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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. That is very impressive, the violin is suprisingly genius.
  2. This looks bloody brilliant. Awesome dragonball-ish artstyle. Rumor is that its japan release date - December 7th 2006! I expect it to be playable at TGS. More scans here: http://www.jeux-france.com/news17482_blue-dragon-plus-d-images.html
  3. Anyone else find it fascinating to think theres a copy out there...and a Wii...in someone's home. [http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/ellen-degeneres/degeneres-gives-teen-a-wii-console-and-zelda-201166.php]
  4. That gold is sandy.. I love it, god when I get it i'm just going to stare at the cover for ages in awe that I finally have it!
  5. NOE: Why they couldn't just give us a list I don't know
  6. Another SOLID result for Portsmouth. Wow! Most will agree with me that it's a great thing to see, and good luck to them. Oh and Campbell and Taylor are in one of my fantasy football teams :awesome: 5 goals in first 5 games for Andy Johnson, what a buy he's turning out to be for Everton, like I predicted. I was debating with fellow Arsenal fans about how we'd benefit so much from a poacher, and that Johnson for £7m would of been one hell of a buy, but they were too ignorant. I personally think he would of fit in really well into the side, he's got electric pace. Can't fricking wait till tommorow afternoon
  7. I've been excited about watching this for a while and when I saw it in the newspaper TV film guide this morning I immediately went and set it to record on Sky+
  8. I second that. We need more Phoenixness around here
  9. Here's the interview: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/topics/wii_preview/movie/interview.html Hopefully there'll be a translation soon
  10. The lighting is mouth watering
  11. Over 100 hours without sleep -> DEATH
  12. For US yes, but not Europe
  13. Agreed, it's things like this that'd make it so exciting. Also, imagining there were 360 like achievements you could earn which could be used as 'Wii points'?
  14. http://www.n-sider.com/newsview.php?type=story&storyid=2433 Earthbound Zero, Earthbound, Earthbound 2, Metroid 2 (color) are coming to the Virtual Console. There will be new Virtual Console remakes of certain NES and Game Boy games by first and third party developers. Expect to pay a bit more upon release. Online Wi-Fi for Virtual Console games is still a mystery. Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii and Pokemon for Nintendo DS will arrive in North America sometime in March/April. Arcade and Amiga 500 games will join the Virtual Console fold very soon. Nintendo is contemplating releasing a Wii version of Tetris, Dr. Mario, and Mahjong exclusively through the Virtual Console. These are not ports of Famicom versions but new versions updated beyond their Nintendo DS counterparts. Nintendo Wii owners will get to buy Virtual Console games, game soundtracks, wall papers, and other physical items (real life posters and toys for example) with Wii Points. Wii Points can be purchased, earned through buying games, donated from friends, and won through Wi-Fi raffles.
  15. This is from a video interview about it: Apparently that character looks like an older 'Chloe Valens' Who is this? someone from a Tales game I take it? EDIT: Oh she's from Tales of Legendia! Don't see the similarities myself.
  16. That's because it's named after Ren from Shenmue II, the coolest of the cool. He's in my sig 50% of the time
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