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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. If you see a bug on the forums, please post it here! Try to provide as much information as possible, copy and paste any error codes, and let us know which Forum Theme you are using (look in the select box in the bottom left of the page to double check this). Thanks! Bugs we are currently aware of: Sometimes when you click into the reply box, it breaks This is an issue with the forum software/reply box software (CKeditor) - we're hoping that updating the software one day could fix it but there hasn't been time yet
  2. Hey guys remember this thread Dan got comics back, so I'm going to see if this stirs enough discussion to remain afloat on the top couple of pages. So who's still following Shippuuden??
  3. Report a Bug! [Read OP first]

    I'd like to thank you and the the other Patreon supporters, you do more to keep the site running than I do these days
  4. Hades II (Early Access on PC 2023)

    Well I was right that Early Access wasn't far off! Anyone giving this a go yet? I've snap-bought it but don't actually have time to play it at the moment 🥴
  5. Sonic Superstars

    This is currently an absolute bargain on PS5 and Xbox on Amazon, ~ £12.35 - think I'll give it a go after seeing the positive feedback here
  6. Hades II (Early Access on PC 2023)

    For what it's worth, what I've played feels incredibly tight, like a demo for an already released final product. Not sure what technical difficulties they were expecting to weed out but I haven't come across any of them
  7. Hades II (Early Access on PC 2023)

    Anyone else subscribe to and get an invite to alpha test this? Most games I would shy away from that for fear of ruining the end experience but with this I'm kinda excited to be part of it!
  8. Starfield (6th September 2023)

    I've only played this for a few hours but I'm really liking it so far. At the moment I'm just enjoying an RPG that's not too silly but not too serious? Tired of grimdark or over-dark humour in my sci-fi games and this seems to be having a bit more fun. Ultimately it just feels like more Skyrim but on planets. I do agree with some complaints that a lot of traveling has been reduced down to menu navigation, but when you do choose to float around space it feels very cool. I'm only playing on a gamepass free trial but fairly sure I'll buy the Steam version when that runs out (would've stuck with gamepass if it could be modded....)
  9. I've been playing this entirely in co-op and having a great time. I've been playing D&D for years so it's great fun to see the lore, recognise the races, to create facsimilies of players we've been in the past. Also the choices you get to pick in conversation, especially for difficult deception checks etc, feel exactly like the kind of laughable ideas a player would come up with that you all find hilarious when you actually land a 20 and it works. That said, I'm not 100% convinced the game benefits that much from D&D as a play structure, especially in combat. It already changed a lot of fundamentals because they knew D&D is pretty flawed in combat. And I miss some of the great aspects of Divinity like all the mixing of elemental effects. Still an awesome game though, despite that.
  10. I thought Attack on Titan had already completely finished - because I saw people sending death threats because they hated how it ended so much? Or was that just the manga.
  11. General TV Thread

    Actually they were releasing 3 episodes a week which is pretty reasonable I think, and they're all out now. I personally prefer a slower release of shows so I can fight the temptation to binge watch and won't go very long gaps with nothing to watch (which is what I'm experiencing now) Also not sure if you're aware of it, but the whole thing is an adaptation of a popular podcast/video series called Critical Role - a group of famous voice actors playing Dungeons and Dragons, the campaign written and DM'd by Matt Mercer, another big name in VA. They have a lot of laughs and act occasionally and typically childish for a D&D party, hence the general tone/swearing/violence. The players reprise their characters' roles for the cartoon too.
  12. Metroid Prime Remastered

    I literally dusted off the Gamecube to play this a couple of months ago, thinking a remaster would never happen. Typical
  13. General TV Thread

    I really need another super low stakes TV series that you're always happy to stick on, especially while you're eating your evening meal. Two past examples of this that I think you'll agree are basically identical, are Star Trek Next Gen or Masterchef: The Professionals.
  14. What Have You Bought?

    I bought myself a guitar, yes I'm hitting my midlife crisis a little bit early. I had an electric guitar when I was a teenager but I never wanted to take lessons, I just wanted to learn the tabs of my favourite riffs from my favourite songs, but I never got any good at it. I always thought I'd be able to just follow video lessons, but the internet was also still fairly young then and YouTube was barely off the ground. Such a thing didn't really exist then... but it does now. I sold my guitar and sold my amp when I moved house 2.5 years ago....... hell I didn't even keep my strap, and I gave my cool pedal to a friend. And so now I decide I want to pick it back up... I have to buy everything again. Along with a discount yearly sub of the "Justin Guitar" app -- I'm putting some effort in for 2023, so far I've practiced 20-60 mins every day for the 31 days since it was delivered. Also if you know guitars, don't ask me which guitar I got, cos you'll shake your head at me for spending so much as a beginner (but I did get 20% off) I'm posting about this here because I want to be held accountable for this and check back on my progress in 2024.
  15. The Last of Us (TV)

    This is a damn fine TV. Not sure how that happened. This and Andor were definitely two that I had low expectations for, and couldn't have been more wrong.
  16. If you have a Switch but you've never had any other means/inclination to play a Persona game - I really, really advise that you check out Persona 4 Golden. It's one of the greatest RPGs ever made and I don't think you'll be disappointed. An incredible experience start to finish. I am however a bit disappointed in the version of Persona 3 that they chose to release, they could've done so much more with it. It's well suited for the Switch though and still an amazing game.
  17. N-Europe turns 25!

    25, that's crazy! I wish we had a bit of a write-up somewhere of where it all began, it's becoming a blur for me in my old age.... Thanks to everyone for their hard work contributing over the years, and thanks to all the Nintendo fans for sticking around
  18. Bayonetta 3 (28th October)

    I’m struggling to decide how I feel about this game overall. I don’t think I’ve ever thought a game was simultaneously amazing and terrible before but I think that’s what this is… All the wackiness, the Nier-like variety to gameplay, the stylish and pinpoint combat, it’s in a class of its own. But all that is wrapped in this bizarre package of bland backdrops, clunky platforming, horrendously cringy cutscenes and really frustrating decisions around things like menus, animations and challenges. For example, there’s no no way I’m going to suffer my way to 100% on a game that makes rewatch a slow clip of where the 5 boxes you need to grab are, every single time you retry to grab them. I find myself just wanting to get back to the action which is sublime enough that I’m still having a good time, and I can see a point in time soon where I start skipping cutscenes and sidequests altogether…
  19. The fact that you can just watch Bleach on Disney+ in the UK on the day it airs really goes to show how far things have changed. Back in that ^ era of Naruto the only way to watch the latest episode was to wait for the fans to rip it, subtitle it and share it online. Pretty crazy really! And that's nothing compared to the generation before that had to get pirate VHS at the market! Great to support the creators directly, but a bit of me still misses fansubs with their karaoke animations etc and the anticipation of waiting for the release to drop each week!
  20. Good day Finally managed to get ahold of the estate agent, found out there's no upwards chain, the vendors are moving into a house which is empty. Although it's not moving along as quickly as I'd like, I could be moved within a month or so at this rate. Spurred me on to start looking more seriously at motorbikes, found one I really want and I'm going to look at it it in the morning!
  21. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (29th July 2022)

    I completely gave up on XC2 when I was probably about 5% in... story, towns, characters, complex combat... it just wasn't for me. But you guys are really piquing my interest, is it worth a look even if I didn't like a lot about its predecessor? I loved JRPGs back in the day.
  22. Baby Cube

    Congrats Cube! Glad to hear he's doing well. I recently had a neice born into the world also crazily early (just barely 27 weeks) - she's got a long road ahead of her but it's incredible what the hospitals can do for them these days.
  23. AI image generators

    There's something a bit unnerving about knowing we can't really trust what we see on screens anymore! Although I'm sure people felt the same when Photoshop became a thing.
  24. Coding

    No worries! I've been building websites for 20 years, you get used to accepting that everything has to be the American way.... So I suppose that should be my contribution to this thread Picked it up as a hobby as a teenager, dabbled a lot (often with some old names from these forums) in learning to build websites for bands and video games in the past. At one point, even built an N-Europe competitor! I also built the current iteration of N-Europe and its predecessor. Back then I used to do design as well, but I'm strictly code now. (I know, the site desperately needs a refresh, but it's funny how much less viable that becomes when it's your day job). I've been doing it professionally now for... 13 years-ish. Since the day I made a thread on these very forums complaining about the horrors of going 9-5 (hey, at least I got the WFH part from the third paragraph, thanks Covid!). I'm a senior full stack developer, I work mostly with PHP (don't believe the bad rep it gets! It's come leaps and bounds in the last couple of versions), Laravel, Javascript, Sass, Vue, SQL & Docker... to name a few. I'm transitioning more towards management now though, tomorrow I'll be doing my first job interview from the other side of the table.
  25. Has anyone read Circe or The Song of Achilles? I'm going to be running a psuedo-greek-myth inspired D&D campaign at some point in the future and hoping these will give some inspiration around the epic myths!