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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Next League Night: Thursday 10th September 8pm Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID: jcmarshall 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. Nando NNID:nekunando 6. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 7. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Still time to sign up, just post if you wish to join, see you all in a bit My internet connection is really unstable tonight, could someone else possible host??
  2. Next League Night: Thursday 10th September 8pm "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret Can everyone confirm if they still want to be on the always in list please Sign up Now!!
  3. Right here are the results: The Results The League Table General comments Right one week break and we are back. Right to start off, I apologise for only getting the results up now, I havent had internet this last week and recently just started my new course at uni so its been very hectic. From now on, I will have the results up by the weekend and will put the theme up Sunday evening. Secondly, we had a player of the month, once again Bullet Will holds on to his spot but not by much. Finally, will post the theme up by tomorrow evening, if you have any theme ideas, send them to me, all ideas are appreciated. Signing off for now, see you all Thursday!!
  4. Just to inform everyone that this week we will be taking a break so so MK league Thursday 3rd September. We will resume the league on the 10th September. I will also be getting the points up later this week
  5. Next League Night Thursday 27th August 8pm Group 1: BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 2. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 3. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 4. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Won't be able to update this again but still time to sign up. Hopefully more people will join but have fun tonight!
  6. Here are the results: The Results The League Table Post race comments Another night done, thank you to all who attended and turned out to be quite a fun night with just shells. No connections issues apart from Jimbob joining a bit later into GP1. Signing off for now, the theme for this week is players choice and sadly I won't be able to compete this week. See you all soon! Next League Night Thursday 27th August 8pm Sign Up Now!!
  7. @BowserBasher Dylan is joining us tonight, hold the group until you get a friend request off him please. His NNID is either SPNorthWales or spandit
  8. Next League Night Thursday 20th August 8pm Group 1: BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE 4. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher Still time to sign up, see you all later!!
  9. Right, from now on for a while I'm just going to post the league table as we already know the results The League Table Post race comments Another week gone, thank you all for turning up. Numbers still dropping, still looking for ideas to grab people in, if you are part of any other gaming groups, please advertise the league to them as well. This week there were no connection problems Enough said for this week, Thursday's Theme has been posted, see you all tomorrow!!
  10. Will update the table in the next few days, been busy this weekend. Nevertheless here is the theme for this week and it is Shells Only!! Next League Night Thursday 20th August 8pm Sign up Now!!
  11. Won't update fully but only addition is @Jimbob, see you all soon
  12. Yeah why not, lets go crazy : peace: If people want we could also stick 200cc on?
  13. Next League Night: Thursday 13th August 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) Still time to sign up, will check this later, see you all soon!!
  14. Sorry its a day late but here it is: Next League Night: Thursday 13th August 8pm With number declining I have two options which I am suggesting, feel free to leave your input. 1. With the low numbers shall we turn on CPU? 2. Should be try moving the league to a different day? Sign up now!!
  15. The Results The League Table Post Race comments Another week gone, small group but still quite enjoyable. Thank you to Nando for suggesting the theme, keep the ideas coming in please. No connection issues this week so I think for now @BowserBasher will be the permanent host if one group is present. Nothing else need to be said, will post the theme sometime tomorrow. Until then, see you all soon!! Sign Up Now!!
  16. Yep, add BowserBasher please :
  17. Next League Night: Thursday 6th August 8pm Group 1: BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall (2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell) 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 7. @Zettabytes (with Will) 8. @Jimbob NNID: Jimbob-NE Will check this later, add your host and see you later
  18. Yes please, going to try a different host after last week. Not sure if my internet is stable enough at the moment
  19. Won't be able to update this properly until tonight, nevertheless, it looks like it will be one group so for now can we all add @BowserBasher please.
  20. Sorry about the lateness of these results, will definetely get them up sooner next week. The Results The League Table Post-race comments Another week down, a couple more players on the inactive list but welcome to @punio75 to the league, hopefully we will be seeing more of you. Connection GP2 was a big problem for connection and therfroe easier just to write off of the whole GP. Other than that there were no other issues. We also have our player of the month. Well done to Bullet Will for maintaining his crown, well done to everyone else who made the top 5: Before I sign out I need to ask you all something. With the league decreasing in numbers I feel that something needs to be changed to spice the league up and grab more players in. If you have any suggestions feel free to message me on the forum or privately. That's all now, theme is posted below. The theme is called / nando / Night Next League Night: Thursday 6th August 8pm "Always in" List 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 3. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 4. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 5. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 6. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret Sign Up Now!!
  21. Sorry about the delay, will get the results up either later tonight or tomorrow. Also haven't decided a theme yet so feel free to send me any suggestions.
  22. Next League Night Thursday 30th July 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) 7. @Mr\-Paul Will consider two groups if we get more sign ups so check back nearer the time. Remember to add me before the room opens at 7:45pm. good luck tonight
  23. Next League Night Thursday 30th July 8pm @HollolW (With Nightfire) 7. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 8. @Zettabytes (With Bullet_Will) 9. @Clownferret NNID: clownferret 10. @punio75 NNID: ??? Still time to sign up, will update this later. Add your host before the room opens at 7:45pm tonight. See you all later!!
  24. Sorry they are a tad late The Results The League Table Post-race comments Thank you to @Nightfire for the theme, quite an enjoyable night. A lot of inactive players but welcome to Dylan into the league. Quite a few DCs but nothing too drastic. That's it for now, this week it's player's choice. See you then!! Next League Night Thursday 30th July 8pm Sign Up now!!
  25. @Pestneb I'm sorry for the mishap tonight, we had a very late drop out so it turned out your nephew could have played. Hopefully next time we will be able to have two groups so more people can play.
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