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Domo Kun

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Everything posted by Domo Kun

  1. How about this: 50 people died in the bombings in London. Last week, 10 people were murdered in London (there was a report on the local news that said that). I think an advert said one person a day is killed by London traffic. 1/3 of are 'affected' by cancer. Worry about looking left and right before you cross the road, not about the Asain guy with his sports equipment in his backpack.
  2. The first quotation, I do belive, is an Arabic saying along the lines of 'What Would Jesus Do?' Someone correct me if I'm wrong. The second quotation doesn't make any sense. I'd put it down to bad translation. Anyone speak Turkish? haha
  3. No, I haven't seen any BNP propaganda, but there will no doubt be biased accounts of the recent events on their website and in the Daily Mail. I'm in no way defending the idiots who are actually protesting in these terrible ways, I'm just saying there's so few of them who're actually being irresponsible. What do those signs actually say?
  4. I was refering to the fact that there will inevitably be a right-wing backlash to this that will over emphasise what actually happened and make it seem like all Muslims are loonitics. Do you have a picture of this!? How on earth was he not arrested!? A Brazilian electrician with a backpack was shot in the head 5 times and this guy wasn't even confronted? I don't see anything offensive with them saying those things. The 'Rudeness, slander, disrespect: Is this freedom of speech?' is a pretty good point. The dressing up as suicide bombers is terribly stupid and insensitive. It's also not doing themselves or the 99.9% of rational muslims any favours.
  5. My question was what does a suicide bomber wear, followed by a joke which was that of course, they wear a bomb. But, obveously, this guy wasn't wearing bombs as he would have been arrested. So my question was, what was he wearing? Sorry if the way I wrote it was misleading/confusing.
  6. HAHA! I got to the 4th one before I realised the joke... Nice one!
  7. Quick disclaimer: I'm NOT trying to have a dig at you, or make you look stupid or anything. But what exactly does a suicide bomber dress like? Apart from the chic belt with bombs on it? This whole thing has gotten rather out of hand, but it's important to note that all the protests with the terribly OTT signs were all from the same protest, and all had been written by someone with the same handwriting. Don't let BNP propoganda make you hate the entire muslim community for the actions of 30 odd people. Does anyone know where this march was held or which group organised it? I can't help but think that those signs are so SO terrible and irrational that they must have been made by people who can't speak English properly. I suppose I just have too much faith in humanity. Edit: 30 odd? 50? Bah...
  8. You're such a silly billy. Hell yes! I'm going Zen buddhist though, so we'll have to hate one another, sorry.
  9. I couldn't agree more! I should note that I was talking about the non-violent protests in my post, which I feel are very much justified. I don't think the the violent protests are at all justified. I'm not trying to protect them, and I'm deffinately not trying to protect those who have engaged in violent forms of protest. I'm trying to point out that those cartoons were much more offensive than most people in the west (and quite reasonably so) seem to think. They're in no way comparable to satire of any other religion's figureheads. I'm also trying to point out that you can bet your bottom dollar that the media has made their reactions seem a lot worse than they are.
  10. Laaandaan tane! Innit!
  11. Good point. I suppose it's just them generaliseing? It's the same as Mr BNP up there calling all muslims evil because 4/1billion blew themselves up on the Underground. Then again, I doubt their media is having any less of a field day on this than ours is. Certain news organisations are probably portraying western governments to support the cartoons. Note, this has no evidence behind it, it's pure speculation. Perhaps the fact that the Danish government hasn't done anything to stop the newspapers from being published may have something to do with it? Edit: Also, it's probably not specifically targeted at the people inside the embassys, it's just a place to meet and protest.
  12. Ok that HAS to be a terrible attempt at an ironic joke. If not, you poor poor person. I feel so sorry for you.
  13. Oh bugger, there's always one or two who have to ruin it for everyone. (or every muslim, in this case) But free speech is a western value, and not insulting the prophet is a middle eastern value. What makes us right and them wrong? quick note of PCness: I know that free speech is most often an eastern value too.
  14. I wish there was someone on this board who was both muslim and from somewhere in the middle east. They could tell us we're all wrong and explain eveything. Oh well.
  15. I do understand what you're saying, but you have to realise that it's a different culture, and so, bringing a gun and firing it into the air on a non-violent protest is completely normal. It's true that it gives us a bad perception of them too, but only because of our culture being so different. I doubt they would carry weapons on marches if they knew it insighted a bad view of them.
  16. That's like saying because I own a kitchen knife, I might kill someone with it. Trust me, the gun is just a symbol of power. It's just a way of showing that they're angry. I'm not saying there's no such thing as people killing other people as a form of protest, but 50% of marches in the middle east will have people at the front of them holding guns and fireing them into the air. It's quite reasonable you thinking the way you are, living in a country where guns are illegal. Hey, I'm not attacking you personally! I'm just trying to prove you wrong
  17. That's two people, 19.9% of the world are muslims (Thankyou world map in my bedroom for that figure). That's 1 billion people.
  18. It would be if someone went to a protest in London and did that, but not in most countrys in the world. They only fire them into the air! They don't have intention to use them against people. There's too much media portrail of evil looking people wearing shegmahs over their faces and holding guns. It means nothing at all. The shegmah is comparable to a hoody and the gun comparable to a protest sign.
  19. Although, while we're on the topic, let's enjoy some comic strips that aren't mortally offensive, yet do poke a little bit of fun at religion.
  20. You're all looking at it from such a western viewpoint. You forget that this, to them, is the most insulting thing you could possibly do. It's in no way comparable to just taking the piss out of them. Also, you should note that it's not like the entire muslim world has gone mad, it's only a select few protests. If you belive that the French/Dutch papers had the right to publish those cartoons, then surely you should belive the muslims have the right to protest against them. There's also the fact that the French newspaper published the cartoons knowing it would be offensive. Personally, I think publishing them was utterly pointless and childish.
  21. My God! I had that! Mighty Max doesn't even ring a bell.
  22. Yo yos became cool when I was 10(ish). Does anyone remember Yohanz and his infamous bumble bee yo yo? I have a Pro Yo and an X-Brain. I could do loads of tricks, walk the dog, the scottish flag, the 'cradle', around the world. I'm going to make yo yos popular again.
  23. Righto, so here's the situation: I've applied to University and been given offers from University of Sussex (very near Brighton) and Goldsmiths College. The course I'm doing is Anthropology. All the league tables I've seen rate the Anthropology departments of each University almost equally. So, I'm having the dilemma of where to go! Did anyone go to either of these Universities? Does anyone know anything good/bad about being a student in London/Brighton? All the help I can get would be useful, because I really don't know which one to pick. Thanks!
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