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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. YES!

    Been trying to get a premium pack for Xmas last few days, and earlier I rang up Virgin Megastores....3 in stock! I asked if they could hold it for me tommorow for my mum to pick up as she is going in, and they said yes and took her name down. WOOOHOOO!!!

    As long as it all goes well and I get it okay, then I'm in teh christmassy mood alright :D

  2. UK Nintendo Magazine NGC has revealed in its latest Jan 06 issue that one of the reasons Zelda Twilight Princess was delayed was to add functionality with the Revolution Controller.

    Here is the quote from the magazine



    NGC can exclusively reveal that Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller.


    Now we all know that the Revolution features backwards compatibility but the ability to play Zelda: TP with the innovative controller is excellent. Back in September when Nintendo announced they we're taking extra time to add some incredible elements they weren’t kidding. Basically what will happen is when you insert the disc into your Revolution, you'll be given the option to use the Revolution's controller, with all the advantages this will bring.


    This is very cool, No word on how it will be used but most likely for fishing sword fighting and the like.


    Heh, it was kinda obvious it was going to happen anyway. I think I'd prefer to play through it first normally though, and then possibly play through a second time using the Rev controller.

  3. Although he has been injured, Hleb hasn't done much for £13 million.

    Jeez give him a chance, players need time to settle in, especially when they're from another country. When Henry first came he didn't do much (went ages without scoring) and then bang look what happened.

    I think Hleb has actually been one of our best players this season when he's played, cause half of em have been piss poor compared to recent years (Freddie and Gilberto).

  4. Thank you, same to you, and the rest of you :smile:


    I don't feel THAT christmassy yet compared to most years, most people feel the same too...its odd.


    As for the 2006, its going to be a very interesting one for me, as it includes:



    16th Birthday

    Launch of the Emirates Stadium(and i'll have a season ticket!)

    Launch of the new Wembley

    World Cup Germany 2006

    Begin AS levels at Sixth form/College

    E3 2006


    Launch of the Revolution


    MASSIVE year.

  5. It was getting just a little bit crowded up here. There were 5 stickied threads after i stickied Konfucious's thread.(sp?) And, to be fair, this board doesn't get as much attention as it should. This thread will probably still be on the first page for a while, so it's still fine. Also, the game is quite a way off, so maybe another thread could be stickied in it's place. Another GC release game thread?


    Well it was unneccessary in my opinion to sticky the charts thread instead, its updated every week anyway so when it needs to be discussed it is at the top of the first page because its just been updated.


    There's no other MASSIVE GC games left that deserve to be stickied really...okay Baten Kaitos II but thats ages away, and probably won't be out till after Twilight Princess.


    I say resticky this...who agrees?

  6. As for someone saying Ljunberg should be there, he has also been pretty piss.

    Yeah freddy is having a nightmare of a season. He was at his best in the year we won the double, but since he's been going downhill. He rarely tries to take on full backs anymore, but rather always chooses to pull the ball back to Lauren.

  7. Are you getting problems with any of these files then?

    When I go onto 'Virus Chest' from avast, it opens this new window with four sections:

    infected files

    user files

    system files

    all chest files.


    They are in the system files part.

  8. I was thinking of getting one but I no longer see any appeal for me personally. I just don't look at its future and get excited, there isn't that much coming out for it other than stripped down ports and a few franchises that don't interest me. It has some decent looking RPGs (which attracted me to buy a PSP the most), such as Tales of Eternia, Legend of Heroes and PoPoLoCris, but none convince me to spend over £150 on a handheld. The future looks so dull for it imo. I can't see the attraction. Rev,Xbox 360,DS,PC will do me nicely thanks :awesome:

  9. :angry::angry: FFS its just one thing after another, ok for a start my PC turns itself off randomly and a blue screen comes up with a load of bull. When I start up the PC again and send the error report, it says that the reaosn for the crash is because of a device installation problem. It tells me to go into Device manager and reinstall thing etc. Problem is I don't know whats causing the problem. i've tried fiddling with some device drivers but it hasn't helped (Graphics card, webcam...).


    Second problem is when I go to turn off my PC normally, I press Shut Down...and then when it says 'Saving your Settings' it stays like that and nothing happens, so I have to always turn off the PC via the plug. This is probably the worst problem.


    I've done virus scans,adaware and search and destroy, and got rid of stuff on the latter two but I couldn't find any viruses. I've used both AVG and avast.


    Not only this, but my PC is starting to have other minor problems too by the looks of things, like my windows media player crashing frequently.


    Could someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEE help if possible, I'm getting very stressed about it and don't want to have to reformat etc.


    PS: What are these 'system files'? Are they harmful or viruses or just normal system stuff I shouldn't touch.








  10. Lets get in the festive spirit eh, although the majority get so annoying as they are played in about every shop, which Christmas song is your favourite?


    For me its The Pogues - Fairytale of New York, quality song,


    "You scumbag, you maggot

    You cheap lousy faggot

    Happy christmas your arse

    I pray God it’s our last....

    ...etc...And the bells were ringing out

    For christmas day dududududu du du"

  11. I got a Dreamcast(+ controller) + 3 games + VMU all brand new for £27 off ebay.


    I had to buy Shenmue seperately though, and I got it second hand as Shenmue I+II are so expensive sealed. The 3 games I got I don't want but I'm keeping them somewhere safe as they are completed sealed and everything and in a few years when they are ultra rare sell them on ebay for a lot :awesome:

  12. Well I've just got back from the game, and to be honest, we have no excuses. Many Arsenal fans whinge and moan about getting unfair decisons and bad luck, but look, we're 20 points BEHIND chelsea, we have no-one to blame but ourselves, we've lost far too many games. And today, we didn't deserve to win, because for the simple fact, we're just not good enough right now. Although, Essien should of got sent off, that guy is a DISGRACE TO FOOTBALL. We only have ourselves to blame for where we are.


    People say selling vieira was a bad decison, well I disagree, he'd reached his peak and was only going to get worse, what we SHOULD OF DONE though is replace him. Henry should of never become captain, he's rarely in Arsenal's own half. To be honest, and as much as I hate to say it, Campbell, Freddy and Pires have all had their peak and now lost it, Freddy was abysmal today.


    We've got some serious building up to do, its been hard as we haven't had a lot of money to spend on players the last couple of years (spent £350 million on new stadium) so to be fair Wenger has the right thing bringing many youngsters up instead of spending loads. Reyes really hasn't performed to the £20 million we bought him for though, Van Persie at £2.5 was a fantastic buy however.


    Bah i'll stop going on, but basically we've only got ourselves to blame for how we are doing in the premiership this season, and we have a lot of building up to do, I wouldn't be suprised if we sell some big names in the summer, Henry could possibly go, and Pires will go on a free. We need to bring in some big names, Ballack and Torres spring to mind.

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