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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. What is it for you?

    Personally it's been a very quiet year for films, with me going to the cinema only a few times. None that I have seen this year would go down as one of my all time favourites, but i'd say my favourite has to be Borat.

  2. It's almost the end of the year and so the inevitable question...game(s) of the year?


    For me:

    1. Zelda: Twilight Princess

    2. Gears of War

    3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


    Also I might aswell throw in my 3 most anticipated for next year:

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Halo 3

    Blue Dragon

    (I have a feeling we won't see SSBB till spring 2008...)

  3. Guys, I am stuck in the Goron Mines. This bit is pissing me off.


    I'm very early on in the dungeon. Pretty much only the second or third room. There is this massive block with a chain attached to it. I pull the block, let go of the chain and try to make the hole, but i can't. There must be an easier way than this.

    As you're pulling it look at the fire coming up you can see in the distance, stop doing it when it goes down then make a dash for it.

  4. Earlier I just fell in love with Hyrule Field for the first time. The size, beauty and awesome music make it so pleasureable to just roam around.

    I'm really satisfied at the pace i'm playing the game, i'm hoping it'll last me weeks rather than days, as afterall it's not like you get a new Zelda very often.

  5. Bad news guys, Sega have responded to the campaign:


    "Despite any rumours, Shenmue III is not at any stage of development, and is not in Sega's plans. "This is hardly an official statement, but I can tell you that despite rumours to the contrary, there is nothing in the works for Shenmue III. However, SEGA is aware of Shenmue's position and the special place it holds for fans, and we would never discount the possibility of doing another one.


    There is no Shenmue 3 in the works because Suzuki-san is too busy on Shenmue online and will be for another couple of years at least. There is every possibility that he would want to do a Shenmue 3, but the general feeling is that it won't happen in the next 3-5 years; or until SEGA reaches it's current business goals - That is to become a top 3 publisher.


    I'd tell our fans not to give up hope- but not to hold their breath either"


  6. We all eat Christmas dinner and indulge in idle chit chat until 8pm when they all leave.

    I've noticed recently that many seem to have their Turkey at dinner rather than lunch. Who else here does this apply to? I personally love it at lunch. Around 1pm usually.

  7. I played a hell of a lot of Zelda today, as others have said as you get into the forest temple the feeling of adventure really starts to get into you. As a friend was round playing this afternoon (from the start) and I was watching, it made me realise how fantastic the beginning of the game really is. I love the way it builds up slowly from peace to pulsating excitement.

  8. To those that add me and pm me etc. and i don't add you, well i don't mean any offense by it, it's just I don't want too many people from here, only a selected few. I find it pointless to have practically the whole forum on it personally.

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