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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Next League night Thursday 19th March @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 5. @hollowallgo NNID: ??? Won't edit this again, if you still want to join just look at the league table and assign yourself to the right group. Make sure you have added your hosts. Rooms open at 7:45pm, see you on the racetrack!
  2. Next League night Thursday 19th March @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 5. @hollowallgo NNID: ??? Might be able to update this later, add your group hosts and remember to look at the theme. If I have forgotten you, just message. Still a couple of places left so still time to sign up!
  3. Yep, I stuck to WelshGamer's message. Personally would have chosen Rainbow Roads as Mario Party 10 is colourful but its not my theme
  4. Sorry it has taken so long but here are the results The Results The League Table Weekly Comments Group 1 Quite a few DCs this week including some from @WelshGamer and @Pestneb. Hopefully we will have better luck next week Group 2 No DCs in this group. Very big welcome to the two newest members @Bullet Will and also @Keztricks. Good week as well for Will. Well done Will, next you will be in group 1! Still taking theme ideas so keep sending them to me. The next theme is up so now is your chance to sign up! That rounds off my report, signing off for now, see you on Thursday!!
  5. Sorry it's been a busy weekend, will get the league results and table up either this evening or definetely tomorrow. None the less, here is the theme for the next League Night. Thank you to @WelshGamer for creating this theme and it is named Mario Party Next League night Thursday 19th March @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 7. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 8. @Phube NNID:Phubey 9. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 10.@Clownferret NNID: clownferret Others 11.@Emerald Emblem NNID: EmeraldEmblem 12.Emerald's Brother 14.@Gaz1885 NNID: ????? 15.@Foxfear NNID: DocChaos007 16.@Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi 19.@f00had NNID:BrockJames 21.@Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 11.@Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 12.@Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 13.Lostmario NNID: Lostmario 11.@Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 12.@Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 13.Nando NNID:nekunando 14. Viceview51's sister 15. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 16. @Keztricks NNID: Keztricks Sign Up Now!
  6. Well I have your second GP points as 23 but I can retrieve your first GP. Entirely up to you.
  7. I added you before I opened the group, did you not get my friend request?
  8. Connection in group 1 was poor tonight. Anyone who got disconnected please tell me which: 1. Which race you got DC from 2. How many points you were on before you DC 3. If you would like me to keep or discard that GP for you
  9. Next League night 12th March 2015 8:00pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @f00had NNID:BrockJames 5. Nando NNID:nekunando 6. @welsh_gamer NNID: WelshGamer 7. @Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi 8. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 9. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE Group 2- BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 2. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 3. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 4. @Phube NNID:Phubey PHOTOGRAPHER 5. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 6. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 7. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 8. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 9. @Bullet Will NNID: Bullet Will? 10. @Keztricks NNID: Keztricks Will not update this again so if you would like to join work assign yourself to the right group. Groups open at 7:45pm, don't forget to add your hosts. See you on the racetrack!
  10. Yep that's fine, join group 2 and enjoy your race. Everybody go by pestneb's groups. Also can someone volunteer to take photos of the results for group 2. Thank you
  11. Next League night 12th March 2015 8:00pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @f00had NNID:BrockJames 5. @welsh_gamer NNID: WelshGamer 6. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 7. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE Group 2- BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 2. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 3. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 4. @Phube NNID:Phubey 5. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 6. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 7. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 8. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Might be able to update later tomorrow but the groups should change too much if any change. Still chance to race, just give a quick message and assign yourself to the right group. If I have missed you, also message!
  12. Next League night 5th March 2015 8:00pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 7. @Hamishmash NNID: Hamish 8. @Phube NNID:Phubey 9. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 10.@Clownferret NNID: clownferret Others 11.@Emerald Emblem NNID: EmeraldEmblem 12.Emerald's Brother 14.@Gaz1885 NNID: ????? 15.@Foxfear NNID: DocChaos007 16.@Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi 19.@f00had NNID:BrockJames 21.@Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 11.@Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 12.@Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 13.Lostmario NNID: Lostmario 11.@Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 12.@Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 13.Nando NNID:nekunando 14. Viceview51's sister Sign up Now!
  13. The Results The League Table Weekly Comments Bit of wild night this one, a lot of shifting in league positions. We did pick up numbers slightly from 10 last week to 13 this week although we did get our first inactive player. Next week will be another theme night, if you would like to suggest a theme, send me a message by the end of this weekend. I will post the theme Monday night. Also if you have any ideas you would like me to add to the league, feel free to send them to me as well,. Signing out for now, see you next week!
  14. I was absolutely terrible tonight, one of my worst performances by far. Ah well, better luck next week :P
  15. We have Brian so you will only have 6
  16. I personally hate some of the tracks, toads turnpike is the bane of the my life but the car really isn't that bad
  17. Photos yes please. Thank you
  18. Would like to say could someone volunteer to take the results for group 2 please
  19. NEXT LEAGUE NIGHT: TONIGHT Thursday 5th March 2015 - 8.00pm BST All groups will play 3 GPs @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @welsh_gamer NNID: WelshGamer 5. @Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi 6. @f00had NNID:BrockJames Group 2- BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 2. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 3.@viceview51 NNID: viceview51 4. Viceview51's sister 5.@BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Phube NNID:Phubey 7. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 Most likely won't update agin now so check league position and add yourself to the right group today. If you still need to add me, I will open the room at 7:45 so do so before then. Also if I have forgotten you/included you when you are not playing, just say so
  20. No they are other member that are not in the always in list, they haven't declared they are in
  21. NEXT LEAGUE NIGHT: TONIGHT Thursday 5th March 2015 - 8.00pm BST All groups will play 3 GPs @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 3. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @viceview51 NNID: viceview51 7. @f00had NNID:BrockJames 8. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 9. @dazzybee NNID: DarrenBolton 10. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 11. @Phube NNID:Phubey Most likely update this later so check later today. If you still need to add me, I will open the room at 7:45 so do so before then. Also if I have forgotten you/included you when you are not playing, just say so
  22. Use the parts in the picture, ignore the writing
  23. Yeah what it is they are formulated to what the GP number are so since they when wrong, so did the percentages. This should be correct now Next League night 5th March 2015 8:00pm Sign up to the "Always in" list If you wish to sign up to this "Always in" List, confirm it along with your "in" post for next weeks league night. It will be upto you if you choose to sign up to this list to let me know when you can't play. One no show without prior notice and you will be removed from this list for four weeks. Sign up Now!
  24. Yeah, something seems to have gone wrong with the GPs numbers, will get that sorted!!
  25. Sorry they are a bit late but here are the results from last race night. The Results The League Table Weekly Comments First of all I would like to say thank you for everyone that turned up to play, numbers were a bit thin on the ground last week but hopefully that will pick up in the next upcoming weeks. Would also like to welcome @AlohaTambo to the league. We all hoped you enjoyed it and hopefully see you again next week. Secondly, the time for random groups has now come to an end and the groups will now be determined depending on your league position. Also we will be having theme nights so if you have any ideas, send them to me please. Next we have the top 5 players of the month for February. Well done to all of the players who made it in. Finally, I will put the theme up for the next league in the next couple of days. See you all next race night!!
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