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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. So with Super Paper Mario going to Wii this is the last upcoming GC game I, and most likely the rest of you want.Sad thing to say really, as it makes me reflect back on all the times i've been excited about upcoming games on my Cubey.

    It's out in the US on the 25th this month which is good and all, but NO SIGN WHATSOEVER of a european release:( It doesn't look like it could come out at all, yet alone before xmas like I had hoped.

  2. As for Dead Rising I just spent all afternoon killing zombies to get my Zombie Genocide Achievement ( kill 54,000 odd zombies ) In doing this I managed to level up to level 31 and when I finish the final chapter I get the REAL Megaman Buster to use...SWEET!

    Bloody achievements....what's the big deal??

  3. Ah what the hell...

    On Dead Rising the text (when you talk to people + other shizzle) is REALLY small and pretty much unreadable as you have to really squint to read it. Anyone else got this problem? I don't have this prob on any of my other 360 games, and I have the display settings set to Widescreen and everything (as thats what my TV is). It's really irritating and preventing me from properly enjoying the game.

  4. Can someone please explain the obsession with gamer points?


    Is there a benefit you get from them that I don't know about?


    Is the only thing that other people can see how many points you have?


    If so, don't folks realise that by buying into the whole points thing they're just being played like complete fools by MS?

    I agree,i've never seen the incentive.

    I'd care about them if they rewarded you by say giving you a certain amount of Live points once you'd get so many.

  5. We've managed to get the under 19 Brazil captain too, Denilson. These transfers we've made + the likes of Fabregas,Walcott and co coming through is so exciting. Poor start to the season yes, but anyone to write us off would be a fool.


    England v Andorra soon, I was reading about Mclaren earlier and I really am starting to earn quite a bit of respect for him, he seems to have the right attitude and makes Sven look like an absolute ass (not that he isn't anyway). I'd rather have Andy Johnson upfront than Defoe but we'll see how he does, as this is his make or break chance.

  6. At least Arsenal got rid of Ashley Cole, for an Arsenal fan, he's become a complete money grabbing glory hunting cock splash. And I think it would take a world cup winning goal for me to like him again.


    Reyes gone also, shame I really liked him, I hoped he would settle. But all the Real bollocks left me wanting him to go.


    Apparently Villareal have bought the Cygan which can only be a blessing especially when they've supposedly paid 2 million for him!


    Gallas and The Beast Baptista in, two great players, Gallas is clearly needed in the defence, and The Beast will give us some bloody strength on the pitch. All our players seem to be made of paper since Vieira left.

    Totally agree with everything there. :smile:

    The guy I sat next to at Highbury will be celebrating over Cygan's departure, I've never known a fan hate one of their clubs players so much :laughing:

  7. Do you go to different places and is it like a big adventure? I enjoyed 'Jade Empire' if thats any help, is it a bit like that?


    I don't normally like turn-based games though! :hmm:

    We have a jRPG noob

    aww isn't he cute *strokes him*

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