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Everything posted by Shaithan

  1. Yeah I'm paying for it all myself, I've been saving since last years E3 I have $857. My step dad's getting a PS3 where going to see which one gets played more here.
  2. Hard ware: Console 4 controllers (I've got 7 brothers) 4GB SD card Software: The Legend of Zelda :Twilight Princess (Wii) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Wario Ware Red Steel Elebits Excite Truck Either COD3 or Trauma Center
  3. While searching the IGN boards I found a a new thread from Nibris: The Licho looks awesome Source: http://boards.ign.com/nintendo_wii_lobby/b8270/122035361/p1/?43
  4. I fpund the water temples easy, the one I had a bit of a problem with was the shadow temple...I played throught it agian a year later and was ashamed of myself for taking so long with that one. I loved the Stone Temple in MM.
  5. I said wow to Super Mario Galaxy, SSBB, and Twilight Princess mostly for the water effect in the fishing demo.(Also th smoke effects from the missles in MP3:C). But back on topic I hope the game will look like the trailer when completely finished if not oh well. If it doesn't this wouldn't be the first time Ubisoft has done that; Cod2 for the 360.
  6. Yep and 2k games
  7. Source- http://www.cubed3.com/news/5357
  8. 5. 16:9 Widescreen can't forget the widescreen.
  9. Okay after Retro studios is done with MP3:C what should they do next? A new Metroid taking place after the prime games or a completely new game? Should they breathe life into an old forgotten franchise or make something original? I think since they did such a great job on the Metroid series they should make a new Kid Icarus game, to flex their game developing muscles and escape the FPS style. What do you think?
  10. No the power charge bar is the white one (I think) directly beneath the healthe bar. It's barely filled up in that photo. Edit: At first this game looked kinda meh to me, but know I'm starting to think I might buy it.
  11. there you go.
  12. Okay I know that Project HAMMER is an action adventure game but in this phote:http://www.n-sider.com/media/news-2006-05-09-nintendogame03.jpg There is a health bar-orange and the charge bar- white right underneath the health bar and the one under it looks like an experience bar- yellow. Also under those it says level 2, perhaps talking about the players level, or maybe the current level your playing. Does this mean that thery'll be other RPG element in it such as upgraded moves or stength, stamina, etc.
  13. Well the boots are made from iron so obviously they'll be attracted to magnets, but maybe his sword and shield are made from a strange Hyrulian metal that isn't attracted to metal. I don't even think about logic in most games anymore anyway, I just play to have fun and these magnets seem like an interesting gameplay twist.
  14. Same place I always do, Gamecrazy they're only about a block away from my house.
  15. I'll be there the day it comes out, whether I have to skip school or not. I've already got the money and after E3 I'm going to pre-order it.
  16. There's also some more stuff on Avatar the Last Airbender http://revolution.ign.com/articles/703/703778p1.html and Super Monkey Ball: Bannana Blitz http://revolution.ign.com/articles/703/703834p1.html
  17. I bought an NES, an SNES, an N64, and a GCN and the games have just been getting better. There's no way I'm letting a name get in the way of me buying Nintendo's next console. Besides with a good nights sleep it kind of grew on me. I found it sounds better when called the Nintendo Wii, than just the Wii.
  18. I'd like it to be pre-OOT. During the war that oot Links mother was running away from. Maybe you could play as that oot Links father. I would like it to have TP style graphics.
  19. http://revolution.ign.com/articles/702/702284p1.html Sounds cool.
  20. http://blogs.ign.com/matt-ign
  21. in the back of my May issue of EGM it says that its June issue is going to have an exclusive visit to the company's next home console. As if that weren't enough there's gonna be previews of MGS4, twilight Princess, and RE5.
  22. There's more then sony over here. I live in Washington and both Nintendo of America and Microsoft head quarters are only about an hour and a half away.
  23. I'm pretty sure Miyamoto is involved. After all last E3 Iwata said he was pressuring Shiggy to make something new.
  24. N-Space (Geist) working on Rev title. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/business/orl-cfbclarke2006feb20,0,4786432.column?coll=orl-business-headlines
  25. A new Blitz game. http://www.totalvideogames.com/news/Super_Oliver_Bros._Confirm_Revolution_Support_9296_5489_0.htm I wonder what it is?
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