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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. the eastside of the town market, looking like a church with trees from the sides and behind it and the Hyrule Castle was farway from the town in the north.


    Edit Found images to help my point.



    Man I love how the Temple of Time looks in OOT, so mystical. I just didn't get that feeling with the TP one for some reason.

  2. I've found the opposite.

    Some of my brother's mates came around and started punching like hell. They all got knackered by the second round, and had done little damage.


    I usually find that 'choosing your punches' or punching at the right time has the desired effect.


    A true tactician. :)


    Um, so your saying I DON'T 'choose my punches' even though i'm an amateur boxer? Pfft

  3. Comparing a game to Ocarina of Time is like trying to compete with a past memory, or God or something.


    I think both Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time can exist with both games having plus and minus points. No game is perfect, and even Ocarina of Time had its flaws. Does it stand the test of time? Well, its all down to opinion.


    Fact is, the same people who play this game will not necessarily be the same people who played Ocarina of Time. To them, we are older gamers. We were there during the N64 days, and we experienced it first hand.


    To these new gamers, in which case Twilight Princess will be their first Zelda game, this will be their ocarina.


    You need to see it from many points of view to grasp this whole concept. Not every gamer is the same.

    I agree. I think Twilight Princess is technically the better game on the gameplay scale, as I think it's the most fun Zelda yet.


    Oh and I totally disagree about the Snowpeak ruins temple, bloody hated it.

  4. Thanks, out of interest why did you hate me? and how the hell can you possibly respect me?

    I never really HATED you, that's too big a word, especially considering it's unfair to judge someone when you haven't met them. I simply didn't like you that much because I found you too negative, I think that's why...

    Why do I respect you? Um, it's hard to explain when someone asks you that...

  5. Wow there's been a lot of debate in here since I last came on last night. Whilst I agree with many things said I think the reason for the views seeming so negative is that it's much easier to talk about the flaws of a game on a forum rather than the good things. It's also as if Zelda fans were playing Twilight Princess not for the sake of pleasure but instead to be look for things to be picky about and compare it to OOT and what not. The truth is, it's because OOT is SO fantastic that people complain about Twilight Princess.

  6. Slower paced games always did better in Japan, like RPGs and strategy games. In contrast all games you could find in Snes/Genesis days here in the UK were action games. Japanese seem to enjoy a patient, slow paced games where they can dip themselves in the world and experience a long term immersion in the story. Action element, if too dominant or frantic, don't help.

    I'm like that. Prefer to immerse myself in a deep epic jRPG anyday rather than play a really frantic game. Saying that though, I do still love many action games, as it's all about balance, but I feel i'm more of a japanese gamer than a western.

  7. Running is awesome, there's nothing better than a morning jog with the ipod cranked to full volume. Obviosuly, when you start wearing lycra shorts - you have a problem.

    Indeed, your favourite music + running = winning formula.

  8. Hasn't been a fantastic year for me really, possibly my worst yet, mainly due to family matters.

    Highlights include finally finishing high school/GCSEs, going to Paris to see the champions league final, going to spain on holiday, starting my A Levels (well, AS) and having my first amateur boxing bout. Although these could have all been great and memorable, none were really, due to certain things that happened at the time...

    The year has finished quite positively for me though, this month in particular, and i'm kind of optimistic about a variety of things for 2007. Although I don't wish my life away, I anticipate the time in 2008 when I leave Norwich to go a uni somewhere else, and then after that when I move away from England.

  9. Anyone else play squash?

    Yeah I play regularly at a local club, lessons + league matches. Great sport although i'm very inconsistent. When i'm good i'm very good, when i'm bad i'm awful.


    I've never tried to go running, as I think I would just look damn silly. :heh:

    Who cares what you look like? If you care about your appearences so much well you'll look a lot better afer having gone running, so it's worth it.

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