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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. http://www.fulhamfc.com/Club/News/NewsArticles/2008/April/FansBest.aspx


    Public Fair Play Tables


    1 Fulham 32 266 8.31

    2 Portsmouth 32 265 8.28

    3 Newcastle United 32 264 8.25

    4 Wigan Athletic 32 263 8.22

    5 Arsenal 32 262 8.19

    6 Manchester United 32 261 8.16

    7 Manchester City 32 259 8.09

    8 Blackburn Rovers 32 258 8.06

    9 Derby County 32 257 8.03

    10 Tottenham Hotspur 32 257 8.03

    11 Sunderland 32 256 8.00

    12 Everton 32 254 7.94

    13 Liverpool 32 253 7.91

    14 Birmingham City 32 253 7.91

    15 West Ham United 32 253 7.91

    16 Middlesbrough 32 252 7.88

    17 Reading 32 247 7.72

    18 Bolton Wanderers 32 244 7.63

    19 Aston Villa 32 239 7.47

    20 Chelsea 32 238 7.44


    The ratings are based on the following criteria; verbal support in acceptable form and covert recognition of outstanding play by opponents.


    Points are deducted for persistent foul abusive language, persistent abuse of Officials' decisions and aggressive threatening conduct towards opposing fans.


    The tables are compiled from marks awarded by The Premier League Match Delegates


    Prize money £20,000 goes to the club whose supporters are deemed to be the best behaved.

  2. Looks like Brown may reclassify it to Class B, going against the findings of his own policy advasiors who suggest it should remain as class C based on the "Hierarchy of Harm" table which puts it below alcohol and tobacco.


    Don't really care one way or the other though, nothing changed when it went from B to C so I can't imagine a reclassification back to B is going to make a blind bit of difference for anyone who smokes it.

  3. Cracking result yesterday, we played really well in the second half even if Spurs did their best to make us look good. Wish we could play them every week, we put 7 past them this season and 6 last season.


    Spotted this youtube comment from a spurs fan aimed at us


    Forget the ars*nil & chelski scum you lot are now the most hated club in my eyes.


    U are shit and always will be! I find losing 5 in a row against you shit ***** real hard to take and bewildering?


    You have been fucked up by everyone all year and yet we simply cannot beat you.


    One day this jinx will end and we will fuck you up good & proper.


    I am fucking livid at my team and cannot wait for next next season u *****


    U shit *****...


    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  4. What would these more effective ways be navarre?


    You don't think there are more efficient way than hundreds of daftly dressed rahs on horseback trampling over people's land with a pack of dogs chasing a single fox for miles and then ripping it to bits? If it's for pest control how come some of them have been caught deliberately releasing foxes from cages to chase after?


    Creating employment is an absurd reason, you might as well hire some people to dig holes and others to fill them in. They can get a job which is actually needed like genuine pest control without the absurdity.

  5. is it really so easy to edit such a page?


    Yep, that's both the strength and the weakness of a wiki. And as we've seen, on the n-europe news page and indeed in other media like newspapers people then take the content of the the wiki as fact. All someone had to do was click edit and type "April fool" and sites started "confirming" the whole thing was an april fools joke when it was nothing of the sort. If vandalism occurs to can lock the page altogether or restrict editing only to registered users or only admin, but then this also limits who can contribute knowledge. Swings and roundabouts, like any balance of security vs freedom.

  6. Jealousy is a human emotion. So, they're throwing you in jail because you're...human?


    It does say extreme jealousy, which I would take to mean things like not allowing your wife out the house if you're not there, making her call you every 30 minutes, flying into a rage if she so much as talks to another man, dictating what she can and cannot wear to ridiculous extremes etc- which is acting like a total dick rather than just being human. Not that I'm saying acting like a dickhead should in itself be a crime.

  7. Hehe, that's what you get for typing something standing up as you head for the door.


    Really though, people who spout nonsense about "feminazis" and the like come across as insecure misogynists with a huge victim complex. In spite of some progress, men still have it much better right across the world, which is why some of them feel so threatened by women having equality and act like such cry babies about it. Yeah, there are feminists who take things so far, but you also have their male equivalents in some of the so-called fathers rights groups who are just as bad.

  8. I've only got a sec, but let me just sum up my problems with Parenti's piece without going into his disputed facts about Tibet pre-invasion.


    The general tone is very familiar to the justification many countries through the centuries have used for invasions and continuing occupation - that the citizens of the country are at worst savages and at best backwards and archaic. That they're doing them a favour as they need a patriarchal dictatorship to bring them up to date and save them from themselves, and each other.


    But more than that I take issue with this idea that the people wanting freedom desire a return to 1950s Tibet. Of course some things about life then seem unpleasant today - it was 50 years ago!


    Let's go back to America in the 1950s and assume Russia and China had invaded back then and now, in 2008, run a dictatorship, censoring the media and brutally oppressing dissent. Is it fair to say people who want independence for the US from the Soviets advocate and desire a return to segregation, blacks as lower class citizens at the back of the bus, witch hunts and persecution of those thought of as communist sympathisers, the outlawing of homosexuality, people lynched by unaccountable mobs, minorities executed after unfair trials, women paid lower wages and barred from certain jobs, anyone Japanese in detention camps?


    Is it fair to assume a Tibet where China never invaded would bear any resemblance to the free Tibet of half a century ago, or that a Tibet free from occupation in 2008 would return to those days?

  9. We haven't been in any debate mate, you havnt presented an argument. All you've done is link to China's view on Tibet from a China sympathising journalist, a position we already knew. All I can do is respond in kind.


    For what it's worth, here's a critique of the articles of Parenti (and others in the extreme left) from the pro-Tibet camp. They specifically take him up on what they claim is his false portrayal of "old Tibet".




    Feel free to pick out 'factual inaccuracies' as you've challenged me to do with your article, but of course we'll end up with what we started with - two differing views on the same subject.

  10. Of course they'll present a different set of facts and, more importantly, a different interpritation of agreed facts. If I do post one, will go through the entire article point by point debunking it? If you do, what will it achieve?


    I'm not going to dismantle Parenti's epic pro-China ramblings for the same reason I'm not going to go through 9/11 conspiracy nutjob's blogs every time they're posted, because the opposing viewpoint to that fringe is already out there.

  11. Before this debate (though I can't see it being much of one) kicks off, i'd like to add this.


    The Tibet Myth


    Pre-1959 Tibet has always been portrayed as some kind of Shangri-La. Basically it's a myth. Read the above, you'll see what I'm talking about.


    Uh, yeah, if you want to rubbish Tibet's calls for freedom from the oppression of Red China you might want to quote a more impartial source than Parenti, who supported Soviet Russia and other totalitarian Communist regeimes even as the rest of the American left abandoned them.


    You might as well link to an Anne Coulter piece on Bill Clinton or a George Galloway article on the Iraq War.

  12. I knew people at uni who played video games all the time and became crushingly dull as well.


    Vocal ex-weed smokers are like ex-smokers and reformed alcoholics, tend to be more boring and self-rightous than even the most strung out drug fiend.


    blah blah don't need that to have fun blah blah, I should know, blah blah, that pint will send you on a slippery slope blah blah I should know


    Good for you, some people actually have self control and can enjoy things in moderation. And these are probably the people in your school, in your job, in your family who you have no idea smoke weed. When you say "Everyone I know who smokes weed is a loser" it's probably because unless people have a cypress hill ganja leaf hat, red eyes on the few occasions they leave the house and talk like Beavis and Butthead you have no idea if they smoke it or not. You'd be surprised.

  13. If you're thinking of taking it, remember this: it's illegal for a reason.


    Alcohol was illegal for a reason during prohibition (some very good reasons if you look at the problems it causes peopel long term, and in the short term every weekend and bank holiday) Indeed it still is in many countries, with harsh penalties for possession. And yet people still drink it. Some people end up alcoholics, some people drink drive and die, some people get tonked and choke on their own spew. And yet when you see soemone having a pint before a match, or out with their mates you don't start telling them to think about what they're doing to their bodies, that they're a loser, that they can't enjoy themselves without a drug, that they're going to end up dead or a shambling wreck.


    Weed is decriminalised in some coutnries as well, is it OK if you're dutch? if weed was made legal would you change your views on its effects?


    Basing your views on somethign as arbitary as legal status is utterly naive, salvia and magic mushrooms are legal (although i think the status of mushrooms has changed recently), doesn't mean they're any safer or better for you than weed. No doubt they're legal for a reason though.

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