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The Mole

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Everything posted by The Mole

  1. Thursday 7th April 8pm
  2. Scores will be out tonight Sorry for the lateness The Results The League Table Good theme idea, really enjoyable. No changes to the league table. @RedShell will post the theme soon. Nothing more to say. See you all later!!
  3. Next League Night Thursday 31st March 8pm "Group 1: @BowserBasher is host, add NNID: BowserBasher" 1. @The Mole NNID:jcmarshall 2. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 3. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 4. @Dcubed NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 5. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 6. @Kounan NNID: KouNaNOVM 7. @RedShell NNID: RedShell 8. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 9. @Bullet Will NNID: 57-575 10. @nekunando NNID:nekunando 11. Purple Shell Still one more place for tonight. Room opens at 7:45pm. See you all later!!
  4. Scores will be up within the next 10 minutes Hope you are all having a good Easter, here are the results. The Results The League Table Post-race comments Thank you for Wii for suggesting the theme, lets hope the luck of Irish did you good. 2 DCs, I have sorted out your points for both of you. I have cleared up the league table and taken out a few of the inactive players. Nothing more to be said, RedShell has posted the theme, lets break the 2 group barrier this week. Only 4 more players to do this!! See you all Thursday!!!
  5. I got your points before the DC, you will not lose them
  6. Next League Night Thursday 24th March 8pm
  7. No BowserBasher this week as he is away. Make sure you add NNID: jcmarshall as I will be hosting
  8. The Results The league Table Post-race comments A bit late but they are here now. I must say what a crazy night, one of the best I've played in a long time and it definitely wasn't because of my results. Thanks to @RedShell for the theme. As you can see, not much change in the league table except The Mole regaining second place and the rise of @Dcubed, can he keep it up? RedShell will post the theme. See you all later!!!
  9. I really cannot wait to see the highlights video this weeks. I bet there are some good clips. : peace: Will get the scores out tomorrow or Saturday
  10. Just as I posted it
  11. Still time to make two groups. See you all soon The list for tonight @Glen\-i where are you? @Nicktendo, standby, gonna give @Glen\-i a minute and if he doesn't show you are in @Nicktendo, feel free to join us Edit: Glen-i has just turned up
  12. Day late on my part but still in the weekend: The Results Hope the theme was good and hoped you enjoyed the night. With a strong Perfomance from Bullet Will, how does this affect the league table: The League Table As you can see Will has regained his top spot knocking veteran Glen-i off the top. Let see if The Mole can now reclaim his second place. Thank you all for taking part this week, especially to our newcomer PurpleShell. Theme will be posted by @RedShell. See you all next week!!
  13. You have it covered for tonight. Have fun. Also @RedShell could you put Wii on the always in list please, just so we don't accidentally forget
  14. Unfortunately I am out for tomorrow, @BowserBasher can you send me the scores please?
  15. Here are the results from the last two weeks. I tried to save two GPs from group 2 however, the more I looked at them I just decided to leave them and only post the first one The Results @Glen\-i we have a new leader, lets see if Bullet Will can claim his spot back (If I remember to include him this time). The league table is below, thank you all for playing tonight, it was interesting... @RedShell will post the next theme up soon. See you all later!!
  16. @S\.C\.G has not turned up yet. Bullet Will standby as you were suppose to be in Edit: S.C.G has turned up
  17. Next League Night Thursday 3rd March 2016 8pm "Group 1: @Glen\-i NNID: Glen-i 9. @S\.C\.G NNID: Metal-Mutiny 10. @Cube NNID: DJCube 11. @nekunando NNID:nekunando 12. @Nicktendo NNID: Nikoli_86 Reserves @Pestneb NNID: Sjonpi If you can't race, post here, we will move into two groups if we get 16 players, otherwise we will have a reserves list on a first come basis. Still time to sign up. Add NNID: jcmarshall just incase of connection problems again this week. See you all later
  18. Not that I want to change it, just I think that we have been having a full group and its been chaos, good chaos though. With the league growing again, I guess most people thought the games got a little boring with only 7/8 players in a group again
  19. @BowserBasher, could you send me all the results you have from last week, they will just have to do unfortunately. Due to connection problems, I will collate last weeks and this weeks results into one post and release the league table when they are ready, hopefully some time this weekend. Now onto another matter, with the league growing bigger we need to decide what is best. As my solution didn't seem like the best one, I am leaving it up to you. Below are a few options, if you could all comment on which you think is best and the highest vote wins, I don't mind you sending me a message to keep it unanimous. You can also add your own answer: 1. Carry on with 2 groups 2. Cut off at 12/24 and others become reserves 3. Only have two groups when there is 20 or more players (10 per group) 4. Put CPUs on when we have less than 10 in a group 5. Any other option you can think of Theme is up, see you all tomorrow
  20. Sorry, unfortunately for you we didn't have any problems
  21. 1. @BowserBasher NNID: BowserBasher 2. @Wii NNID: SLIGEACH_EIRE 3. @Cube NNID: DJCube 4. Dcubed[/MENTION] NNID: Nuclear_Muffin 5. @punio75 NNID: Punio75 6. @Brian58 NNID: Hairdresser14 7. @Kounan NNID: KouNaNOVM[MENTION=893] 8. @Kaepora_Gaebora NNID: Stankind As tonight was unsuccessful to you, is there any chance you could play between now and the next league night? Post on here when you are free and we can try and arrange something
  22. Bit weird as @BowserBasher's connection is usually very good. Also our group ran quite smoothly as well :/
  23. Everyone in my group has been added. Group 1 room opening now. Good luck everyone!! @BowserBasher, going to miss our conversations
  24. To make it fair from now on, I will make two groups if the number hits 14. If the number hits 13, I myself will drop out so everyone plays Next League night Thursday 24th February 8pm "Group 1: The Mole is host, add NNID: jcmarshall 1. @Glen\-i? A little birdie tells me he might be interested in returning to the league. Could we also get a return from @Sprout?
  25. I would take your race points from them races, work it out as normal, then find an average of that and then times it by 4 (best I can really do for them situations)
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