NEXT LEAGUE NIGHT: TONIGHT Thursday 12th January 2015 - 8.00pm BST
All groups will play 3 GPs
@Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i
4. @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i
3. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14
5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher
6. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51
7. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE
9. @Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi
10. @AlohaTambo NNID: AlohaTambo
11. @Phube NNID:Phubey
12. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin
Some people still need to add me, I will open the room at 7:45 so do so before then