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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. I have to wonder why they chose to release the sequel first. Is there a reason for that? Anyway, Mr. Driller was pretty meh for me, I'll give it a miss.
  2. Oh damn! This is getting localised? YES! GET IN! I wish I could say that wasn't true. But it's totally true! About 90% of the pictures I drew were Pokemon. The thing that has got me interested in this are the markers. You couldn't really do a cartoony style in Art Academy, which is why I mainly use Colours 3D. But those markers will probably pry me away from it.
  3. Recently, I've been playing loads of Mario Golf: World Tour. Some of the challenges are just plain ridiculous and Sky Island is starting to drive me insane. Online Multiplayer is loads of fun though. Best bit about the game. I've also started playing 999. After enjoying Virtue's Last Reward, it was only natural to give this a go. Backtracking through the game is one hell of a chore though. Really kills the pacing. Glad they changed it for the sequel.
  4. Somehow, the footage shown didn't surprise me in the slightest. I knew it was going to be nothing interesting. I'm still hyped for OmegaRuby though, despite 3rd gen being one of my least favourite games in the series.
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