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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. @Nicktendo @Phube @Ugh first aid Want to take the last space?
  2. The Results The League Table Post-race comments A quiet league night but hopefully you all enjoyed it and hopefully we will have more players this week (Including myself). A few shake ups in positioning and Will's lead cut ever so slightly. Theme is up for Thursday, until then... See you all later!!
  3. @BowserBasher and @RedShell. I won't be able to organise it tonight, could you sort out the group please and send me the results when you can. Thanks and have fun tonight
  4. The results The League Table Post-race comments Really run night in my opinion, one of my best nights in a long time in my opinion. Quite a few shuffling of places in the league table, The Mole regains 2nd place from Glen-i and Pestneb also jumps 4 places up the league table. Also big welcome to @Ugh first aid, we hope this is not just a one off and see you again in the future. All that needs to be said, RedShell has posted the theme. Unfortunately I have an interview Friday so I am out for this week. Until next time.... See you all later!!
  5. Really good night for me, and quite surprised really as I haven't switched my wii U on since the last MK night. Really enjoyable theme as well!!
  6. @nekunando I feel for you on Bone Dry Ruins!!
  7. @Kounan, wrong group, you are with @BowserBasher not me
  8. "Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID: jcmarshall 1. @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i - Baby Peach 3. @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny - Baby Mario 8. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 - Baby Daisy 9. @Kounan NNID: KouNaNOVM - Baby Luigi Still time to sign up. Make sure you have added your host befroe 7:45pm, rooms will open at this time, see you all later!! Group 1 is open @BowserBasher, good luck on your end, let me know if you have any issues and send me the score please Good luck group 2!!
  9. The Results @Glen\-i taking 2nd place from The Mole. Rest assured Glen, I will reclaim it!! :awesome: @RedShell will put the theme up soon I'm sure, until then.... See you all later!!
  10. For those that left, about to play last race now
  11. FInished @Glen\-i
  12. If you want to jump in, we have an extra space
  13. @Pestneb, do you want to jump in?
  14. Really sorry, thought the work load was going down but this week has been busier than ever. I will make sure that I get all of the results out on Sunday. Nonetheless, here is the info about tonight
  15. @Phube if you want to play the last GP, ill tell you when we are about to play it
  16. Right so here is the plan: Play the next 3 races like normal 4th race of GP1 go random Then we should be back to normal for GP2
  17. What do you reckon? Restart or carry on from the last 3 and the last be a random race of GP1?
  18. @Phube yep full house tonight sorry
  19. Next League Night Thursday 5th May 8pm
  20. The Results The League Table Post-race comments I once again apologise for the lateness, been really snowed under with work lately however, just about through the worst of it so shouldn't be a problem for next week hopefully. Thank you all for taking part, glad to see two groups and some old faces. @RedShell will put the theme up soon. Until Thursday... See you all later!!
  21. Wow, Not my best set of games, but congrats to @Glen\-i, I really enjoyed that, you certainly made me look PROFESSIONAL!!11!! You better watch out tomorrow though, I will get my revenge, just you wait!
  22. Really sorry but have had a lot of work to do this weekend. I will hopefully be able to get the scores out from Thursday by tomorrow evening. Thank you all for your patience
  23. Great games last night!! Thank you all for playing and I'm glad I held onto my title. Looking forward to tonight, lets see if @Glen\-i can get his revenge or look PROFESSIONAL!!1111!! again. :awesome:
  24. Possibly, I must admit I haven't played smash in a while. I look forward to do battle with you Sir, once I wipe out @RedShell :awesome: (hopefully)
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