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Everything posted by Kryss864

  1. True. I hate people who take the game to that level of ridiculus seriousness.
  2. Does anyone know the name of this type of font? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
  3. I'd kill for a true sequel to Super Mario RPG. Mallow, Frogfucious, Geno, Bowyer, Smithy, and all. *crosses fingers*
  4. lol, games, yeah :p I'm pretty sure I saw a list on this site somewhere, though.
  5. Earthbound was on the list, right? If so, definately that one. And does anyone have a list of the games for the virtual console, or a link to the list?
  6. hahaha I'll see you online then, Mr. Hardcore.
  7. Ahhh, nostalgia I quit playing Pokemon after Red/Blue/Yellow/Stadium. I hear there's like 350 of them now. Mewtwo/Alakazaam Charizard Blastoise Exeggutor Zapdos/Pikachu Golem/Mew The good ol' days...
  8. Actually, he's quite good. He prefers the doc to standard Mario because of the slight differences in the way he attacks. That, and he also uses other characters, like Ganon, but Ganon is way too slow to use against me when I'm Fox or Zelda. But anyway, I already knew Master Chief wouldn't be in the game (unfortunately :p ), but perhaps the "must have been on a Nintendo system" comment leaves room for a Banjo-Kazooie character? Here's hoping for Banjo-Kazooie/Geno/Mallow/Waluigi EDIT: It just occurred to me that the same comment means Reggie won't be a character in the game, either. Rats.... :p Another thought, if characters are taken out of the game and players are unhappy, wouldn't WiiConnect24 leave open the possibility for the developers adding characters more characters later and storing them to flash memory or a USB hard drive?
  9. A lot of people are saying "Take out Dr. Mario!", but I don't want to lose the doc. One of my friends uses him as his main character for the slight differences between him and Mario, and Doc is the only one he really presents a challenge with. I could go without either Roy or Marth, Game&Watch, Young Link, Falco, and Pichu. I'd include Jigglypuff, but then we couldn't have no-hold-barred, take-no-prisoners Jigglypuff vs. Snake deathmatches A fellow Mario RPG fan, eh? Anyway, if WWE games like Day of Reckoning can have 40-50+ characters, I don't see why SSBB couldn't. Though, I'm not getting my hopes up...
  10. Well......crap That sucks. I use several characters, and I don't want to relearn everything.....and I'll be ticked if they take out Zelda/Sheik or Fox. And I hope they don't try to slow the game down. If anything, it should be paced faster.
  11. As far as stages go, as long as they have another replica of the top of the Great Fox like the last two games, I'm good to go. Maybe have characters fighting inside a Tetris well, where they have to avoid getting hit by falling blocks. And I could go for some more oldschool stages, like the Super Mario World stage and the NES stages in Melee.
  12. I would guess based on some of Perrin Kaplan's comments that the final "secret" is simply that the system itself will actually be much more powerful than we anticipated. I would guess that her comment on "hardcore gamers shouldn't stop paying attention to us", or something along those lines, could possibly mean that the processor is maybe half as fast as PS3/Xbox360, maybe 4-5 Ghz instead of .8-1 Ghz. And there could be a physics processor along with graphics and the CPU itself. Or the secret could be that the flap on the front folds down so that the Wii can beam virtual reality images directly into the user's brain....it's anyone's guess :wink:
  13. I'll take The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Red Steel, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, and Madden NFL 2007, thanks (and Call of Duty 3/Excite Truck, if they turn out to be launch titles....)
  14. That would be awesome! I remember how much I wanted them to be in the first Smash Brothers game, but that was before it dawned on me that the characters were first-party only. So there's not a snowball's chance in hell for most of these characters, but so far my character wishlist includes Sonic, Master Chief, Mallow, Geno, and Banjo/Kazooie
  15. Oh wow..... Not to be nitpicky, because those screens are awesome....but couldn't they have made Mario's sideburns and moustache look a little more like human hair, instead of plastic? :p
  16. Quick question: Wasn't there a rumor a while back that Wii would be able to use standard USB Hard Drives, like a PC? Is that still true?
  17. 1) Smash Brothers Brawl 2) The Wii Stampede 3) (ties) --Red Steel Trailer --IGN.com interviews with people saying they thought Nintendo won hands down --Seeing the Nintendo execs jumping around on stage playing tennis!
  18. Lots of excitement and power packed into something so small - it's ironically delicious! :p
  19. I still vehemently hate the name. On the upside, it's generated a ton of publicity. I still think "Nintendo Titan" would have been better....or even, "Nintendo Uss" for that matter.
  20. I'd even like to see Mallow or Geno from Super Mario RPG as characters, but they're probably too obscure to make the cut
  21. .....for people who just happen to have the desire to spend about $850 for two consoles....
  22. Oh god, that would be freaking hilarious! LMAO! Now I get to hum the Camptown Races tune and do my happy dance in front of all my PS3 fanboy friends who poke fun at Nintendo.
  23. ....more like the "PlagiariZation 3"
  24. take the writer's signed name, ABN_EHSHF, and set it to the NOA RUFUS on the book cover, and then line up the alphabet so that A=N, B=O, N=A, etc. Then use this code over the capital letters in the message, and you get: "howdy pardners way to crack the code but youll have to wait to find out about wii wont you" .......
  25. "Yes, we who small good urine?"
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