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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. Seeing as it's taken up half this thread, I think it's worth mentioning that I've just seen on Sky Sports News that Liverpool's new stadium plans are going to be significantly cut back, downgraded and downsized.


    Reds revise stadium plans


    Chief executive Rick Parry admits Liverpool's new stadium will not be as 'dramatic' as first planned.

  2. The Daily Mail took some serious liberties in quoting him on global warming. Here's what he actually said




    We need to care for the environment: it has been entrusted to men and women to be protected and cultivated with responsible freedom, with the good of all as a constant guiding criterion. ... it means not selfishly considering nature to be at the complete disposal of our own interests, for future generations also have the right to reap its benefits and to exhibit towards nature the same responsible freedom that we claim for ourselves


    The problems looming on the horizon are complex and time is short. In order to face this situation effectively, there is a need to act in harmony. One area where there is a particular need to intensify dialogue between nations is that of the stewardship of the earth's energy resources. The technologically advanced countries are facing two pressing needs in this regard: on the one hand, to reassess the high levels of consumption due to the present model of development, and on the other hand to invest sufficient resources in the search for alternative sources of energy and for greater energy efficiency.


    and above all with the aim of reaching agreement on a model of sustainable development capable of ensuring the well-being of all while respecting environmental balances. If the protection of the environment involves costs, they should be justly distributed, taking due account of the different levels of development of various countries and the need for solidarity with future generations. Prudence does not mean failing to accept responsibilities and postponing decisions; it means being committed to making joint decisions after pondering responsibly the road to be taken

  3. I've got a book of his "You, Me and Jesus By Cliff Richard" which I got for 50p from a charity shop. Every now and again through the book there are cartoons. Every time there's an athiest, they're always drawn as a punk with mohawk and a safety pins through their nose who does nothing but swear, kick over bins and throw beer bottles at grannies.

  4. Or 4 away games on the trot, with 4 key players missing for the latter two, and 2/3 for the other two games.


    True, but when you played us we were also missing key players through injury with Faye, Owen, Cacapa and Duff all sidelined along with no-so-key-but-stop-you-having-to-play-good-players-out-of-position squad members like Ramage, Carr and Babayaro


    Boro are also lacking key players, although mainly because they don't have them in the first place rather than through injury ;)

  5. GameSpot's forums are imploding and they keep having to reset the "reader score" for K&L because it keeps ending up at 1.3.


    Absolute PR disaster for both parties, possibly the worst since "All I want for xmas is a PSP". Eidos have gone from having the small problem of a lackluster review on a site they paid big buck to to completely skin their front page in their game advert, to the rather larger problem of no-one trusting good reviews of their game because of the implication that the reviews were written under duress. Meanwhile, GameSpot has lost a lot of credibility and is now experiencing a concerted campaign of mobilised forum geeks cancelling their subscriptions en masse (And setting up a website to keep a tally of how much money GS has lost) while churning out internet memes by the bucketload to go alongside the cynical swipes by the likes of Penny Arcade.

  6. I mean for god sake they were completley self serving they allied with Hitler. Hitler the Fascist!


    Hold on, lets put this into a little context here


    In the 1930s Joseph Stalin became increasingly concerned that the Soviet Union would be invaded by Germany. Stalin believed the best way to of dealing with Germany was to form an anti-fascist alliance with countries in the west. Stalin argued that even Adolf Hitler would not start a war against a united Europe.


    Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister, was not enthusiastic about forming an alliance with the Soviet Union. He wrote to a friend: "I must confess to the most profound distrust of Russia. I have no belief whatever in her ability to maintain an effective offensive, even if she wanted to. And I distrust her motives, which seem to me to have little connection with our ideas of liberty, and to be concerned only with getting everyone else by the ears."


    Winston Churchill, an outspoken critic of British foreign policy, agreed with Joseph Stalin: "There is no means of maintaining an eastern front against Nazi aggression without the active aid of Russia. Russian interests are deeply concerned in preventing Herr Hitler's designs on eastern Europe. It should still be possible to range all the States and peoples from the Baltic to the Black sea in one solid front against a new outrage of invasion. Such a front, if established in good heart, and with resolute and efficient military arrangements, combined with the strength of the Western Powers, may yet confront Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Ribbentrop, Goebbels and co. with forces the German people would be reluctant to challenge."


    Stalin's own interpretation of Britain's rejection of his plan for an antifascist alliance, was that they were involved in a plot with Germany against the Soviet Union. This belief was reinforced when Neville Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler at Munich in September, 1938, and gave into his demands for the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Joseph Stalin now believed that the main objective of British foreign policy was to encourage Germany to head east rather than west.


    Stalin realized that war with Germany was inevitable. However, to have any chance of victory he needed time to build up his armed forces. The only way he could obtain time was to do a deal with Hitler. Stalin was convinced that Hitler would not be foolish enough to fight a war on two fronts. If he could persuade Hitler to sign a peace treaty with the Soviet Union, Germany was likely to invade Western Europe instead.

  7. I disagree. I believe communism to be a sick ideology that whether it actually views everyone as equal, the fundamental aim is to make everyone equal. The failing of this is it is nigh-on impossible to raise the levels of the lowest to that of the highest, hence in communist societies so many are murdered - often the brightest and most free thinking - in an effort to reduce the population to the lowest common denominator.


    Jesus man, do you never think to, for instance, at least scan a wikipedia article or something before jumping in with both feet into an argument?


    Anyway, at least the Commies were on our side during the war, we'd have been proper fucked without them



  8. Too right. At least someone on hear doesn't live in political cloud cuckoo land.


    Someone 'hear' is ignoring the post they made where they demonstrated that they didn't have the first clue what they were talking about.

  9. It is not perfect at all in theory. The theory assumes everyone is equal and we are all capable of the same, where as everyone is different and has different strengths and weaknesses which is why it fails.


    Huh? (reads again)..... Huh?!? Surely that's not the case at all, in fact pretty much the exact opposite. Karl Marx coined the phrase "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." ie those who are most capable do more to support those who are weaker. Indeed you see this in things like socialised medicine, something which some Americans think makes us pinko commies. Those who are highly intelligent or physically strong or excellent footballers pay taxes from the jobs they find themselves doing to pay for the care and medicine of people who are, for example, brain damaged and can't feed and dress themselves never mind go out and earn £20,000pa.


    Capitalism however DOES like to present as its basis this myth that everyone is the same and everyone can "make it" if they just apply themselves. Of course the truth is that if there really was equal opportunity for all and everyone decided to "make it" then the whole basis of capitalism would crumble because it needs poor people doing menial jobs to support it.


    Thatcherite stuff like the poll tax is the kind of mentality that assumes we are all capable of the same and can all contribute the same to society (if society existed, which of course as Maggie pointed out to us, it doesn't). So John Terry pays the same amount as some starving pensioner war veteran who can barely pay his heating bill, completely ignoring things like the ability to pay. Cue riots.

  10. Are we talking about communism with a big C or a little C? I'm not actually sure what people are talking about at all in this thread, communist ideology, communist states, socialist ideals... In fact, I don't think any one is.

  11. An awesome point, the fact any **** can walk down the street in a T-Shirt that glorifies some mass-murdering dictator as a fashion icon is a gross insult to the millions of people murdered and tortured at said dictator's hand.


    I've seen plenty of Che Guevara t-shirts, don't see many people with dictators on their shirts though.

  12. I'd rather they shot anyone if it was for public saftey


    Where to even start...


    Go live in Iraq if you're not happy with Britain's police.


    You're the one unhappy with the way our legal system has been hauling their ass before the courts and slapping them with an H&S rap, maybe you're the one who should pack your bags. The Iraqi police seem to do what they want without having to answer to anyone which is why some of them have ended up so corrupt they're basically insurgent death squads in uniform, sounds perfect for you.


    In court and on BBC news they stated he put his hands towards each other, moron


    Could you link me to that story? I'm just interested to know if that info came from the CCTV (or the CCTV which wasn't 'lost' at least) or from the police. You know, like the info about him wearing a bulky jacket in summer, looking like an arab terrorist, jumping over the ticket barrier, the lie about them telling him to stop outside the station, saying they identified themselves as police even though passengers say they didn't etc etc. The officer's account in the leaked IPCC report didn't say anything about him putting his hands together, it sounds like he didn't have a chance.


    A google for "jean charles de menezes hands together" doesn't yield much considering the third result is this thread.


    EDIT: This is the closest thing I could find, the officer saying he was worried his hands might instinctively come together, nothing about JCDM actually doing it or attempting to do it.


    "Given the nature of the subject we were deployed against I had to make an assessment within seconds. I was concerned that his hands may come together and instinctively pinned his hands to his side.


    Strange I can't find a reference to this thing you claim I'm a "moron" for not knowing. Are you sure you've not simply mis-remembered it? A lot of people in this thread seem to have sucked up various half-truths and outright lies from the media coverage, things like him having a bag or running away from the police. The cynical among you might think releasing misinformation and retracting it later was intentionally to do this, muddy the waters and hope people rememebr the allegation but not the retraction. Even the stuff the security forces claimed about his immigration status is a bit unclear.



    Security sources said Mr Menezes had an out-of-date visa, but his family denied this. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said he believed he was legally in the UK.


    The differing views of the security forces and Jack Straw may come from the fact that the the British government has encouraged illegal immigration for years through the Inland Revenue's issue of CIS4 cards without confirming immigration status. If he JCDM had one of those and his Visa ran out (or even if he got one after his Visa expired) he would have technically been residing here illegally, but while working in the UK legally and and paying tax legally.

  13. So, tell me, how many have managed to outwit "these hapless bunch of dickheads" since 7/7? (And by the way, I hate it when people say "7-7".)


    One of the guys who tried to carry out the last attack had his car bomb towed away because it got a ticket. The other one set himself on fire. The attempted attacks in the weeks after were foiled by the incompetence of the wannabe martyrs not getting the formula of the bomb right, not by The Met. Just in case they send someone with a clue to carry out attack we need people to be held accountable when they screw up. And if you screw in a manner that results in an an innocent man being shot in the head 7 times you are going to be held accountable, copper or not. And that's how it should be.


    Was the man not an illegal immigrant anyway, henceforth he shouldn't have been there in the first place?


    Non sequitur ahoy!

  14. Looked like he was trying to blow up a bomb, Jesus wept, if you believe that then I've got some magic beans you might be interested in buying. He didn't have any time to do anything, the woman sat next to him said he did nowt and at first she thought he'd been picked at random because he was closest to the door. Fact is any terrorist with half a brain would have used a deadman's switch so it would have been the Keystone Cop idiots who would have detonated the bomb by shooting him anyway. It was a massive fuck up, it endangered the public and killed one of them. If you're happy with these idiots not being held to account I just hope they're not in charge of protecting you next time you get a train because even Mr Bean could outwit these hapless bunch of dickheads.

  15. Um, the armed police were only told to intercept him once he was going to the tube station. Also, if he was a terrorist, he'd have waited for the train to be in a tunnel, it would cause more casualties due to the difficulty of evacuation and getting in paramedics.


    Riiiiight, so the standard procedure when stopping suicide bombers is to wait until they're on a tube full of people. At least you can scoop up the body parts easier than if they were in a tunnel.

  16. As far as they new at the time, they were shooting a man with a bomb in his bag.


    He wasn't carrying a bag. If they were actually told he WAS a terrorist (not just that he was under surveillance because he came out of the same block of flats as a terrorist suspect) then that's even worse! They let him walk on to a bus full of people, get off, walk in to the underground and on to a packed tube without challenging him and then shot the poor fucker. If he'd been using a dead man's switch they'd have blown the whole thing to hell.


    I do agree that the responsibility for completely fucking up the job of protecting the public, killing one member of the public and endangering coutnless more in the process, lies higher up the command chain however. Which is why I still think Ian Blair will go, no matter how many investigations he tries to block.

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