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Everything posted by canand

  1. I will be geting it becuse I like my Wii U
  2. No DLC for the Wii U version https://twitter.com/watchdogsgame/status/514814163982766081
  3. I got no more codes left they all went yesterday
  4. All my spare codes have now gone
  5. I got 1 more code left
  6. I got 3 codes if anyone wants one please PM me
  7. I be geting this for free with my reward points and gift card
  8. Its becuse I was playing Call Of Duty a lot
  9. No they won't you have to take them out to put it on the Gamepad
  10. I Pre-Orderd
  11. I am geting this one
  12. The PS4 is part mine and my brothers and I got Nintendo games plus I am geting Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid TPP for PS4 plus I got a back log of games
  13. This game should be on 3DS or Wii U if it does not come then no buy Capcom you lose
  14. If this comes to Europe I will be geting it
  15. Stop moaning its better than third party DLC
  16. haaa this is great http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/wii-u-pre-orders-increase-the-most-after-gamescom-says-amazon/0137279 what happend to COD
  17. I think Wii U next big game after Super Smash Bros Wii U is Zelda at Christmas so I say discontinue Wii U and next year at E3 they announce there next gen console with Zelda comeing to it
  18. I don't need third party games when there is Awersome Nintendo games comeing
  19. We want Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare on Wii U
  20. I am not geting it for my PS4 I am not giveing Activison anymore of my money
  21. Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare is comeing to Wii U the source code on the website says so oh and Iwata should go
  22. Ubisoft if you don't bring Assassins Creed to Wii U then I won't get it for my PS4 so you loose ha Anyway a Nintendo Direct is comeing soon
  23. No PES 2015 for Wii U
  24. I say still committed to Wii U
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