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Everything posted by SirToastaLot

  1. Use SVOOJAN13 to get £5 off (spend has to be over £50). ShopTo has Ultimate 3DS at £29.86 and the Wii U Ultimate is £39.85, so the Game combo pack seems to be better value when you use the code.
  2. Sweet, thanks for pointing this out. Just used this month's voucher to take a Fiver off. Hopefully it turns up! Have these games reviewed well over in Japan?
  3. The in-game characters seem to be new. The teased locations/environments are very ambiguous and the robots/monsters/tech don't seem to link directly to Xenoblade. The only hints are the red 'X' at the end and the Shulk-alike. Beyond this teaser video there has been no further information regarding the plot and characters. No proper screenshots either! We can only guess that the setting could derived from the Xenoblade/Xenogear universes.
  4. Good lord, between this and a new series of Arrested Development, things are looking up! I think that lots of normal mapping can make graphics look a bit clinical - I'm sure that there will be plenty of colourful organic creatures in store though.
  5. The ZombiU Premium Pack is going for £299.95 at Zavvi: http://www.zavvi.com/wii-u-hardware/wii-u-console-32gb-zombiu-premium-pack-black/10639054.html?affil=awin&awc=2549_1357081713_4983f7217db2bc07b029f4564aa64766&utm_source=AWin-91300&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=AffiliateWin Not quite as scorching as the Ebay outlet deal...
  6. Wow, prices are falling fast. I might have jumped on this but I've already got the GOTY version for the old Xbox 360.
  7. Was £24.41 direct from Amazon earlier today, but is now out of stock. One of the third party sellers is doing it for £26.44 though.
  8. The plot thickens... I will stick with the PC version and see how this pans out. Hopefully the rumoured trilogy package will have the DLC thing sorted.
  9. Tell me how you get on with your Xmas present and I might change my mind.
  10. It's settled, PC version for £11! Thanks for your opinions. If the price of the Wii U version falls any further, I might grab it for the living room setup. I've tended to play as the 'good cop' with my previous save files, so I might give the 'evil bastard' approach a go on the isolated console.
  11. Bumping this just out of curiousity. Does anyone here have M.E. 3: S.E. for their Wii U? Any impressions/feedback? ShopTo are selling it for just under £30: http://www.shopto.net/wiiu/WIIUMA01-mass-effect-3-special-effect The reviews have been very good so far. Averaging 87% on Metacritic. The biggest sticking points would be the lack of DLC and the graphical performance being inferior to the Xbox version. I have looked at the reviews for the DLC missions, Omega and Leviathan - a real mixed bag. I can see them being non-essential... Should I just get it for my PC or Xbox (at a better price)? I do have existing profiles from M.E. 2 (PC) ready to import.
  12. Wow, fortunately I placed my Zavvi order before the jump in price. I used some reward points and Quidco - if all goes to plan I'll have the ZombiU Premium bundle for about £298.
  13. The Wii U 32GB ZombiU Premium Pack is back in stock at Zavvi for the standard price of £319.99. If you use the code - VCUKZ10 - you get £10 off. It's supposed to be a 10% off code though. Usually these don't work with console purchases.
  14. For a fiver it's worth a squirt or two (buy one for a fellow Wii-owner's Xmas stocking). The visual styling and atmosphere are very interesting. The controls are a bit alien at first, but you soon get used to them. This was just outside my Top Ten, so I'm sure that it's one of those 'honourable-mention' games.
  15. Great list, definitely worth the wait - again, thanks for quoting a few of my blurbs. I'm sure if Xenoblade had been released sooner, not had limited print runs and had a bigger marketing push then it may have placed a little higher - i.e greater sales. Considering that it's quite niche compared to the Marios and Zeldas, it's done very well.
  16. Thanks for the tip-off Retro_Link. I had to jump on this deal! I may have to crack open my CPP's box now.
  17. The latest £10 off voucher at Tesco Direct can be used on Wii U pre-orders. The Premium Pack works out at £290 plus necessary £4 for delivery. Worth a squirt? Unfortunately they don't seem to be offering the Zombi U Pack.
  18. There was no excuse to not order this. Great reviews and a decent price at Tesco - easy decision. It's a shame that my copy has been sent to my new place, and I haven't moved in yet!
  19. I've never pre-ordered or bought a Nintendo system on release date. Much like Retro_Link, I prefer to see how things pan out after launch & wait for system updates\refinements plus an expanded game library. The Wii didn't really have the best launch software - I braved the GC version of Twilight Princess over Christmas 2006. I bought my White Wii in late 2007 specifically for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Super Mario Galaxy. I'm on the fence with the Wii U though. A mortgage, house refurb work and building a new PC aren't helpful factors. Tempted to do dastardly things with the old credit card.
  20. ShopTo have just put up another pre-order bundle for £365.86. You get the following: Wii U Black 32gb Zombi U Premium Pack + Mass Effect 3 Special Edition & Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Given the circumstances surrounding the re-release of ME3, it's not the hottest deal but not to be sniffed at...
  21. Looking forward to it! Great work so far, and many thanks for quoting me. :awesome:
  22. Two of my coins had escaped their plastic containers as well. Has anyone noticed a hint of fragrance inside the box? UK support replied to my query; they are talking to Head Office about getting a possible replacement sent out. Nothing confirmed just yet.
  23. I received an email from the Nintendo Club, about two weeks ago, stating that the coins would be sent out a little earlier than anticipated. It arrived today in a not very well armoured padded envelope (had to be signed for, sent from deepest Deutschland). Outer card sleeve was bashed and crumpled. The black furry container box was fine otherwise (ooh er). Inside there are two Last Story coins and one for Xenoblade...wait...wasn't there supposed to be one for Pandora's Tower?! Hmmm, time to fire off an email to Ninty EU HQ. Sorry for not providing photographic evidence. I'm still on N00b probation and can't post photo URLs until I reach 15 posts.
  24. Hey to you all, long time lurker here. I thought that I would finally sign up and contribute with my top ten list. 10) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars I was really surprised that this was released in the West. I picked it up soon after its low-key release for a very reasonable sum; this is a lot of game for the money. A plethora of weird, wonderful and colourful characters provide many playing styles over countless gameplay modes. It was also one of my early forays into Wii online gaming, it is always refreshing to get away from facing the usual CPU opponents. 9) Sin & Punishment: Star Successor I'm not usually into hardcore arcade-style shooters, but this one is special. I was really disappointed when the original S&P never made it over to PAL N64s. Its re-release on Virtual Console helped to heal some wounds. Nintendo further impressed me even more with Star Successor. Fast-paced and a huge challenge with chunky and loud graphics. 8) Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure One of the first games that made use of the Wii-mote in refreshingly creative ways. The fun puzzles and sometimes hair-pulling moments make this a surprisingly addictive experience. You can become dangerously determined to better your scores. The impressive visuals showed that determined third party developers could push the Wii's hardware back in 2007. It is such a shame that this was largely ignored by those "not-in-the-know" or dismissed as just another kiddie game. It could have been enjoyed by a much wider audience. 7) Dead Space: Extraction My expectations were exceeded; this is not some generic on-rails-shooters. It is a worthy prequel to the excellent Dead Space. A very cinematic experience awaits you; piled high with horror and suspense. The excellent story and acting really draws you in. Even better in two-player co-operative mode. This is one of the Wii games I pull out to demonstrate that the console has its hardcore moments, not just because of the 18 certificate printed on the game box. Unmissable. 6) Super Mario Galaxy 2 Nintendo at its best. Some of the purist 3D Mario gameplay out there and gorgeous visuals that makes you forget about the Wii's SD limitations. This and its predecessor got my sister back into computer games after an eight-year break from Nintendo consoles. 5) Okami A masterpiece in every way and it's a Zelda-killer (hence Twilight Princess not making it onto this list). The Japanese traditional-painting-style visuals are uniquely beautiful. There was a melancholic tone to the game that has not been matched since. A long journey but well worth a play-through. 4) Monster Hunter Tri An overly expansive experience. There are not enough hours in the day to invest in this! This is one of the most difficult games I have played on the Wii - the initial frustrations are eventually wiped out by the rewards of your progress. Bosses that were previously feared become mere nuisances. Go online and you'll lose even more hours to this beast of a game. 3) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword I had a fantastic Christmas holiday spent playing this. It might be considered to be a bit of an amalgam of previous Zelda titles but it can proudly sit on its own. The Motion Plus system has been implemented perfectly. Sumptuous visuals and an elevating soundtrack make this the best Zelda game in a decade. 2) Metroid Prime 3: Corruption I very rarely play games for more than an hour or two. Corruption would draw me in for the majority of a day. The clichéd Halo-isms at the start of the game provide a minor dip but everything gets infinitely better from then on. I adored the unusual GameCube controls for Prime 1 & 2 and had my doubts about the Wii-mote control scheme. After thirty minutes of adjusting I was sold. I bought the Trilogy edition in order to experience the earlier titles with the updated controls. A fantastic conclusion to the Prime series. I hope Retro Studios are involved in the development of a successor for the Wii U. 1) Xenoblade Chronicles I am surprised that this made it so high in the list, being that it's such a recent title. It just stacks up so strongly against everything else in my Wii library. A huge gaming world, tons of interesting side-quests and characters (that you genuinely care for) make for one of the best RPG experiences that I have played in my two-decades of video game experience. And I haven't even finished it yet. Yes, I am that biased.
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