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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. 7 hours ago, GenericAperson said:

    Anyway, just entered Phazon Mines. My memory told me that there is something I need to up to the top of the entrance hub room so I went to the top there only to find the thing rotates with an electrical pulse. The Wave Beam came to mind but I don't think that's what the game is after and I might need the Grapple Beam in order to get that route.


    So, now it's onto the Run of Death(TM). If you don't know what I'm talking about, you have to get from the first Save Point in Phazon Mines, through a giant horde of Space Pirates and TWO whole floors of Space Pirates before finally getting to the maze that unlocks the Power Bomb. It is a really long stretch without saving and that's disregarding all the scanning you have to do if you want 100% for the logbook. For me, it is by far the hardest segment of gameplay in Metroid Prime and across multiple playthroughs it is such a relief to finish that part.

    Should have gone with your gut. Wave Beam is what you need. (It's only for a Missile Expansion, so no need to rush to get it if you went past.) Thermal Visor reveals where you need to shoot.

    I just did the Run of Death myself last night. (And got the X-Ray Visor and Grapple Beam afterwards) I agree with you, it's easily the hardest part in Prime 1. You're not quite at the point where you're powerful enough to steamroll most enemies, so it's quite nerve wracking. Every box with goodies in it is precious!

    Now I've got 10 Energy Tanks, 145 Missiles, 5 Power Bombs, the Wavebuster and 6 artifacts. Might be able to blow up the planet tonight, if I can ever figure out where to use the Grapple Beam...

    • Thanks 1

  2. 17 hours ago, S.C.G said:

    Last night, I decided that I would at least try the Wii version via Metroid Prime Trilogy, which I still maintain as being a good way to experience the game but alas...

    I just couldn't get past the opening section, not for the games difficulty as I've finished the game many times over, although notably only once on the Wii version.

    Nope, it was because of the controls... as great as they were back then, either my setup isn't right for it or I just don't get on with them any more.

    Did you have "Lock-On Free Aim" on?

    Just in case you (or anyone else) don't know, it's basically an option that allows you to freely aim anywhere while locked on to an enemy. I believe it's on by default.

    Metroid Prime 3 is built around it, so it works fine there, but the first two games are not designed for that, which can make things feel awkward.

    With it off, the Lock-On works similarly to the original game, keeping your reticle on an enemy at all times.

    Anyone who finds they keep missing even when locked on should check to see if that's the reason.

    21 hours ago, drahkon said:

    What constitutes a Hypermode run? (did I use that verb correctly? I never used it before :D)

    Yes, you did use it correctly, but sorry, I wasn't planning on doing a silly restriction kind of run. Hypermode is literally the name of the new hardest difficulty in the Metroid Prime Trilogy version. You unlock it by finishing the game.

    Mind you, I decided against it in the end because I forgot Trilogy keeps track of what difficulties you've finished. So I went with Veteran (Hard Difficulty) instead.

    I just got the Wave Beam last night. If I remember right, I'm about to properly encounter those pesky Space Pirates. 4 Energy Tanks, 75 missiles and 2 Chozo Artifacts. Thankfully, Trilogy remembers what scans you did on your first playthrough, so I've already got 100% scans.

    That scene when you first get to Phendrana Drifts is still great. All that possibility! Until you realise you can only get to 2 doors, and one of those is a save room. But that's part of the fun!

    BTW, neat trick I remembered. I don't know if this works on the Gamecube version, but if you have the Power Beam active, you can rapid fire Missiles by firing a Missile, quickly pressing A to close the arm cannon and then immediately pressing the Missile button again.

    Made mincemeat out of the Sheegoth with that.

    • Thanks 2

  3. 7 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

    well this was a pain in the butt. Managed the Ken Century Smash one after dying at 99 too many times. But the 3 KO’s in Cruel Smash is just a nightmare to do. I truly think the only way to do it is to get them to SD. Did it in the end with Kirby and just kept floating over the edges taunting them so they’d SD

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Cruel Smash sucks. I immediately Golden Hammered that one the instant I saw it.

    I've only got two challenges left to do myself, 100 and 200 online Quick Play matches. If Battle Arena counted, I would have gotten that ages ago...

    N-Europe matches and local matches have really spoiled me on playing Smash with randoms...

    • Like 1

  4. As far as my backlog goes, it's...


    Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom (Almost done with this)
    Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
    Phantasy Star


    Miitopia (Almost done with this too)
    Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers

    That's all I've actually got on my consoles that I haven't finished, so yeah, not as bad as some of you.

    • Thanks 1

  5. @Dcubed tasked me with making this thread.


    Metroid Prime is a first-person action adventure game that first released on the Gamecube in 2003. A somewhat controversial (at the time) game in that it plays almost nothing like the 4 2D side-scrolling Metroid games that came before it. Instead, we have a slower paced game from the viewpoint of Samus Aran herself.

    Speaking of Samus, this game takes place after the first Metroid game. Samus has beaten the Space Pirates and destroyed Mother Brain. But most importantly, she blew up Planet Zebes! Which is all that matters.
    Samus has received a distress signal from a Space Pirate Frigate called Orpheon. Seeing an opportunity to blow up more essential Space Pirate stuff with no consequence, she immediately goes in, only to find that something has already done all that. Naturally, that's no fun, but Samus decides to mop up anyway. Good thing too, because she stumbles upon Ridley, except he's all cybernetic and stuff. Not one to leave things half dead, Samus chases Ridley to nearby planet Tallon IV, but loses him when she reaches the surface.

    So Samus has to find Ridley, blow him up and maybe just blow up Tallon IV to make sure he's really not there. That will teach that planet for existing!

    Metroid Prime retains the traditional exploration tropes that the Metroid series is known for. There's all sorts of items to find on Tallon IV which will help you on your quest to blow Tallon IV up. As well as stuff to nick, the world is littered with lots of information to scan, such as enemy weaknesses and background on what happened on Tallon IV before Samus started stamping around.

    Feburary's Game Club game of choice is a game that took a massive chance with one of Nintendo's long running franchises and nailed it. Metroid Prime is a game that was unlike anything we had seen from Nintendo and cemented Retro Studios as a quality asset to Ninty. You are free to play either the original Gamecube version or the motion-enhanced version you can find in the Metroid Prime Trilogy collection. The Metroid Prime Trilogy version contains motion controls, the Spring Ball ability from Metroid Prime 3, an extra difficulty mode, faster loading times and widescreen support.

    So get to it, guys. Show that planet who's boss! And don't forget to take a picture of the end results screen!

    Metroid Prime is available on: Gamecube
    Metroid Prime Trilogy is available on: Wii, WiiU

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  6. 26 minutes ago, RedShell said:


    Yeah, I’d like to say that’s what I was trying but the truth is I was just doing my usual thing of spamming certain taunts because they amuse me. :D It’s a real problem with some of the characters, none more so than Pikachu though... “Pika Pika!” :laughing: 

    Had actually forgotten about Fox’s special taunt

    On the subject of taunting, the Bayonetta x2 fight was a lot of fun. :grin: 

    Yeah, you're not the only one. Palutena is a particular favourite of mine. Laughing and spinning, that's what she's best at.

    • Like 1

  7. 4 hours ago, RedShell said:

    You messed up my what now? :heh: 

    Yeah, not sure exactly what you’re referring to (I struggle to keep up with the game as it is :grin:) but I’m sure it was as much of an accident as that Super Horn in MK. ;) 

    Good fun as always though. :peace:

    Oh right, when you were playing as Fox on Corneria, you were using down taunt a lot. I assume you were trying to get that special taunt that gets the rest of Star Fox to chat for a bit.

    You actually nailed it, but I hit you before I realised it was working and cancelled it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2

  8. 5 hours ago, nekunando said:

    It's already too late, anyway! Metroid Prime is awesome but I'm surprised at the clamour to play it now when we could have news of a Switch version in the near future.. 

    A theoretical Switch version won't have pointer controls. It'll probably have gyro controls, but it won't be quite as accurate as Wii style pointing.

  9. 21 hours ago, RedShell said:



    Each to their own and all that, but I'm sorry, you guys are absolutely barmy when it comes to Breath of the Wild. :heh:

    If Breath of the Wild made me barmy, I'd give it less flak. That game is boring, dull and boring.

    EDIT: Credit where credit is due though, it's better than Pokèmon Let's GO.

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