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Everything posted by Dedede

  1. It kind of balanced out in the end, I asked fir Eevil to protect me while making the kill which would have blocked Ese reflect...but Jimbob put it through as Eevil self target. Wasn't as active as wish I could of been but really enjoyed the game. All the swapping and un targetable abilities caused general havoc. A good environment for the mafia to operate
  2. I targeted Eevil who target himself.
  3. Good 3-0 home win today to secure the top spot in the lower league. Looking forward to the cup ... Hoping for a good change report to have any hope of staying up next year.
  4. An expected win means I just need a draw at home to stay clear of bob. @The Peeps I'd like to take part in the cup please
  5. I targeted Rez but he was nowhere to be found. @ReZourceman so you know why this was the case?
  6. My PM said I swapped to DuD...not sure if that means I was swapped with someone else who targeted DuD or just redirected to him. @DuD is there any reason you know of why I wouldn't have been successful on you with my night action? Peeps was re-directed away.
  7. I'm leaning more towards this being something to do with sheikahs power. That's 3 players getting different reactions.
  8. I targeted sheikah, ended up at Dud, night action not successful
  9. Solid 4-1 home win today with 68% possession. Inching closer to that Lower League Title.
  10. Vote: No Lynch
  11. @Jimbob I'm just Dedede now (no Jon).
  12. Sorry, must of missed that. The flavour sounds a bit more like it's one character that can split/duplicate itself. Well we both targeted Rummy, whoever else did is the killer. Target and power reveals will get to the bottom of this. Does anyone fancy doing one of those summary posts?
  13. I targeted Rummy last night, got no result because he's dead. If he was the giant turtle in writeup he was targeted by 3 people. Does anyone have any info on the 2 figures? For the record I was ready to vote for DuD but wanted more info from the day and couldn't get back online. It was my evidence aling with Shiekah's that pushed the lynch.
  14. Happy with the away draw but at the expense of my best forward getting a red card and a midfielder injured for the rest of the season. Lower league going right to the wire! Looks like bob has the easiest run in.
  15. That settles it for me, happy to vote DuD once everyone has spoke/discussion is done.
  16. I found out that Moogle uses geomagnetic faunts to track people. @MoogleViper @DuD Are you both making the same claim?
  17. Well I'll Vote: Jimbob unless he shows up. I absorbed Sheikah's attack last night but he's already revealed everything except my blood type so I'll be leaving it there for the day. Apologies evwryone for being a bit late, twas Friday night after all, tings be happening.
  18. Well played Mafia, I hope at least my action last night stopped a kill.
  19. I was successful last night. Didn't send a target the night before, I've been on Holiday.
  20. Post #39 I revealed my target without being asked or having it revealed by another player! Why are you talking rubbish? I voted for Moogle because I was suspicious for reasons I've already explained. It's hardly like i forced it through, several votes were placed after mine. 1 wring lynch this early isn't the end of the world! Games like the last gentlemens mafia the town lost because barely any lynches were made. Rez confirmed that no PM means night action was successful. So Jonnas you have been successful. My power protects against ground pokemon. I targeted Magnus Peterson last night. I was attacked and paralysed. It's 50/50 whether my power will work. I was unsuccessful.
  21. *I have no info on Moogle, rather. (Phone post = bad English)
  22. I don't have Moogle. I didn't receive a PM so I assumed I wasn't successful as I targeted Peeps and he was killed. I need to confirm something with @ReZourceman As I have already said, I reason to believe the killer was a flying Pokemon. I'm not going to say why at this point to protect info about my power. Moogle's power seems quite mafia and this adds to my suspicions. Has Moogles target been verified? Vote:Moogle
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