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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Don't worry, I will alternate the players for group 2 if the boundary is close. Thank you for being a good sport and hope you enjoyed tonight
  2. Ill give you a couple of minutes dont worry
  3. Please and thank you, I'm gonna guess any good moments save and transfer them to either @RedShell or @Dcubed Speaking of which, room 1 is now open
  4. Yep, that's the one
  5. You will be in BowserBasher's group Edit: You are actually in group 1, just slipped in by 0.4 score Next League Night Thursday 28th April 8pm
  6. @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny 10. @WelshGamer NNID: Welshgamer 11. @david\.dakota NNID: daviddakota Reserves 1. @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 2. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 3. @Phube NNID:Phubey We need one more to make two groups. Room opens at 7:45pm. Since there are reserves at the moment, if you are late without giving a reason, then you risk losing your place. See you all later!!
  7. That is fine with me
  8. The Results @Glen\-i and @Dcubed for the suggestion. Welcome back to Phube. Nothing else to be said, next week's theme and the highlights vid will be uploaded by @RedShell. That is it from me, sign up for Thursday and until then, See you all later!!
  9. Just so you are all aware. Tonight I was using motion Controls!!
  10. Of course you can
  11. Just to confuse everyone, I am Mole-i tonight where as Bullet Will is The Mole.
  12. Sold, make sure you download the mii and put motion controls on
  13. Next League Night Thursday 21st April 8pm "Group 1: @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 9. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 10. @nekunando NNID:nekunando 11. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 12. One more Space, see you all in 30 minutes!!
  14. Thanks for the updated list. Should be fun, used to play with motion controls so hopefully won't phase me as much :wink:
  15. I'm in for all 3. For me it will have to be evenings and am unavailable between 7 and 9 on Mondays and Fridays
  16. The Results The League Table Post-race comments Unfortunately the theme did not work out as planned but still an enjoyable night with some good moments. Still salty about that bomb @RedShell :P No-more to be said, next week's theme is up, remember, if we get 16 players we can go into 2 groups so there is still reason to sign up. See you all later!!
  17. Basically, each lap should have got more and more hazardous and that 1st place should have to deal with a lot of bananas. In practice, yes first has to deal with a lot but not as much and in comparison to the bombs, the middle of the pack gets crowded while there is no way to hit 1st. By the 3rd lap first place became a time trial
  18. We gave it a try, good idea in theory. There was no need for that bomb, I came 11th in that game. 11th. Because of you.......
  19. Join now, we will wait
  20. Last race now @S\.C\.G
  21. Bananas only for GP2 Frantic items for GP3
  22. Bananas only, Stick or back to normal and frantic for GP2 and GP3?
  23. @Phube Sorry, full house tonight
  24. Next League Night Thursday 14th March 8pm
  25. Here are the Results: @Glen\-i, I'll get you next time!!! Mirror-mode mixed it up a bit. Two points to say. The new format to unspecified item themes will be now GP1: Normal items, GP2: Normal items, GP3: Frantic mode. Next point is regarding choosing a track. If you pick the wrong track, don't worry, it happens to the best of us and just carry on like normal however, if you pick a course that appears later and it gets picked, swap them around. That way we don't end up playing the same course twice. No more to be said, @RedShell will put the theme up soon. See you all later and Sign Up Now!!!
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