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Everything posted by BlueStar

  1. Hope if Everton come after Taylor we take into account their recent windfall when negotiating a price. We let ourselves get absolutely stiffed on the Given deal, which was apparently only about £5.5 million, when Man City were going round and paying basically whatever anyone asked. Then we waited for the deal to go through before asking if we could buy Johnson off them and getting turned down.
  2. Well yes, but two of them were away now, weren't they. Anyway, anyone heard anythign about this Stoke fan critically injured/killed by Birmingham fans? Not seen anything about it on the news but supposedly they bashed his head in with bricks and fractured his skull, rumours that he'd died. I know Stoke and Birmingham have a long history of violence and revenge attacks each time they meet.
  3. Ours was also a mid-week game, the difference is that our game was against Sheffield Wednesday, in the Championship, with no manager, an owner dismantling the club, and our players leaving in droves and yours was against one of the biggest teams in the world, in the best league in the world. Your lot seem quite disappointed with your attendances, anyroad, particularly compared to ours. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=433965 http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=434179 http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=434927 Main reason I point it out is that I've been reading people on forums and in the media gloating about how I'd be sitting alongside 20,000 empty seats this season.
  4. There isn't a way to avoid that. If you have the death penalty, sooner or later innocent people will be killed by the state. If the death penalty is going to be brought back, you have to be willing to make that trade off. We already try not to convict people wrongly, it doesn't always work. Another thing to consider - juries are less likely to convict someone if they think they may have the danger of an innocent man being put to death on their concious later if new evidence comes to light. So it's quite possible that bringing back hanging will result in more criminals walking free. In a similar vien, people talk about bringing back hanging for child abuse without taking into account that most abuse is carried out by family members and thinking about what a powerful tool is it for an abuser to say "If you say anything they'll kill me" or how much less likely a wife is to voice her suspicions about her husband if he may be put to death. As for "We'll only kill them if they definitely did it", punishments are given based on the severity of the crime, not the likelyhood you did it. You'd end up putting someone to death for one murder because there was a lot of compelling evidence and then giving a serial killer who murdered 10 people a lfie sentence because there was a bit of a fuck up with the DNA evidence which was later rectified. Where does that continue to? You might have been involved in this armed robbery, so you just get six months. You were in the area of this mugging, so serve a week in the nick. It's unworkable.
  5. We don't have "definitely guilty" as a verdict though, we only have guilty and not guilty. If you have that system you're going to have a lot of people appealing (understandably) on the grounds of "You're obviously not sure you've got the right person because I didn't get the death penalty. So why am I locked up when you obviously doubt the verdict?"
  6. Was at St James' s tonight, alongside a crowd of 43,904. Bear in mind that's in the championship, against Sheffield Wednesday and Sunderland had 6,000 empty seats in the premier league against Chelsea.
  7. My dingoo arrived today, been snapping some pics
  8. It's a dingoo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingoo I paid $83 for it delivered, which is pretty much bang on 50 notes in real money.
  9. Get in Shloa, Fenham pele gets a hattrick. EDIT: In spite of having no manager and being in the championship we still had a higher attendance than Villa today, for what it's worth.
  10. Shipped yesterday, should be here in about a week.
  11. I thought it was more a case of Iran possibly being behind it as an act of revenge for the US blowing up an Iranian passenger plane and Libya agreeing to take the rap for them and sending some patsy over to do the time.
  12. Newcastle have signed Danny Simpson from Man U on a six-month loan deal. Can't say I've seen him play, wasn't he on loan to Blackburn and Sunderland?
  13. Me too. Gin and tonic, mini tub of pringles and packet of olives.
  14. How many career-enders will he put in thsi season then? Footballer facebook statuses:
  15. Well, if Ashley pulls his finger out and packs his bags we can start making progress towards that. I have a feeling he's going to massively under estimate the task and think he can just appoint O'Leary and cruise back intot he Prem where he'll get more money for us though. Doesn't look that way. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/t/tottenham_hotspur/8194412.stm If I were a Spurs fan I'd be slightly worried about getting docked points.
  16. Why don't they say that then, rather than saying it's because he'd served one game of the ban for us?
  17. Horse games are big in Japan. Not like Horse games are popular in Western Europe, ie Ponyz, My Riding Stablez and Imagine Horsez, but proper indepth sims where you preside over racing seasons and arcade games like these
  18. "112mph Sunderland star feared Newcastle fans were chasing him" http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/112mph-Sunderland-star-feared-Newcastle.5541780.jp OK, Grant Sunderland players can't be that scared of Geordies, otherwise they wouldn't all live, drink and eat in Newcastle.
  19. So, can anyone explain how this works then? http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/news/articles/sebreadyforliverpool100809.html Never heard of that rule before. Looks a little bit like they've just invented it because Spurs have a bit of a defensive injury crisis. Anyone remember their club signing a player and having to wait for a ban they started at a previous club to expire? How on earth can you serve a ban by not playing in a game which doesn't even involve your club? What kind of punishment's that?
  20. Tim Krul made a few decent saves, we were dodgy at the back but looked the better team going forward. Could have gone either way to be honest. Canny article in The Times yesterday on the Top 10 teams of the last 25 years: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/article6789124.ece
  21. Some good photos from the memorial day at SJP http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,63574.660.html
  22. I've already explained it. He puts some nasty tackles in, he goes to ground very easily (sometimes with no contact at all) and screams blue murder at the referee when he wants free kicks, his mates elbow people in the face and then he follows it up with a flurry of uppercuts, his dad's down with scouse gangsters and his lass bottles people Exactly my point, I'm saying if it was someone else a bigger deal would be made of his off the pitch indescresions and his... what do they call it now, simulation? That's from watching games in the flesh or in full on TV and seeing his dives for myself, which are then stragely absent from match of the day and the post-match analysis - as is critism for it from officials and commentators. As an example, he dived blatenty here to win a pen Then when asked about it he claimed he hadn't dived, but admitted that he'd have been "furious" if that pen had been given against Liverpool. Work that one out if you can. And evidently I'm not the only person to think Gerrard dives a lot http://soccerlens.com/diver-gerrard-is-a-hypocrite/513/ Although you'll see most of the videos showing his dives have been removed from youtube
  23. I've got nothing to be bitter about, I just call it how I see it. He's a bit dodgy, a bit dirty and dives a lot. Is he the worst player in football? No, not at all. But he gets a really easy ride from the media etc and he's got another one here. There's no way in the world any normal person would have got away with that "self defense" bollocks if they'd been caught on camera joining in a beating like that.
  24. Of course I'm serious. He's cut down on the trademark "Stevie Lunge" that he used to cripple people with on a regular basis when he got frustrated, but he still dives all over the pitch at every possible opportunity - he's on a par with Ronaldo and Drogba in those stakes and if he was foreign he'd get crucified for it. Watch for how many time this season he walks to his favourite spot to take free kicks from, about 5 yards away from the right side of the box, kicks his legs up and goes to ground. Lots of other footballers who'd punched someone in the face while off their tits in a club would have had headlines about how they were out of control arrogant bling-boys, but not Stevie. If it'd been Joey Barton he'd have been taken into the town square and hung on the spot. Yet in spite of the fact Gerrard and his dad hang around with a load of crooks and gangsters, that his wife smashes lasses over the heads with bottles (and sucks off bouncers behind his back) he's still England hero and ambassador for the game good old Stevie G.
  25. And yet admitted punching the guy and was bang to rights on CCTV twatting someone who was no threat to him whatsoever because his mate had just elbowed him the the face and he was falling all over the shop. All we need now is for the victim to be accused of hitting Stevie G's fist with his chin. Gerrard is a filthy footballer and an all round dodgy twat, how he's treated in the media as if butter wouldn't melt is beyond me.
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