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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Okay, bit random thread, not much point to it but I've had a crazy day and thought some of you might be interested so please don't reply like 'what a pointless thread' etc. etc.


    Okay, it was a typically morning at school, as I walked through door to go into my second lesson i had to hold the door to let someone else though, and then my figners got caught in it(the tight part) and I was like "Shit!Shit fucky fucky shit face" as I pushed the door away to let my finger out. Pain or what. Anyone else who has experienced it will know what I mean.


    So I went to the medical office as part of my finger was bleeding(fore finger, left hand) and I was in quite a bit of pain. The woman told me to sit on the seat for 15 mins with an ice pack round my finger, so I did. As it got colder, the pain got worse. :red: But I thought ah well, missing a good 20 minutes of Maths I suppose.


    When the 15 mins were up she came in and wrapped up my finger. Went back into maths....rest of the day went like normal....pain wasn't as bad....period 5...last lesson. It was PEM and while we were waiting outside the changing rooms we were playing around with a football, and then someone threw it over my head, i tried to block it with my hand(right hand) and because the ceiling is so low in the PE block I smashed my middle finger on it. "'FUCK Fuckk fuckkk shit ****...etc.'" I'd now messed up my middle finger. Our teacher arrived and said we had a test. On the way to the class the pain seemed to just go, and I couldn't feel it any more. Anyway we got in, started the test, and as I started writing...well..I couldn't. This huge urge of pain started in my finger. I thought it could possibly be broken as I couldn't move it. I couldn't carry on.


    [..Off to the medical office I went....:heh:]


    Woman goes "You again?! What is it now"


    I was like "I've done something to my other finger now"....

    She was like " :indeed: "

    So we went in and repeated the process. Suprisingly, this hurt even more than when I caught the other finger in the door. So there we are..day finished. And I've successfully got my finger caught in a door and sprained(apparently) another.


    What a day.I look like a fricking mummy, bandages all over my fingers. I can type however as my finger that got caught in the door is okayish now, and my forefinger on my right hand is fine. I can't write at all though :heh: Should be interesting at school tommorow not being able to write...

    Won't be able to play squash and do boxing training like I planned to this week though :angry:


    But heh...everything happens for a reason.



    Sorry this thread is so random and pointless.... :indeed:

  2. Sweden again jeez. Just like last time, we haven't beaten them in years too. And its most likely Sven loves Sweden more than England deep down.

    Other than that safeish group. Groups E and F look like hell.









  3. Well for a start, it should come free with a wheel expansion for the controller. Will be so fun with gyroscopes. Also you could use the controller to lob shells/bannanas etc. at opponents.

    But hm.. I'd rather 100% new tracks personally. And I think possibly a big change. Dunno what though. I don't want to see it for a while though really, happy with MKDS at the moment :laughing:

  4. Yeah these two films I've been looking forward to for AGES. Narnia especially as I'm a MASSIVE fan of the books. I hope they do go on to do a film for all 7, Voyage of the Dawn Treador is excellent. I'll probably see Narnia closer to Xmas as its a christmassy film. King Kong I want to see ASAP :awesome:

  5. Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America CMO, spoke to an audience of investors at a recent UBS conference. The Reginator discussed Nintendo’s strategy of marketing their next-gen console to more casual gamers. Here were some key points covered in his presentation:


    • Iwata was quoted in the presentation as saying: “If we cannot expand the market, all we can do is wait for the industry to slowly die.â€
    • Nintendogs has sold nearly one million copies in the US alone, more than half of the buyers were said to be female.
    • The presentation featured the following comment by publisher, EA in regards to the Revolution: â€It’s a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry…they make some of the best games in the industry…and we look forward to partnering with them.â€
    • According to Nintendo, the DS is outselling the PSP in both Japan and the U.S., with total sales of the systems reaching around 6 million for DS, versus 4.26 million for the PSP.

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