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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. This song is starting to get really irritating as it keeps getting into my head and won't come out, even though I really hate both Sugababes and the song the tune is repeatedly in my head. ARGH!

    Am I the only one?

  2. http://www.revolutionreport.com/articles/read/249

    Revolution Report has been the exclusive outlet for all news concerning Polish developer NIBRIS and its first title, Raid over the River, planned for both the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Revolution. Earlier today, the studio's Project Manager Piotr Orlowski provided a brief update on the status of NIBRIS' titles.


    According to Orlowski, NIBRIS is wrapping up work on the first level of the Raid over the River DS Version. As is stated on the team's new Web site, a "playable demo of the first game that is heading to the Nintendo DS should be available for interested parties before February 2006."


    In regards to the Revolution version, he was only able to say at this time that the game's working title is Raid over the River Revolution and that "this game will be the second part of the Raid over the River story," the first obviously for the Nintendo DS.


    Concluding, Orlwoski affirmed that NIBRIS "has a strong business partner" and said he hopes that both versions of Raid over the River give Nintendo fans a lot of fun in a fresh way.

  3. Well in May(2005) I decided I wasn't going to drink anymore fizzy drinks, eat crisps, or have mcdonalds/burgerking.


    Here I am in January 2006 and in those 8 months I've managed to stay away from all 3. I don't even get tempted by them anymore...(okay maybe a nice icey coke sometimes when I'm hot) but most of the time I don't.


    Its not like I was fat or unhealthy at the time as I feel I have a good physique and am healthy, as I do lots of fitness and boxing training, I just felt like doing it because I thought to myself..."I don't really like any of these that much, so why do I need them?"


    Of course, I couldn't ever give up chocolate however :yay:

  4. Well as soon as it is possible too I will be pre ordering my Rev, as I don't want the worry of the shortages like with 360. When I do I don't know whether to pre order from Gameplay.co.uk or a shop. Gameplay are VERY reliable etc. but then buying a new console on impulse is a special feeling, especially on launch day. I'd probably pre order from a shop then go buy it from them on launch day rather than stay up at 12. I'll wait and see.

  5. Right, I know my chances are going to be slim here but I was wondering whats the closest time Im going to get hold of a 360? Ive heard there will be more stock at the end of feburary but they're all preordered. Could anyone shead some light on this? Sorry If this Is a n00bish question. Thankyou In advance.



    That was the site that helped me get myself a 360 premium from Virgin in time for Christmas.


    Oh and on the subject of Kameo, I thinks its a fantastic adventure, I'm currently in Thorn's Castle. Looking forward to compelting my first 360 game but also I don't want it to end :(


    The thing about it that makes the game so disappointing is the way it starts, and the music etc. make you feel like its going to be a reall HUGE EPIC ADVENTURE but it really isn't.

  6. I'm playing Majora's Mask at the moment (ZCE, first time too) and hopefully I'll complete it before Twilight Princess comes out. I get stuck quite frequently :heh:


    As for OOT I doubt I'll play it again, not for the moment anyway! Too many games to play and complete as it is.

  7. Well I played the Fight Night Demo and wasn't very impressed. It controls sluggishly and awkward in my opinion, and I just couldn't see it getting much better. Its not like I'm someone moaning about it because I hate boxing because I don't, I love it, I'm an amateur boxer.

    If graphics are trying to be its main selling point than oh dear I mean are you suppose to go ':shock:WOW!' when it does the replay with the blood spilling out their mouth? I mean come on if they wanted to they could of done that in replays on the Xbox version. Lighting isn't bad but the whole slow motion crap is just generally poor and the graphics are well overrated.


    This is just my opinion so don't flame me



    Oh by the way, I'm having trouble on Xbox Live, I can play games with other people okay but if I invite a friend or a friend invites me it won't let me be in the same game. I heard its something to do with router settings someone please help!

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