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Everything posted by Dedede

  1. Now you're just being mean :p
  2. No I said if ther was no lynch and Peeps was killed there could still be potentially 2 town to win. I was saying it is possible that the town can win even if there's no lynch today. Don't twist things. N1: Peeps, successful and found him with Cube calibrating weapons N2: Sheikah - on yvonnes death it was revealed he could redirect. It's certainly possible sheikah was redirected without knowing and still lied about targeting DuD that night N3: Reflect N4: Reflect N5: DuD - could not be found
  3. I asked for a list because trawling through this is a nightmare! When I used reflect nobody else said they targeted me and it was Yvonne who challenged me by lying and turned out to be mafia. So you're an odd night power cop. Can you say anything on flavour as to why your character would be a 'commuter,? It doesn't seem at any point you've positively revealed info before it has been released from another source, except a challenge as to why Peeps was untargetable at start. I believe Peeps to be town for reasons already stated. As this is the only thing you've come out with it would seem an explanation would be to cast suspicion on a town member.
  4. I don't suspect Peeps because there was a point where the mafia could have won with a quick lynch an subsequent kill if he voted a couple of day phases ago if he voted. The same scenario applies now and he hasn't voted against me. There was a lot of suspicion aroind DuD early in the game coming out with the GM jailkeep on even nights. Didn't seem particularly like town behaviour and this has never been verified. DuD can you do what Magnus has done and make a role/character/target post? I suspect DuD more than Magnus Peterson. If he is the last remaining mafia there is still potentially another day phase for the town to win if there is no lynch even if Peeps is killed. Vote: DuD
  5. Last night DuD should have been targetable. In the last day phase he metioned he could not be targeted the night before.
  6. I tracked DuD but couldn't find him. What were you up to last night DuD?
  7. I can track and am supposed to be 'untargetable' or reflect which I don't know how exactly that works as nobody has targeted me when I've used it the past 2 nights. It's supposed to reflect a power back at whoever has targeted me and give some info describing what happened. I don't know much about numbers for mafia, I assumed there was 3 in total as it's been about 1/4 of all the other games I've played in.
  8. I'm of the opinion that Cube is neutral. With a double vote and 2 mafia left there would have been a quick lynch. The way players behave and interact seem to be completely at the discretion of the GM and all I have received is varying and unclear guidance. I still have no answer about my night 2 pm, but if the explanation Jimbob gave me about info gathering isn't inclusive in being 'untargetable' I should have still been able to reach. Whether Sheikah was still lying to bring suspicion on Yvonne after he alleged to come clean is still a possibility I suppose. Yvonne has now lied again about my target which is now 1 person instead 3 as he said last time.
  9. I used my reflect power. Nobody targeted me so I got nothing. Vote: Yvonne
  10. Change Vote: Ganepark32 The town roleblocker is dead, considering how many players were in this game there's not likely to be 2. Rummy targeted Sheikah and got nothing. Mr Paul was roleblocked when Ganepark32 said he conveniently targeted DuD when he was GM Jailkept. Ganepark32 lied about his target. Jimbob has sent me a message saying untargetable actually means everything except info gathering is blocked from getting to me. This is different from what I was told at the start and judging from Sheikah posts I assume he thought the same. As tracking is info gathering I assume I could actually target Sheikah night 2, I'm still waiting for Jimbob to answer my question about this. Yvonne is lying about my targets, apparently now I can target 3 people which is complete rubbish.
  11. This is false.
  12. When performing my track power I'm supposed to be untargetable and I got this confirmed by Jimbob before hand. Obviously something was up when Cube managed to target me. I asked Jimbob about it and he said he couldn't say anything as it would give me an advantage over Cube. My next PM was obviously complete rubbish for whatever reason. Taking this into account I used my reflect power last night and nobody targeted me so I got nothing. Vote: Yvonne (or I'll vote for Ganepark whatever is best)
  13. Nobody has claimed it matches their flavour. I also think voting for yourself and taking it off is a weak attempt at making you look less scummy. Do want people to vote now because the mafia are online and you want a hammer on lynch?
  14. I agree with what Magnus Peterson said earlier, I think my brain has melted from this. Not being targetable was something to do with me, I was not protected by the 10th alleged protector or whatever number it is we're at now. I haven't lied about anything I have said, I just can't believe that my PM could be that clear AND wrong AND appear in the write up! I think I've revealed every piece of info I have. Can't remember if I mentioned this but my night one mentioned Peeps and Cube were calibrating weapons which seems to be consistent with Peeps flavour.
  15. Not saying right now, What do you do?
  16. I am an Asari called Samara - some blue bint who looks like something from Avatar. I have 2 powers, one is to reflect, the other is to target. I haven't used the reflect power, statistically it seemed less likely to get a result earlier in the game. As close as what my PM said without quoting is as follows: I tracked Sheikah, he was waiting in my room for me to show up. Sheikah did not find anything because I was untargettable.
  17. Ah yeah, sorry I misread the order of some posts earlier (on my phone atm). Your info on me is correct. I have no reason yo believe there is a redirector out there that operates without people knowing (but no reason to state for sure that this wasn't what happened to me last night). @Rummy what do you do? Can you give more details on what info you got to say Sheikah was untargetable and protected as he claims?
  18. @Cube so you get info on what someones role is and then pass it on to another player who doesn't know who it is describing. Can you explain what the point of it being passed on is?
  19. In the write up it says 'somone waited waited in a room for somebody that never showed'. This is basically what my PM said. I have no reason trust anyone else who says they were involved in this. @Rummy what is it that you do?
  20. What are you on about 'intercept you'? I tracked you last night, my PM says you were waiting for me but I didn't appear because as I've already said I was untargetable last night. AND there was no kill. AND there being no lynch train is probably because you are mafia.
  21. I was the first one that wanted to go to war! vote stays
  22. Wait sorry, dohnut was a kill protector, adds more suspicion I think. But I agree with Peeps, more info can come out. The day is still young.
  23. I wasn't targetable last night. I also think saying you were protected is a pretty weak, there's no way a kill protector will come out this early in the game at risk of being a target.
  24. Sheikah is lying, he targeted me last night and failed. That's why there was no kill. Vote: Sheikah (well that could be why there was no kill..but he's lying that's for sure)
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