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Everything posted by Shaithan

  1. Three words: Pilot Wings Revolution. The Pilot Wings for the SNES was one of my favorite game of all times. Just imagine it holding the controller on the tips of your fingers and guiding a plane by twisting it or flying a hang glyder that way. I'd also like to see a 007 game of Golden Eye calliber for the Rev. Why? it would be awesome playing that on wifi. A Sim City like the one for the SNES. It would be great to build a city with the controller then releasing Bowser to wreak havoc upon it. A new Cabellas game. The Rev controller could give a kick when you fired your shot at your prey. It would be perfect.
  2. How about this: A guy walks into a gamestore. He sees a Rev controller next to the Revolution demo pod. He picks it up and the controller is absorbed in white light. The light covers his body (you just see the outline of him and the controller blazing white) and he's transformed into Samus on an alien planet, he shoots a couple blast at some enemies. He flashes again and he's D.K. swinging through some trees, flashes again and he's Mario. Mario does a couple jumps then a flip, when he lands he flashes again. Now he's Link. He swings his sword at a couple of enemies, the enemies explode, then sheaths his sword. The light flashes again and the guys back to normal, he's staring down amazed at the conroller and breathing heavily. The screen goes black and the words "Join the Revolution" flash across the screen. Then it flashes Nintendo and the release date.
  3. It actually looks more like something from Fable or The Elderscrolls series.
  4. I very highly doubt it's real.
  5. http://boards.ign.com/revolution_lobby/b8270/109256039/p1/?11
  6. Here's a bunch of interfaces, including a new one made by the people at N-sider Forums. http://www.n-sider.com/newsview.php?type=story&storyid=1706
  7. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/top/video-revolution-bootup-151517.php It does look slick.
  8. Here's some extended TP footage. It really cool. http://hyrule.net/?get=secure_download&list=z15video&lan=en then go to [!!!NEW!!!] Some exclusives scenes (1 minute) [!!!NEW!!!] for the low quality video. For high quality you need to register which only takes a few minutes.
  9. That sounds awesome, yet another game to put on my list for the Rev.
  10. I've got about $950. That way I can get the system four controllers and attachments plus games.
  11. ha ha...that controller is awesome.
  12. Real or fake that looks promising. I mean if it is fake and fans could come up with things like that what about what the developers will be putting out. And if its real the Rev's gonna be better than I ever imagined.
  13. 1.Do you know what the 3-5 Nintendo games are? 2.Is Zelda Revolution one of them? Thanks.
  14. Even if it's fake it was an interesting read. It got me hyped up for the Revolution even more, true or not.
  15. It would be a pretty crappy game of lazer tag seeming as a controller only works up to 15 feet away from the console.
  16. I think the hint button was just for the demo.
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