Forrest Gump 8/10
I actually only saw this for the first time a couple of days ago. Very enjoyable. Tom Hanks is brilliant, he really makes you feel for his character.
Full Metal Jacket 9/10
Awesome film. The first part of the film is both incredibly funny and disturbing come the end as the men go through training. The second half was equally as enjoyable as the recruits battle their way through Vietnam.
Goldfinger 8/10
In my opinion, not quite as good as some of Brosnan's, but that's probably becuase I grew up with them and had one gold cartridge for the N64. However, it was still very impressive, both funny and exciting. Great theme song.
Gangs of New York 6/10
Not one of Scorsese's best, but it has some decent moments, mainly Daniel Day Lewis. But it's long and it goes a little over the top at times.
Rear Window 9.5/10
Wonderfully crafted and charming Hitchcock classic.