miss a league night, if won’t affect your score but you will most likely change position in the league. For example, if I scored the following points in 6 GPs: 32, 10, 19, 40, 16 & 19. I would have a total of 136 which would be divided by 6 giving me an average of 22.6. Rules Rules 1. Follow the theme - pick the correct character, parts & courses. 2. Don't rage quit - if it becomes clear someone is "disconnecting" from GPs on a regular basis to keep a high league position, they will be banned from the league. 3. No showing - If you claim a spot for that week and no show, you will have taken the place of someone who wanted to play. If you are unable to play and you have claimed a spot, let me know as soon as possible 4. If you disconnected, rejoin as quickly as possible and then let me know at the end of the GPs which GP you were disconnected from. 5. Your input to this league is greatly appreciated. If you would like to suggest a theme night/ improvement, just send me a message. 6. Have fun!!! Sign up to the "Always in" list If you wish to sign up to this "Always in" List, confirm it along with your "in" post for next weeks league night. It will be upto you if you choose to sign up to this list to let me know when you can't play. One no show without prior notice and you will be removed from this list for four weeks. First League Night Thursday 14th January 8pm Will explain this now, all the league GPs are now on one card, read from left to right. Sign Up Now!!
  6. Right, Another year gone, thank you all for competing in this mini tornament, I think for 2016 we will have two parts to the league just to keep it more interesting. Without further ado, in third place we have...... Nando Well done Nando, just slid down a place at the very end but nonetheless congratulations. In 2nd Place.... The Mole Another 2nd, becoming quite consitent. Finally in 1st place..... Will Once Agin Bullet Will you come out on top and clearly the best MK player of 2015 to take part in the N Europe League. Congraulations. Here is the final league standing of 2015. That is it from me and the 2015 MK league. The new 2016 league will be starting next week, I will post a new thread in the next few days. In the meantime, sign up to the 'always in' list on this post and also, what would you like to see in the new league?. Until then, see you all soon. Thank you to @BowserBasher for hosting the games and also to @RedShell for the new logo and thank you all once again for competing, this league would be nothing without all of you.
  7. Will get the final league standings out either today or tomorrow. Also to add there will be no league this week and if all goes good hopefully will be starting next week. If we all can, promote the group in any local gaming groups and let's see if we can get the numbers up please. Thank you and see you soon
  8. Hopefully will be starting the 2016 League in a couple of weeks. Will keep you all updated on this thread
  9. Yep we will wait
  10. I'll host the room tonight, opening the room now, good luck everyone
  11. League Table Quite tight up at the top, should hopefully be a good night tonight Next League night Thursday 31th December 2015 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" (Add NNID: jcmarshall as a backup) 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @Kounan NNID: KouNAN 3. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 Will only be 3 GPs starting at normal time, still time to sign up, see you all soon!!
  12. Will get the league table out later tonight, none the less here is the last theme Next League night Thursday 30th December 2015 8pm Before I end, I would like to ask you all a few questions 1. As this is New Years Eve, would you like to start is earlier? 2. As its the last 2015 night, would you like it twice as long (6Gps rather than 3Gps) 3. Would you all like to carry this on in 2016? Thank you all and hopefully see you tomorrow!!
  13. As next week's league night would be Christmas eve, I have decided to give a one week break. I will then decide if we have one last theme of 2015 on New year's eve (Maybe a double night) and then If you would all like, make a new 2016 league. For now, will get the league table updated in the next couple of days and hope you all have a good Christmas!!
  14. Next League Night Thursday 16th December 2015 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Kounan NNID: KouNaN 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 7. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 8. Nando NNID: nekunando See you all later!!
  15. Will hopefully get the scores out later, nonetheless, here is the theme, I thought we needed a bit of fun and have some nice inward drifting Next League Night Thursday 16th December 2015 8pm See you all later!!! Here are the standings and results for last week, gonna try and get them up sooner next week The Results The League Table Next League Night Thursday 16th December 2015 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Phube NNID:Phubey 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 7. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE See you all later!!
  16. Will get the results and theme up tomorrow morning, something seems to be wrong with the software I used to upload the photos
  17. Anyone got any scores, if they are put up sometime this afternoon, ill have them ready by this evening
  18. Next League Night Thursday 9th December 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" 1. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 4. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher (5. @punio75 NNID: Punio75) 6. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 7. @Kounan NNID: KouNaN 8. KouNaN brother Sorry but I'm out tonight. Still time to sign up. See you all soon!!
  19. yep Yep Also your answer to split screen. It works fine, some of our members used to do it all the time
  20. Not too sure, think you can go it by 3DS, if not, google it Not going to give a long post, so here is the league table with the results from last week: Not going to give a long post, so here is the league table with the results from last week, tomorrow's theme is up, not sure if I will be joining you tomorrow but will confirm tomorrow:
  21. Will try and get the scores out later tonight but here is the theme, as it was Iwata's birthday this week, I will be doing the Iwata theme again. If you could download the Mii as well that would be most appreciated Next League Night Thursday 9th December 8pm Sign Up Now!!
  22. Just letting you know I'm out tonight, got a concert. Might not be able to update later either so could someone maybe keep track of the players for tonight Next League Night Thursday 3rd December 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" 1. Nando NNID:nekunando 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Phube NNID:Phubey 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 7. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 8. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 9. @Kounan NNID: kouNAN
  23. Cyber slicks is fine, same stats, just different colour
  24. Because he joined in on team mode and on that week it wasn't your individual scores I took, but your team scores Nope, that information only matters to the host (BoswerBasher), all you have to do is pick the right set-up and tracks
  25. The Results from two weeks The league table Post race comments Really sorry about the lateness, not going say it won't happen again as I would be lying to you and would like to say thank you to all of you for putting up with me and sticking with the league. I will try my at most best to get the results out sooner next time. Now onto to the nights. Team mode was a success I feel, although the points were close, it brought the points closer together in both ways, and players choice was a good night. Will put the theme up for Thursday up after this. For now, see you all later!! Next League Night Thursday 3rd December 8pm Sign Up Now!!
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