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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. From what i've witnessed Plasma HDTVs are the most impressive, but then I also hear so much good stuff about LCDs, Samsung in particular. Could you guys please help explain to me which is ...well generally better, and why etc.

    And bear in mind i'm thinking of HDTVs around 40"

  2. OMG i just watched Rocky 1 for the 100th time. It's still amazing after all this time :D. Great acting by Stallone (ironically one of his only good acting performances), and he is able to make you feel sorry for Rocky for having such a bad life even though he is actually a great guy. The montage scene never gets old!




    I take it you've seen the others too, my favourite is still probably I, although IV is pretty epic. I really need to see Rocky again before my bout coming up in just over a week, for a bit of inspiration :heh:

    I know Rocky Balboa is out in America on December 22nd but anyone know about UK?

  3. I saw oldboy last night.


    It's a relatively recent korean film about this guy who gets inexplicably locked up for 15 years, then has 5 days to work out why. It sets up lots of mysteries really well, but the solution at the end (not wanting to spoil anyone) isn't all that brilliant.


    So overall... 6.5/10.

    The ending could have been better yes, but the film is so class in nearly every other aspect.

  4. No real need to go that way IMO, if you guys have divergences solve those in PM's or something. (I don't even know if you where joking though, since my irony detector is horrible).


    Then again Stocka did a thread saying he was leaving, and I'm sure he had his reasons, at worst case scenario you guys learned of his departure when we all did; by surprise...


    I also think he was joking with that remark, despite that... I also feel that, moderation needs to get tighter over here, I don't know what it is though; wether if these didn't happen a few months ago or where simply moderated fast and effective to the point I wasn't aware.


    Still... There's a home console launch aproaching, something that happens once in 5 years, it should get calm afterwards, I understand that being a mod becomes increasingly dificult at these times.


    Sorry for the offtopic post.

    icon14.gif for that post.

    Having the 'heh' smiley clearly showed I wasn't meaning anything too malicious by it, just friendly constructive criticism, and a tad bit of arrogance :wink:

    I enjoyed being a mod but am satisfied with not being one now, as i'm not online half as much as I use to be, and I prefer to have the responsibility off my shoulders when I am on. If he wants to, I say Dante would be a fantastic mod to have for the board, as he'll most likely keep everything organised and up to date a hell of a lot more than it is now.

    Oh and on the topic of moderating could we use the 'Wii Sports and Wii Play' thread created by Sprout a few weeks ago to keep all talk of the two in one place, and perhaps stickied as everyone is going to have Wii Sports. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9257&highlight=wii+sports+play


    Anyway... err Sonic yeah

  5. Least it's confirmed to be fake.I really want a good RPG like ToS or BK soon-ish on the Wii.I need my RPGs >.<

    Yeah like me and pedro have been discussing in the Tales of the Tempest thread, the RPG scene on DS/Wii is rather worrying. The most irritating thing is that RPGs on Wii have so much potential.

  6. Yeah its definately fake unfortunately, but I hear Sword of Legendia is the sequel to Tales of Legendia, although I have a feeling it won't be a proper RPG and more like how that Dragon Quest Swords looks :hmm:

  7. I personally kind of dislike the english culture of just going out drinking with friends. I prefer things like going out for a meal in a restaurant, e.g. chinese/indian with friends, or going to Arsenal. I still go to parties sometimes, but I don't seem to enjoy them as much as everybody else, as I just don't see the big deal. Whether you enjoy parties or not usually depends on whether you like the music though.

  8. Hey guys im kinda new here, i've always looked around but i've decided to start posting and getting more involved now.


    I do agree that the whole tri-force hunt thing was just unessasary and seemed to just be there to extend the game, but the mention of metroid prime echos reminded me of in that when you had to get the key things, that was exacatly the same and just seemed needless. Anyway apart from those points i did think they were both brilliant games, and also im not sure about this cel shaded metroid thing, i've always like metroid for its beautiful sceanary. Can't wait for Wii Zelda and Metroid!!

    Welcome Pacifica :kiss:

    I think I'm the only one that actually enjoyed the triforce quest....lol

  9. You shouldn't feel pressurised into doing anything. I hate the way people go out for the sake of it because they believe they 'have to' just to please others. If you want to go out, do it, if not, don't worry.

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