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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Now please
  2. Groups now opening, @Clownferret if vice view doesn't turn up then tell @welshgamer
  3. No yett, a lot of us just warming up
  4. Head count, who hasn't got the updates yet?
  5. Right hosting a room now if anyone wants to join me
  6. Sorry my mistake, amended now, you are both in group 1, @Phube you are in group 2
  7. Next League night: Thursday 23rd April ~8:15pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @HollolW NNID: ??? 9. Emerald's Brother 10. @david\.dakota NNID daviddakota 11. @yesteryeargames NNID: SILENTMOUNTAIN 12. @Gaz1885 NNID: ????? Gonna stick with two groups, will probably not update this later on. Warmup room will open from 8ish. Offical start when everyone is ready. Group 2 can someone take pics. Add your hosts, test your brake button, see you on the starting line!
  8. Might get more people, if we don't later I might do that.
  9. Next League night: Thursday 23rd April ~8:15pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @HollolW NNID: ??? Group 2, BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. Emerald's Brother 2. @david\.dakota NNID daviddakota 7. @yesteryeargames NNID: SILENTMOUNTAIN Still places to sign up, groups may change depending on other people joining. Will update this later tonight. Make sure you add your hosts. Hosts, if you have any trouble, message me. I will be hosting a warm-up room from roughly 8pm but will not start officially until everyone is ready. See you all later!!
  10. Hey guys, enjoy playing Mario Kart 8? Then why not join the N-Europe Mario kart league. We are a friendly bunch of people that play every Thursday night. The league table itself is done on an points average so you can join in whenever. Each week we also have different themes ranging from set karts to frantic mode to spice things up. This week we will be playing the new tracks. There are still place to sign up for this week, the link is down below. Hope to see you there: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1749393#post1749393
  11. I will swap players choice and this week around if the DLC is not ready
  12. Next League night: Thursday 23rd April ~8:15pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @HollolW NNID: ??? Sign up now!!
  13. I totally agree, I'm just playing it by ear at the moment and just getting ready to adapt. This week I am willing to wait for people
  14. Well I am willing to push the night forward to allow people to complete the download
  15. In answer to all your questions, I will the new parts, will change it later in the week, if someone also could find me a picture of the new parts it would be gratefully appreciated.
  16. The Results @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @HollolW NNID: ??? Sign up now!!
  17. Can't say I remember sorry. All I know is that was one of my worst nights I have ever played.
  18. Next League Night: Thursday 16th April 8pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 3. @HollolW NNID: ??? 10. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Clownferret, are you ok setting up the room? Any problems just message me. Still a couple of place left, won't update this again so if you want to join then assign yourself to the right group. Add your host. Rooms open at 7:45pm. See you on the starting line!
  19. Next League Night Thursday 16th April 8pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 3. @HollolW NNID: ??? Still time to sign up. If I have forgotten you just say. Rooms open at 7:45pm. Will update this later if necessary. See you on the starting line!
  20. Quick question, who is and isn't getting the new DLC?
  21. Next League Night Thursday 16th April 8pm @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 4. @HollolW NNID: ??? Thank you to @Pestneb for suggesting the theme. Now let me explain how it works. First of all, its Bo-ombs only, to turn this on, do the same as frantic mode except pick 'bo-ombs only' instead of 'frantic mode' Secondly, as you can see the first and last race has two tracks listed. The idea is to pick one of the listed tracks. Sign up now!!
  22. Really Busy with work at the moment but will put the theme up tomorrow but start signing up!!
  23. The Results The League Table Post race comments Another night down. A lot of place changing this week, very close in the middle of the table. Good theme suggestion by @Phube, keep them coming in guys. Keztricks has been made inactive. Group 1 Quite a few connection problems tonight with the Emerald Brothers DC twice and Glen-i DC in the last GP. Group 2 No Connection problems reported. Big welcome to Gaz, hopefully we will be seeing more of you. Thank you to the people that gave me feedback on the league calender, I've decided I won't change it until the new update hits. Will post the theme tomorrow, Signing off for now.
  24. That's fine, just added you
  25. @welsh_gamer can you go into group 1 please @Wii can you move down to group 2 please
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