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Everything posted by canand

  1. Is it the same for last year page
  2. We just have to wait and see
  3. So why did Nintendo take it off?
  4. http://t.co/TqOSW7zWMl I hope the Wii U doesent get discontinued and this is the new system
  5. Cool I can't wait Nintendo don't have to have a press Confrence this sounds better than last year I liked it last year but did not like it buffering even though I got Fiber optic broadband Don't now what to make about this but there is going to be a new Nintendo System geting announced at E3 http://www.gonintendo.com/s/227226-snooping-around-nintendo-s-e3-site-reveals-mention-of-new-nintendo-systemk
  6. Why do we have to wait for E3 its too long to wait
  7. So we did not get a April Nintendo Direct maybe we get one in May and I am talking about a big Nintendo Direct not a one game nintendo Direct
  8. There is a rumor that there will be a Mario Kart 8 demo
  9. I meant when the UK launch date was announced
  10. Does anyone now where I can get a video of london nintendo wii september 2006 event
  11. I want this for Wii U or 3DS
  12. Yeah we should have a proper Nintendo Direct this month is this a good thing or bad that we haven't had one yet
  13. I changed my mind I be geting both versions
  14. I am just going to be geting the 3DS Version
  15. Does anyone think Nintendo will announce a next gen handheld on a Nintendo Direct or at E3?
  16. I say 2016 aswell
  17. They will have to drop 3D becuse of this http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-28-former-sony-employee-sues-nintendo-over-3ds-glassless-3d-technology
  18. I would love a Nintendo HD DS
  19. 3DS is 3 years old when does everyone think Nintendo next gen handheld will come out
  20. What's Wong with everyone wanting voice chat I hate playing game and talking at the same time
  21. I don't are I get the game to just have fun
  22. Becuse if they are out on Wii U then I will get Wii U version of the game to Surpport Nintendo
  23. It hasent been cancelled Ubisoft say its still comeing out http://www.gamestop.co.uk/SearchResult/QuickSearch?q=Watch%20Dogs&platform=29 http://www.gamestop.ie/SearchResult/QuickSearch?q=Watch%20Dogs&platform=29
  24. There is something wired going on Nintendo Network maintenance this week has been cancelled http://t.co/S6Tr3EE1KK
  25. Temporary Maintenance From (approx.) Thursday, 13 March 2014 20:00 to Friday, 14 March 2014 00:00. Affected services: Wii U - Nintendo eShop Nintendo 3DS - Nintendo eShop http://www.nintendo.co.jp/netinfo/en_GB/index.html
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